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Istruzioni per l'uso Canon, Modello imagePROGRAF iPF6100

Produttore : Canon
File Size : 3.25 mb
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.. W WWi iit tth hh t tth hhe ee i iim mma aag gge eeP PPR RRO OOG GGR RRA AAF FF i iiP PPF FF6 661 110 000 00 p ppr rri iin nnt tte eer rr, ,, b bbr rri iil lll lli iia aan nnt tt c cco ool llo oor rr, ,, s sso oop pph hhi iis sst tti iic cca aat tte eed dd p ppr rri iin nnt tt- --h hhe eea aad dd t tte eec cch hhn nno ool llo oog ggy yy, ,, a aan nnd dd h hhi iig ggh hh- --s ssp ppe eee eed dd o oou uut ttp ppu uut tt a aar rre ee b bbr rro oou uug ggh hht tt t tto oog gge eet tth hhe eer rr i iin nnt tto oo a aa h hhi iig ggh hh- --p ppe eer rrf ffo oor rrm mma aan nnc cce ee l lla aar rrg gge ee- --f ffo oor rrm mma aat tt p ppr rri iin nnt tti iin nng gg s ssy yys sst tte eem mm. .. With features designed to help all levels of users achieve extraordinary results, the iPF6100 printer is ideal for photography, proofing, and professional graphic applications. Photo credit: ©Bruce Dorn iPF6100FEATURES iPF6100FEATURES Canon has specifically engineered the iPF6100 printer to produce the colors, fine details, and subtle expressions required for even the most challenging large-format graphics. A 12-COLOR INK SET WITH LUCIA™ INKS • Wider, more dynamic color space • Produces a broader range of colors more accurately • Formulated to reduce graininess • Minimizes bronzing • Durable and scratch-resistant • Optimizes print quality across a wide variety of media ULTRA-HIGH-QUALITY IMAGING • High-resolution output up to 2400 x 1200 dpi • Precise 4pl droplet of ink 1122 ccoolloorr iinnkkss ffoorr uullttrraa hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy iimmaaggiinngg CONSISTENT COLOR The iPF6100 printer is equipped with a unique built-in calibration feature to help consistently achieve superior results. HIGH-SPEED OUTPUT • Two one-inch print-heads, with a total of 30,720 nozzles • Canon’s advanced L-COA Image Processor ensures faster output in every print mode. SOFTWARE • Digital Photo Front-Access • Print Plug-in for DPP • Print Plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop® • PosterArtist 2007 (optional) TTwwoo pprriinntt hheeaaddss eennssuurree ffaasstteerr oouuttppuutt LL CCOOAA IImmaaggee PPrroocceessssoorr Built-in calibration, LUCIA inks, and Kyuanos color management— all in one printer The new iPF6100 printer is equipped with the ability to recalibrate itself to the original optimal factory settings and apply any necessary adjustments across the printer’s media types. This creates a more stable, predictable printing platform on which superior results can be consistently achieved. Sophisticated color science is made simple by a sensor that scans and reads test patterns; makes calculations for color density, light, and media; and then automatically applies any needed adjustments across the print profiles for the media types. The profiles applied by the iPF6100 printer have been specifically optimized by Canon to address the unique requirements of printing large-format images. The result is reliable color reproduction across the media types, from machine to machine, print to print, day after day. LUCIA INK, CANON’S MOST ADVANCED INK FORMULATION Canon’s LUCIA pigment ink offers excellent color fastness and stability with a remarkably wide color gamut. • S SSm mmo ooo oot tth hh c cco ool llo oor rr t ttr rra aan nns ssi iit tti iio oon nns ss a aan nnd dd s sso ool lli iid dd fi fifil lll lls ss. .. The iPF6100 printer’s LUCIA ink is specially formulated to reduce graininess. Images printed with this ink will have a smoother, more continuous tone for a more “photographic” effect. • D DDu uur rra aab bbl lle ee p ppr rri iin nnt tts ss. .. A special polymer coating around each ink particle improves ink adhesion with media to increase durability and scratch resistance. • L LLo ooo ook kks ss g ggr rre eea aat tt f ffr rro oom mm e eev vve eer rry yy a aan nng ggl lle ee. .. The polymer coating also reduces “bronzing” so that images printed by the iPF6100 printer will not have an unwanted sheen when viewed from different angles. KYUANOS—MAINTAINING PRECISE COLOR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT The iPF6100 printer achieves uniform high- quality color with Canon’s development of Kyuanos, the next-generation color management system that delivers consistent and accurate color under different viewing conditions such as fluorescent lights, incandescent lights, or sunlight. Kyuanos incorporates the advanced Ambient Light Adjustment function for select media,* which optimizes output for differences in lighting conditions for consistent color in accordance with different lighting environments. This function is to ensure optimal color reproduction in each finished print. With the imagePROGRAF Lighting Check Chart, it’s easy to gauge ambient lighting conditions without having to use special tools. RR GG BB CC PPCC MM PPMM YY BBKK GGYY PPGGYY MMBBKK *For a list of up-to-date media types, please visit CRISP CLEAN MONOCHROME OUTPUT Black, Matte Black, Gray, and Photo Gray have been reformulated for exceptional monochrome photo-quality output. Plus, th...

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