da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
300*1, approx. 520*2 Color (BCI-24 Color) approx. 170*2 *1 1500 characters per page, normal text, at standard and plain paper mode with Windows XP printer driver *2 *2*2*2*2 B BBBBa aaaas sssse eeeed o d od od od on nnnn pr prprprpri iiiin nnnnti titititin nnnng gggg the IS the ISthe ISthe ISthe ISO OOOO JIS JISJISJISJIS- ----S SSSSCID No CID NoCID NoCID NoCID No.5 patt .5 patt.5 patt.5 patt.5 patte eeeer rrrrn at n atn atn atn at s sssst ttttandar andarandarandarandard and d andd andd andd and plain paper plain paperplain paperplain paperplain paper mode wit mode witmode witmode witmode with W h Wh Wh Wh Wi iiiindows ndowsndowsndowsndows X XXXXP PPPP pri pripripriprint ntntntnter erererer dri dridridridriv vvvve eeeer rrrr BJ Printer Driver Systems Requirements • ........Us UsUsUsUse eeee a co a coa coa coa com mmmmp ppppute uteuteuteuter rrrr o oooon nnnn wh whwhwhwhi iiiic cccch hhhh Wi WiWiWiWindo ndondondondows wswswsws XP XPXPXPXP, Wi , Wi, Wi, Wi, Win nnnnd ddddo oooow wwwws ssss 20 2020202000, 00,00,00,00, • ........U UUUUs sssse a Macint e a Macinte a Macinte a Macinte a Macintosh s osh sosh sosh sosh se eeeeri riririries comput es computes computes computes computer erererer equipped wi equipped wiequipped wiequipped wiequipped wit tttth hhhh U UUUUS SSSSB BBBB W WWWWi iiiin nnnnd ddddow owowowows M s Ms Ms Ms Me eeee, ,,,, or W or Wor Wor Wor Wi iiiin nnnnd ddddow owowowows 9 s 9s 9s 9s 98 8888 c cccca aaaan nnnn oper operoperoperopera aaaat tttte eeee. .... in inininint tttte eeeerf rfrfrfrfa aaaac cccce on e one one one on wh whwhwhwhic icicicich hhhh Ma MaMaMaMac cccc O OOOOS SSSS 8 8888. ....6 6666 or orororor la lalalalat tttte eeeer c r cr cr cr ca aaaan nnnn oper operoperoperopera aaaat tttte. e.e.e.e. • ........USB USBUSBUSBUSB* **** in ininininte teteteterf rfrfrfrfa aaaac cccce eeee • ........3 33330 0000MB of av vMB of avvMB of ava aaaai iiiila lalalalable hard- rd-ble hard-rd-ble hard-di didididisk s sk ssk ssk ssk sp ppppa aaaac cccce for pr r pre for prr pre for print intinte eer rr dri dridriv vve eer MB of MB ofrrMB of a aa ble h ble hble ha aa e f e fe fo oo in ininte teter dri r drir driver verver • ........Av AvAvAvAva aaaai iiiila lalalalable ha ble hable hable hable hard- rd-rd-rd-rd-di didididisk s sk ssk ssk ssk sp ppppa aaaac cccce fo e foe foe foe for pr r prr prr prr print intintintinter dr er drer drer drer drive iveiveiveiver ins r insr insr insr inst tttta aaaal lllll lllla aaaat tttti iiiio oooon nnnn in ininininst ststststa aaaal lllll lllla aaaat tttti iiiio oooon nnnn Wi WiWiWiWindo ndondondondows wswswsws XP/ XP/XP/XP/XP/Wi WiWiWiWindo ndondondondows 2 ws 2ws 2ws 2ws 2000 000000000000: 50M : 50M: 50M: 50M: 50MB BBBBW WWWWi iiiindo ndondondondows wswswsws M MMMMe eeee/W /W/W/W/Windo indoindoindoindows wswswsws 9 99998 8888: 15 : 15: 15: 15: 15MB MBMBMBMB *U *U*U*U*US SSSSB BBBB o oooop ppppe eeeer rrrratio atioatioatioation nnnn can cancancancan o oooon nnnnl lllly yyyy be gu be gube gube gube guar arararara aaaan nnnnteed o teed oteed oteed oteed on nnnn a PC with pr a PC with pra PC with pra PC with pra PC with pre- e-e-e-e- in ininininsta stastastastall lllllllle eeeed dddd Win WinWinWinWind ddddo oooow wwwws ssss XP XPXPXPXP, ,,,, Wi WiWiWiWin nnnnd ddddow owowowows 20 s 20s 20s 20s 2000, 00,00,00,00, W WWWWi iiiin nnnnd ddddo oooow wwwws ssss M MMMMe eeee, ,,,, or ororororWi WiWiWiWin nnnnd ddddows owsowsowsows 98 98989898. .... ( ((((T TTTThi hihihihis i s is is is in nnnncl clclclclude udeudeudeudes ssss W WWWWi iiiindo ndondondondows wswswsws XP XPXPXPXP, Wi , Wi, Wi, Wi, Win nnnnd ddddows owsowsowsows 20 2020202000, o 00, o00, o00, o00, or rrrrW WWWWi iiiin nnnnd ddddo oooow wwwws M s Ms Ms Ms Me eeee u uuuup ppppg ggggr rrrra aaaad dddded f ed fed fed fed fr rrrrom pre om preom preom preom pre- ----i iiiin nnnns sssst tttta aaaal llllled W led Wled Wled Wled Wi iiiin nnnnd ddddow owowowows 9 s 9s 9s 9s 98 8888 or orororor la lalalalat tttte eeeer) r)r)r)r) Additional Systems Requirements for User's Guide • ........Pe PePePePenti ntintintintium umumumum®‚ ‚‚‚‚ 7 77775 5555 MHz MHzMHzMHzMHz equiv equivequivequivequiva aaaal llllent entententent o oooor rrrr hig highighighigher pr her prher prher prher proces ocesocesocesocessor sorsorsorsor (P (P(P(P(Pent ententententi iiiiu uuuum mmmm®‚ ‚‚‚‚ 1 11113 33333 3333M MMMMHz HzHzHzHz equiv equivequivequivequiva aaaal llllent entententent or hig or higor higor higor higher p her pher pher pher pr rrrroc ococococes esesesessor sorsorsorsor rec recrecrecreco oooommended ) mmended )mmended )mmended )mmended ) • ........2 2222x xxxx o oooor rrrr high highhighhighhighe eeeer rrrr CD-R CD-RCD-RCD-RCD-RO OOOOM MMMM dr drdrdrdriv ivivivive (4x e (4xe (4xe (4xe (4x o oooor rrrr higher higherhigherhigherhigher r rrrre eeeeco cocococommended) mmended)mmended)mmended)mmended) • ........2 22220 0000 MB of av MB of avMB of avMB of avMB of ava aaaai iiiilable hard- lable hard-lable hard-lable hard-lable hard-di didididisk s sk ...