da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
(2) Select the size of the paper you want to use from Pape SiPa PaPaPap ppper rereerr S SSSiz ziziizze eeee. (3) Select the type of the paper you want to use from Media TMe MeMeMedia Ty ydia Tydia Tdia Tyyp ppppe eeee. 4 Select the layout. (3) Load the media type specified in the 2.P 2.P2.P2.P2.Pap apapapaper erererer S SSSSe eeeele lelelelecti ctictictiction onononon tab. (4) Click Print Print PrintPrintPrint. (1) Click the 3. Layo 3. La 3. La3. La3. Lay yyyou uouoouut tttt/ //// Print PrintPrintPrintPrint tab. (2) Select Borderless (ful ) ))) Borderless (full lBorderless (fullBorderless (fulBorderless (fulll). Advanced Printing Printing Borderless Photographs with Macintosh This chapter describes the procedure for using the Borderless Printing mode when printing from photo applications. These applications are included in your SetupSoftwareand User's Guide CD-ROM. Note Me MeMeMeMe d dddd i iiii a aaaa T TTTT y yyyy p pppp e eeee s ssss Su SuSuSuSu itab itabitabitabitab le for B le for Ble for Ble for Ble for B o oooo rd rdrdrdrd e eeee r rrrr less P less Pless Pless Pless P r rrrr in inininin ti titititi ng ngngngng Media types compatible with Borderless Printing include Photo Paper Plus Glossy (LTR, 5" x 7", 4" x 6"), Photo Paper Pro (13" x 19", LTR), Photo Paper Pro for Borderless Printing (4" x 6"), Matte Photo Paper (LTR), and Glossy Photo Paper (13" x 19", 11" x 17", LTR). Follow the steps below to create color prints of digital camera photographs with ImageBrowser using Borderless Printing. Exif Print (Exif 2.2) is a new worldwide standard. Under Exif 2.2, the digital camera can record data tags for specific camera settings and functions such as whether the flash was on or off, if the camera was in the portrait or night scene mode, etc. BJ Printers support Exif Print and use ImageBrowser to read the camera data precisely, producing optimal prints. This enables you to create prints that reproduce your vision more accurately than ever before. 1 Start ImageBrowser. This section describes the steps used for printing the photographs stored on the memory card. Consult your memory card documentation for instructions on how to insert the memory card into your computer. (1) Insert the memory card into a computer. (2) Double-click the Ca CaCanonn I Inn IIm mmma aag gge eeB BBr rro oow wws ssageBro C CCa aan nnno ooon ImageBrows wswse eeeer rrrr (alias) icon on the desktop. If the Canon ImageBrowser icon is not displayed on the desktop, open the Canon ImageBrowser folder, and double-click the a aag gg Im ImImImImag agageB eBeBeBeBr rrrro oooow wwwws sssser erererer icon in the folder. Advanced Printing 2 Select photograph. (1) Select the memory card folder, then the folder containing the digital photographs you want to print. All photographs in the selected folder are displayed. (2) Click the photograph you want to print. (3) Click PRINTPRI PRIPRIPRINT NTNTNT and select y yyyo ooou uuut pr t prt prt prin inininti tititi La LaLaLaLayout printin nnnng gggg from the pull-down menu. The La LaLaLaLayou youyouyouyout tttt O OOOOp pppption tiontiontiontions ssss dialog box appears and the layout selection wizard starts. 3 Enter layout options. (1) Select Tiled p printi Ti TiTiTil llle eeed ph hd phd pd phho oooot tttto oooo pr prprprin ininintin ntintitinng gggg. (2) Click Ne Nex xNexNeNexxt tttt. Advanced Printing (3) Click Page tup Pa PaPaPage s sge sgege sse eeeetup… …tup…tuptup……. 4 Select Borderless Printing. (1) Select Bo rles intingBorde rdeBordeBoBorderder rrrless slessleslesss Pr PrPrPrPrinting intingintinginting. (2) Select a paper size from the Pa PaPaPap pppe eee Paper rrrr S SSSSi iiiiz zzzze eeee pull-down menu. The menu only displays paper sizes compatible with Borderless Printing. (3) Click OK OK OKOKOK. A message box pops up. Read the message and click OK OK OKOKOK. This returns you to the Layout La LaLaLayou youyouyout O Ot Ott OOp pppptio tiotiotiotion nnnns ssss dialog box. Advanced Printing 5 Specify the number of photographs to print on one page. (1) Select 1(1 1 111) )))No NoNoNo. ...1(1. .1(1.1(11(1..1) from the No. es esesesof ofofofof im imimimimag agagagages pull-down menu. (2) Click OKOK OKOKOK. 6 Print the photograph. (1) Click PR PRPRPRPRIN ININININT TTTT. The Print dialog box is displayed. Advanced Printing (2) Select a type of media for printing from the Media Type Me MeMeMedia T dia Tdia Tdia Type ypeypeype pull-down menu. (3) Select Pho Phot tPhotPhoPhotto oooo from the Print PrintPrintPrintPrint Mode ModeModeMode Mode pull-down menu. (4) Load the selected paper in the printer. (5) Click PrintPrint PrintPrintPrint. Accessing Printer Driver The Printer Pr ti Printer Proper operer Properer Prer Properopert tttie eieiiees ssss dialog box can be opened from either within an application, or directly from the Windows Star Print PrintPrint St StStSta aaart trtrrtt menu. Note • This manual refers to Windows XP operation. The operations may vary depending on your operating system. • Depending ...