Facilità d'uso
For fully enclosed sections, resetthe thermostat to the number “8” setting. Cases with a self-service section should be maintained between number “9” and number “10” for the self-service section only. THESE SETTINGS WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE FINAL. Since propertemperature range depends on the type ofproducts and the quantities being held, it isnecessary to periodically use a pocketthermometer to check each item to make certain the correct temperatures are being maintained. Proper temperature range is between a minimumof 140° and 160°F (60° and 71°C). Normally, thiswill require a thermostat setting of betweennumber “6” and “8” in fully enclosed cases. Self- service cases or sections will always require ahigher thermostat setting. 6. PLACEMENT OF FOOD PROBE If the unit is equipped with the probe accessory, wipe each probe and probe tip with a disposablealcohol pad to clean and sanitize before using. If the probe is left in its bracket, the LEDtemperature display will indicate the ambient airtemperature inside the case. To place a probe intofood kept in the case, remove the probe from thebracket and push the probe tip halfway into theproduct, positioning the tip at the center of thefood mass. If placing into solid foods such asmeat roast or poultry breasts, push the probe infrom a straight downward position or in from theside to the center position. If placing into asemi-liquid or liquid product, the probe cable willprobably need to be secured to keep the probepositioned properly. Do not let the probe tiptouch the edges or sides. Tape the probe cable tothe lip or edge of the container. Wipe each probetip with a clean paper towel to remove food debrisafter each use. Follow by wiping probes with adisposable alcohol pad, and return each probe tothe proper bracket position. 7. SERVE FRESH HOT FOOD Keep hot foods looking fresh. Occasionally stir or rotate food as needed. Serve food products inappropriate heat tested packages or containers. Keep display case doors closed after serving. Wipe spills immediately to assure maximum eyeappeal and to ease end of the day cleanup. HN2 & HN2SYS Series Operation & Care Manual • 8 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS Indicator Lights LI-3027 OR LI-3951 CuttingBoardBracketBT-2342ThermostatsTT-3498LightSwitchSW-33896LightSwitchSW-33896CuttingBoardBracketBT-2342ThermostatsTT-3498 OPERATOR/CONTROL SIDE WITH CUTTING BOARD ThermostatTT-3498CuttingBoardHN2-48,HN2SYS-48–4016(1) HN2-72,HN2SYS-72–4017(1) Electrical Cord CD-3291 OR CD-3557 Plug (NOT SHOWN) HN2-48 – PG-3337 HN2-72, -96 – PG-3267 HN2-96, HN2SYS-96 – 4016 (2) HN2 & HN2SYS Series Operation & Care Manual • 9 OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS PAN CONFIGURATIONS • HEATED DISPLAY CASES 48MODELS3PANZONES72MODELS5PANZONES96MODELS7PANZONESFULL-SIZEPANGN1/1ONE-HALFSIZEPANGN1/2ONE-THIRDSIZEPANGN1/3ONE-HALFSIZEPANTWO-THIRDSSIZEPANGN2/3ONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANONE-THIRDSIZEPANNOTE:ADDITIONALPA...
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