




Facilità d'uso
sT. LOU|S, MO.63115 Dust 3r4.385.5178 FAX:314.385.3254 OPERATING & PAFITSLIST INSTRUCTIONS Gollector Read inslructions carefully betore attempting to assemble, inslall, operate, move, inspecl or seruice yourdust cottector! Betain insvuctions for luture reference, Description These dust co leclors aredesgned to help malntain clean, sale conditions around dusl creatingmachinesin workshops and lactories. The flexible hose incllded wilh each unit can be hookeddirectlyonlo lhe dusr creating machine.Seepage7 for exhauslvolumesrequiredfor dillerent applications, Noneof thes€ DustCollectorsare designed lo collect any reactive metal duslguch as Atuminum, Magnesium, Tantalum, Titanium or Zirconium, Collecling lhese materials can result in a severe explosion an(Uor fke resulling in death, severe personalinjuryand ertensive propertydamage.Consult the National Fire Protection Associatlon(NFPA)for NFPA 484;"Standard for Combustible Metals, lMetal Powderc, and Metal Dusts,2002 Edilion". Also, contact yourlocal Fire DeDarlment tor assislance. Notdesignedlo be used on a syslem Gquiring high static pressure.Avold ducts sma ler than 3' diameter as they require highslaticpressurcand restricl a r movemenl. Donot use to collecl hot meral dustiplaslicand cloth parts can be igniled. Unpacking Ca.lon musl be in uprighl positionbefore opening. Inspectfor shippingdamage and advise carrier immediately il damaged. Checkpartslistlor missing or darnaged parts. GeneralSatety Information Feadinslruclonscafefullybeforeattemplinglo assemble, install,operate,move, inspect orserviceyo!r dust collectorl Retain this rnanualfor future reference. High voltage electical power can cause aeverc injury or death. Always disconnect or lock out lrom power source anc! let motor come to a complete stop belore inspecting, movlng or seruicing. A WARI{I]{GHlgh speed rotating equiryent can cause severcpersonal injury. Do not opeate the collector unless the filEr bag is attachecljhigh speed dust partcles exiting frcm the blower outlet can cause severe eye alamage anal blin.lness. Guaftls must always be in place. Disconnect or lock out trcm oowersource an.l let motor come to a complete stop betore inspecting, moving or servicing, 1.Followalllocalelecl cal and safetv codes.as wett as NalionalEleclricalCodes Fre Proleclion (NEC).National Associalion(NFPA)slandardsand Occupauonal Safety and Health Act (OSHA).All electical conneciions and wiring should be performedonly by qualiJed personnel. 2.l\,,lakesure ihe oowersdurce conlorrns to the requirements motor ol yourdusl colleclor 3.Exercisecautionwhen the un t is in ooeration.There is a h€h speed blowerwheel nside ihe blower housing and anolhefon the lop of lhe molor. Both can amputate iingers of grablooseclolhingor necklies. Alwayswear saletyglasseswhenoperalingihe dusl collector 4.THESE DUST COLLECTORS AND ARETOP HEAVY, CAN 8E OVERTURNED OB NOT PLACED IF BUMPED ON A CLEAN LEVEL SUBFACE. Max. dBA CFM s.P. @ HP 0) \2) 5 FT. 3353 76 450 7A 5807 7A 700 83 475 61/,' 76 2 1 100 A1l2' 3 1300 10' a4 Specifications SlandardDusl Bag Blower Max. Full load amps (5) Micron Drum 115 Voll 230 Voll Ship Fab c (sq.Fl.) (3) 12.5 10 Cotlon 12.5 10 Saleen 12.5 10 18_0 5 Knil 18.0 5 18.0 5 Selecl oversized bag lrom Pages5 and 6. DIa. Dia.(4) I Phase 3 Phase 8' 3"x 60' 20' 5.8 1.8 32 4"x 60' 20' 6.8 1.9 4a 105/s' 4'x 60' 20' 8.8 2.4 53 5x60' 72 ll 6x60 24' 16.0 85 121/a 6x60 24', 20.o 5.6 97 Nol 13', 6"x 60' 24', 1.6 avallable (ll I\,laximum CFMal0' S.P. (cean drum, dust bag and with 5 Jeel of nlel hose). t2)l\,4aximum staticpressureai which pointthere addilional (3) lvlinimummicronsizethatslandad dust bag wittcaplure, (4) See Speclfic FeaturesFor Each l\,,lodel" incatalog. (5) Slartingamps are approximately 6-7 times the lullload amps. High vollage amps are 1/2 oflowvo tage amps. Amp loads shown above are approxlmale and vary wilh differcnt Ooeratinolnstruclionsand Parts IVanual Assembly %, % and % Models (See Flgure 1, Page 4) 1. Assembly includes lhe lnslallation oi the a r ballle, sealng gaskel,discharge bag elbow, dust bag, hose and nozzle. 2. To install the air bafile irnd sealing gaskel, place ihe unit upside down on a cardboard covered tlal area. a. Atiach lhe air balfle (13)as shown using included bots. b. Remove the paper protection fromthe siicky s de of the gaskel (12) and install on lhe underside of drum ld/guard assembly{11).Sudace should be clean and dry belofe 3.Attach bag elbow, filier bag, hose and nozzle. a. Place the unil right-side up on yoLrrcontanerand attach the discharge bag elbow(4)on the discharge ol lhe blower as shownin lhe illuslration. Insert and lighten lhe included sheet rnetal screws. b. CLampthe dust bag (9)on the other end of lhe elbow using the clamp enclosed (6). c. I\lo!nt sheel melal reducing adapler(10)to lhe inlel on iop ol drum lid/guardassernbly using lhe squeezelug lo secure.(x HP [4odelon]y). d. Clamp suclion hose (7)10reducingadapter or inlet wth adjustable clarnp (8) provided. e. Clamp noz...
Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :Altri strumenti - 3HP (2.45 mb)