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(64 characters maximum) . You must use the number specified by your administrator. The address must be entered as a group with four numbers split by a dot like []. *1 Set [] if the network does not provide the gateway (router). *2 Set [] if you do not use the function E-Mail alert. *3 If you use the DNS server, register the host name registered to the DNS server as a projector name. You can access with this projector name from any computers in your network. If you do not use the DNS server, access with the assigned IP address to the projector. * All the network setting will reset to the default when setting [] of the IP Address. * If you make incorrect settings, you cannot find out the new network settings. Be careful to set up them correctly, otherwise you cannot connect to the projector. It is recommended to make a note of them. 25 ENGLISH E-mail setting This projector has an E-mail function which can send an alert message to users or an administrator if it detects an abnormality on the projector or run out of the life span of the lamp. So must be set this E-mail setting. Click E-mail setting on the main menu and follow the below steps. E-mail setting Item Description SMTP server............................ Enter server name or IP address of the SMTP server. (up to 60 characters) SMTP server port ................ Enter Port number of the SMTP server. (from 1 to 65535) Administrator address.....Enter e-mail address of administrator. Add address............................ Enter e-mail address of the user to send mail when the projector has an abnormality. Auth ............................................. Sets authentication setting option. (Off, SMTP Auth, POP before SMTP) SMTP Auth ............................... Sets user authentication setting option when selecting "SMTP Auth" in above column. (CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN) User ID ........................................ Enter SMTP user ID. (up to 63 characters) Password .................................. Enter SMTP password. (up to 63 characters) POP server................................ Enter server name or IP address of the POP server. (up to 60 characters) POP server port ................... Enter Port number of the POP server. (from 1 to 65535) SMTP Authentication setting Chapter 3 Basic Setting and Operation Chapter 3 Basic Setting and Operation Enter the server name or IP address of the SMTP server*1, the port number of the SMTP server and administrator address and click Set button. The administrator address is set to "Reply-To" address of the message sent from the projector. *1 The SMTP server is a server for sending e-mail. Please contact your network administrator to have this SMTP server address. 2 Registering and deleting E-mail addresses Enter the e-mail address onto "Add e-mail address" and click Set button. Check / Delete To check the registered addresses, click Check/Delete sub menu tab. The addresses are listed as the figure on the right. . Up to 10 E-mail addresses can be registered. To delete the registered addresses, check the address you want to delete and click Delete button. . If the projector sends an alert message due to the abnormality on the projector but the SMTP server is down in some other reason, the message will not be sent. In this case, the message "Unable to connect to server." will be displayed on the setting page. To clear this message, set up SMTP server address again. . To use the E-Mail function, it must be set the DNS address on the Network setting page correctly. . You cannot use this E-mail function if the DNS server and SMTP server cannot be used in your net work environment. . The projector does not send message to the address set in "Administrator address" text box. If you want to send e-mails to the administrator address, enter the administrator address into "Add address" text box. E-mail setting E-mail setting Set the SMTP authentication concerned and click Set button. Please contact your network administrator in details. 4 Setting POP server When "POP before SMTP" is selected at "Auth" of "SMTP Authentication setting", enter "POP server*2" and "POP server port" and click Set button. *2 The POP server is a server for receiving e-mail. Please contact your network administrator to have this POP server address. If the authentication is not completed when sending alert e-mail, the error message will be displayed. Please check the respective settings. Error information 5 Option selection for sending alert mail Click Option sub menu tab. Check the condition items under which alert mail will be sent and click Set button. Please refer to item "Examples :Type and contents of alert mail" described on the next page. Option . "When PJ lamp is off" signifies the lamp goes out without user operation. "When PJ is turned into Standby in proper user operation" signifies that the projector is turned on by using the web browser and then it is turned into standby with ON/STANDBY button on the ...