da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
HP Web Jetadmin and Microsoft SQL provide a variety of ways to gather and work with device
details. Device details are bits of information about a printer or multifunction device, such as page
counts and supply levels. The information that can be obtained from devices varies widely and can be
used for many purposes and in many functions. Integrating this information into business processes
can provide critical value in many types of services plays.
This document focuses on what needs to be done to the HP Web Jetadmin SQL instance to make it
available to outside processes or applications. A simple use case might be a print fleet administrator
running Microsoft Excel on the workstation or desktop. The administrator can use tools in Excel to
connect to the SQL instance where HP Web Jetadmin stores its data.
Of course, HP Web Jetadmin is limited in its interaction with SQL. HP Web Jetadmin simply uses SQL
tables to store and process settings, device data, and other working details. To facilitate a connection
to the SQL instance, you must use Microsoft SQL and other tools rather than any HP Web Jetadmin
features. Be sure to refer to all the Microsoft support and product documentation when working with
these tools and applications. This document serves only as a guide to understanding and using the
Microsoft tools.
HP Web Jetadmin can store a variety of device details in special SQL tables that are known as Views.
Views are tables that are meant to be an interface for acquiring data outside of the HP Web
Jetadmin/SQL integrated solution. The tables that HP Web Jetadmin uses to process working data
and application settings are known as Tables. HP does not support external use of the SQL Tables as
this might interrupt important processes and might even lead to data corruption. The remainder of this
document refers to SQL Views instead of Tables.
You can perform a simple test to see if SQL allows access to its Views. In Figure 1, observe how you
can use Microsoft Excel to source data from SQL. Also note an error message that appears when SQL
does not allow access or cannot be reached.
Figure 1 – Error using Excel to source SQL data
To access SQL views remotely, the SQL service requires that you enable TCP/IP through SQL Server
Configuration Manager.