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Istruzioni per l'uso LG, Modello VC3716N

Produttore : LG
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damage. • Do not dry the filter in an oven or • Do not use vacuum cleaner without microwave. dust tank and/or filters in place. Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. Failure to do so could result in product • Do not dry the filter in a clothes dryer. damage. Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. • Do not use vacuum cleaner to pick up sharp hard objects, small toys, pins, • Do not dry near an open flame. paper clips, etc. Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. They may damage the cleaner or dust bin. • Always clean the dust bin after vacuuming carpet cleaners or fresheners, powders • Store the vacuum cleaner indoors. and fine dust. Put the vacuum cleaner away after use toprevent tripping over it. These products clog the filters,reduce airflowand can cause damage to the cleaner. • The vacuum cleaner is not intended to Failure to clean the dust bin could cause use by young children or infirm people permanent damage to the cleaner. without supervision. (Depending on model) Failure to do so could result in personalinjury or productdamage. • Don ’t grasp the tank handle when you are moving the vacuum cleaner. • Only use parts produced or recommended by LG Electronics The vacuum cleaner s body may fall when Service Agents. separating tank and body. Personal injury Failure to do so could result in product or product damage could result. You should damage. grasp the carrier handle when you aremoving the vacuum cleaner. • Use only as described in this manual. (Depending on model) Use only with LG recommended or approved attachments and accessories. • If after emptying the dust tank the indicator light is on(red), clean the dust Failure to do so could result in personal tank. injury or product damage. Failure to do so could result in product • To avoid personal injury and to prevent damage. (Depending on model) the machine from falling when cleaning stairs, always place it at the bottom of stairs. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or product damage. -7 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION Thermal protector : This vacuum cleaner has a special thermostat that protects the vacuum cleaner in case of motor overheating. If the vacuum cleaner suddenly shuts off, turn off the switch and unplug the vacuum cleaner. Check the vacuum cleaner for possible source of overheating such asa full dust tank, a blocked hose or clogged filter. If these conditions are found, fix them and wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to use the vacuum cleaner. After the 30 minute period, plug the vacuum cleaner back in and turn on the switch. -8 • Accessory Holder (12) can be attached on the Extention wands using clamping hook. • Crevice Tool (9) Flexible Crevice Tool (optional) (13) Accessories can be stored in the holder. 17 18 14 20 21 24 23 - 9 - 25 26 24 36 37 Mini turbine is used for stairs and other hard to reach places. To clean the mini turbine nozzle, remove the nozzle cover (29): Remove 2 screws on the bottom and take mini turbine nozzle cover off as shown. Frequently clean and remove hair, string, and lint build-up in the brush area. Failure to do so could damage to mini turbine nozzle. Hard floor Nozzle (27) • Cleaning the washable HEPA filter with water at least once a year. Mini turbine nozzle(optional) (28) - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - P Порядок использования Подсоединение гибкого шланга Наденьте конец головки (1) на гибкий шланг (2) в точке крепления на пылесосе. Чтобы снять гибкий шланг с пылесоса, нажмите на кнопку (3), расположенную на головке, а затем потяните вверх. Сборка трубок (в зависимости от модели) • Металлическая (или пластмассовая) трубка (4) -Соедините обе трубки, слегка повернув обе. • Телескопическая трубка (5) -Сдвиньте пружинную защелку (6) вперед. -Выдвиньте трубку на желаемую длину. -Отпустите пружинную защелку, чтобы зафиксировать трубку. Использование чистящей головки и насадок (в зависимости от модели) Установите большую чистящую головку на конец трубки. Головка, способная принимать 2 положения (7) оснащена педалью (8), которая позволяет вам менять положение головки в зависимости от типа пола подлежащего чистке. Положение для чистки жесткого пола (кафельная плитка, паркетный пол и т.д.). Нажмите на педаль, чтобы опустить щетку. Положение для чистки ковров или половиков. Нажмите на педаль, чтобы поднять щетку. Насадка для чистки в щелях (9) Гибкая насадка для чистки в щелях (13) Насадка предназначена для проведения уборки в тех местах, которые недоступны обычным средствам, например при уборке паутины или пространства под диваном! • Насадка для уборки пыли (10) Для чистки рам картин, отделки мебели, книг и других неровных предметов. • Насадка для чистки обивки (11) Насадка предназначена для чистки обивки мебели, матрацев и т.д. Сборщики ниток позволяют поднимать нитки и пух. •Держат...

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