Istruzioni per l'uso Panasonic, Modello KXTC1801W
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prepaid and adequately Insured. •Do not send your unit to the Panason*c Consumer Electronics Company fisted below or to executive or regional sales offices These locations do not repair consumer products. Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company. Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus. New Jersey 07G94 Panasonic Sales Company. Division of Matsushita Electric of Puorto Rico, Inc. Ave. 65 de Infantoria, Km. 9.5. San Gabriel Industrial Paric Carolina. Puerto Rico 00985 Printed in USA PQQX12621YA-8M FM0300NN2060 @ Panasonic World Wide Web address: http:A for customers in the USA or Puerto Rico FCC Information II loqucstcd by lb« [e'*3pr>on& company. intonr. them ss fofiows: FCC ReglMratton No............ (fcvno on the fccttom of me until linger equivalence... .... .......................................0.10 Tr» particular telephone line to «hier» mo «pwxncnl it oonnockid Thts yr>>i must not be connected to a coin cp&a:cx\ line. II you are on a party line, check s«ih your locai teteptone company. Ringor Equivalence No. {REN): Tttc REN ¿5 uscM in determining the quantity of device?, you may conned to your laiepfww» tirwi and stfl have ai- if those devices ring wtien your telephone numoet is called. In inusi, bul ix>i afl areas. tht> sum of the REN's ot aB devices corwected In on« lino should not «xcoed five {5.01. To œ certain of the number d dovicts ynti may ctwwwct to your Brwi, «5 •determr^*d by ihe REN. you should comaa your local telephone company id deierrr.*» che maximum REW for youi catting area. in tho event terminal equlpms".: causes harm to the teieprcne netv/co. the iolepl>yno connwiny shotfd notify tti© customer if possible, ‘.hat service may be stopped. However, whoro prior rvatce ¡s Impraclical. the company may tempcranv cease service provkfavtj that they (a) Promptly noiily the Customs* ID) Give trie cusîomet ,w opportunity to correct the problem with the« equipment. (c) Inform me customer ot Pie right » tiring a complaint to 'bo Fnduriil Communication Commission pursuant te prottKfeKes ;iet out in FCC Rule? and Rooi/!3licns Subport E ot Port 68. I he Teiephrmii Company m#y mafce changes n is communicancAS facilities. riquiprncnt. operaixxts cr procède«, \sr-ere s^h action ra reaso.'ably required in fho cpcretkxi ol ils bu^-^s and « r>ot inconsistent wfih the iulea and regulations in TCC Part 6ft II sucn changes car, be reasonably expeci&d :o render any cuatontur terminal equipment .-compatible with telephone company communlcatoona facilities, or requite modifcaton or alteration of such terminal equipment, or oUtçrwso materially affect its use ct performar.ee. the custom*' shall oe Çjrven adOQuate notice in writing, to allow Ihe cuslorr.-e: an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted serves. When utOsrarrming emergency numbers and'c* making test calls :o emergency number?: i Ronwin dispatcher ilie reason lor me can before hanging up. Pertoim such ocllvilios in 1he off-peak houis, ftucti as «irty morning ncors oi late evenings. This device comptios wtn Part 16 ol me FCC Rutes. 0|X№itimi ¡s subject to the foeowctg iwo «nditons: (I) This cie\'ice may not cause harmful interference, aivi (2J Hi« rtt?vir>> must accept any iniarlerenc«! f^ccivtXJ, induing nter1e(er»ce that may cauc-e unaesiied opera&co. Privacy of.ocmmunksattona may no' be ensoreo whan using ihis phone CAUTION: Any charges or rnodilicaiions not expressly approved try "he party respgnsiblo lc»rale ibis device Note: This sqyipmeni has Pee'i tesle FCC Rules. These limits ure designed to pro'/ice reaiion-iWc prolocto- against harmlul in:erfei«rv:c in a rosidsiiinl insiBllation rhis equifimeril goncratcs uses, and can riXiwUi ;jrJk? frequency eoergy ana, n iv?l inst«lloc and jsed in accordance ivim Ihe vijiruiniors. may cause narmtul rftleitoreflcc to rodlo commi/rtitatipfts. However. ;|->sre is no guarantee that inter'.onjncs will nol occur in t, pailicular instaJ aiion. If this equipment cwwc .Harnifvl mlerlfirfr'icn to r;xib or '.Blevisipn reception, v/hlC-'1. to- hft 'lotcmninod Dy K/ming the equinmcnt off and on, me user is encouiaged to try ic> rxy-ca me mleilororxit: !>y ww or rnoro of the follo^n'g meaauiea. — Reorenl nr mlotiile iho rwoivmg Bntsnna. — Inr/esse ihe separalion between the oquipmeot ar.c teceiver - Owneci tho equipment Into an outlet or- ,i circuit different from that to w* ch tho receiver is connected — Ccnsult » <: dcafet oi an 8x&sr*erced radlcv'TV techmcsan lot rv>!;>. ^me cordless tetiiptinnu;; upurato at frequencies that mny cause m!er1eiepl<>rv: not be pieced near or -yi top ol. a T\' v VCfi If into^erence is expenenced. move the coidless tcip...
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