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Categoria : Registratori di tempo

Page : 4 The common features for all series are the following: MECHANICAL.-Housed in a rugged extruded aluminium profile housing for panel mounting or free standing. Finished in anodized black colour. The frontal lens is mounted with a special rubber profile which provides the front part of the unit with an IP-65 protection. CONTROL SIGNALS .-Three inputs, sharing one common return. The operating mode depends on interlinking of the three control lines CONNECTIONS.-For output alarm are made using

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Categoria : Registratori di tempo

12.- MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS mm (inches) Aluminium back plate C PANEL CUT-OUT B E D Panel thickness : Max. 14 (0.55) Min. 2.5 (0.10) A Anti-Glare red lens Table 5 DIMENSIONS PANEL CUT-OUT WEIGHT POWER Digits Height A B C D E 4 57 (2.3) 264 (10.4) 120 (4.75) 112 (4.41) 256 (10.07) 112 (4.4) 2.3 Kg (5 lbs) 6 VA 4 100 (4) 480 (18.9) 180 (7.09) 112 (4.41) 472 (18.58) 172 (6.77) 5 Kg (11 lbs) 12 VA 6 57 (2.3) 384 (15.12) 120 (4.75) 112 (4.41) 376 (14.8) 112 (4.4) 2.7 Kg (6 lbs) 6 VA 6 100 (4) 688 (27.1

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Categoria : Registratori di tempo

Debouncing for 200 mS time constant is normally incorporated on the three control inputs, but may be disabled by removing internal jumpers. Vexc is the Excitation Voltage for sensors supplied by the instrument (pins 1, 2 & 9). The connections to Serial A, Serial B and GND are for the RS422 data output. Run time uncertainty The control inputs are sensed eight times per second, but the actual run time clock is incremented or decremented in synchronism with the built in real time clock once per sec

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Categoria : Registratori di tempo

Run down clock Reset will preset the clock to the alarm point. When zero is reached, if the alarm is enabled, the clock will stop and the whole display will flash and the alarm output will be activated, until the clock is reset. If the alarm is disabled, the clock will run down to zero and then underflow to 99 : 59. Page : 9 9.2.2.- CONNECTION EXAMPLES Different interlinking of the three control lines will produce different operating modes: Stop Start Reset GND Stop Start Reset GND Stop Start Re
