Istruzioni per l'uso Klark Teknik, Modello DN3600
Produttore : Klark Teknik File Size : 524.42 kb File Nome : 1ad3a16d-d6ad-494e-b630-acac7da60811.pdf
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For further flexibility of the graphic equaliser section, the unit also incorporates variable frequency, low anti high-pass filters plus two one-twelfth octave, variable frequency notch filters. Programmable Graphic Equaliser © NLBRH TEMniH DN3400 PROGRAM UASli GRAPHIC EQUAIISER NUMBER fKO l£va ■D IfllBIBBIBBBDIII * •• • —, _ B BBBBBBBDBBBBBBDB ...... The proprietary analogue filters are based around the Klark Teknik MELT hybrid filter circuits which offer far greater headroom and dynamic range than is possible using IB-bit, linear digital systems. Benefiting from revised circuitry, these filters are exceptionally reliable and offer greater stability than discrete designs. They are also relatively immune to electromagnetic interference, unlike coil-based filters. In order to provide maximum operational flexibility, the system includes a switchable Q mode, the Low Q setting providing an accurate emulation of the industry-standard DM360 equaliser. In High O mode, the performance emulates the DN27. Featuring a very large backlit LCD display window, the DM3600 may store up to 66 equaliser settings. Pro MIDI Interfacing facilities are provided allowing several DN3601 slave units (64 maximum) to be controlled from a single DM3600. The slave units ;ire electrically identical to the DN3600 but only occupy 1U of rack space and have limited control and display facilities. A 16-pin connector is provider! for use in conjunction with the Klark Teknik DN60 Real Time Spectrum Analyser enabling room analysis and equalisation to be accomplished automatically. To preserve the immediacy of a conventional graphic equtiliser, the unit is equipped with a large, backlit LCD window which provides a 'virtual' representation of a conventional graphic equaliser as well as the settings of the high and low-pass fillers and the notch filters. The 30 frequency buttons allow instant selection of any filter band for adjustment via the level control. The use of multi-function buttons for regularly accessed functions has been avoided to enable the unit to be adjusted quickly and efficiently. The Actual' curve function provides the user with a frequency response curve display based on the combined operation of the graphic, shelving and notch filters. Roth the input and output circuitry is electronically balanced with a nominal operating level of +4dB. The input stage is voltage mid current matched and gives exceptional noise, distortion and CMR performance while the output circuitry is based on the Midas XL3 output stage, providing exceptionally high drive capability. To maintain the optimum signal to noise ratio and headroom at all equaliser settings, the gain control acts on the equaliser sections themselves rather than being a simple pre or post-equalisation gain stage. Additionally, an Auto gain mode is included in the system which automatically scales the gain of the individual equaliser bands as cut or boost is applied to reduce the risk of accidental clipping and to maintain a safe working headroom. Mark TV Pro Audio Group Mark IV Pro Audio Group Klnrk Teknik Building 448 Post Road, Walter Nash Road, Kidderniinstur, Buchanan, Worcestershire DYl I 7HJ England. MI 49107. Tel: (01562) 741515 USA. Fax Sq; (01562) 745371 Tel: (616) 695 4750 Fax: (616) 695 0-170 J{v)KUlRK «|_I I Wy - MARK IV company I I The fii'St nan it* »villi sound system designers I DN3600 AT T£NTI ON RISK Of SHQC<. DO N01 »EMQVE COVERS RISQUE DE CHOC.NE FAS ENtEVER THIS UNIT MUST BE EAR 7HED bO-àO Hi.3 5VA REPLACE FUSE WITH CORRECT TYPE ONLY. REPLACES PAR UN FUSIBIE DE MEME TYPE DNÔO INTERFACE IB OUT—MIDI —IN O O ^ SERIAL Hé. I OUT— 8—IN OUI — A—IN C Q O O- DO NOT EXPOSE THIS UNIT TO RAIN OR N»01 ST UR E ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER’S SPECIFICATION The equaliser shall be a dual channel third-octave type, providing 12dB of boost and attenuation in l/2dB steps at 30 ISO centre frequencies from 25Hz to 20kHz. The diannels shall be adjustable separately, or may be linked for stereo operation. The equaliser shall meet or exceed the following performance specification: Distortion: <0.01% (+4dBu @ 1kHz) Frequency response: ± 0.5dH (2011/. to 20kHz) Noise: <-95dB <30Hz to 20kllz) Maximum output level into 600 ohms: >21dBu Each channel sh;dl :ilso incorporate 12dB/Octave low and high pass filters sweepable in third octave steps from 1.6kHz to 30kHz and 4001Iz to 20Hz respectively, and two one-twelfth octave tunable notch filters. The equaliser shall use the largest possible LCD display in a two rack-space unit and shall be able to show virtual fader positions and a combined actual curve composed of fader positions, sweep filters and notches. Frequency band selection shall be achieved via 30 individual filter buttons and adjustment via a rotary level control. The unit will be able to store 66 equalisation setups and address 64 slave devices via a Pro MIDI interface. The unit shall have the capability of interfacing with the Klark Tek...
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