Istruzioni per l'uso Agilent Technologies, Modello 34970A
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Default parameters are shown in bold. 8 Frequency and Period Configuration Commands (see page 214 in the User’s Guide) CONFigure :FREQuency [{|AUTO|MIN|MAX|DEF} [,|MIN|MAX|DEF}],] (@) CONFigure? [(@)] [SENSe:] FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe {|MIN|MAX}[,(@)] FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe? [{(@)|MIN|MAX}] FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO {OFF|ON}[,(@)] FREQuency:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO? [(@)] [SENSe:] FREQuency:APERture {0.01|0.1|1|MIN|MAX}[,(@)] FREQuency:APERture? [{(@)|MIN|MAX}] [SENSe:] FREQuency:RANGe:LOWer {3|20|200|MIN|MAX}[,(@)] FREQuency:RANGe:LOWer? [{(@)|MIN|MAX}] CONFigure :PERiod [{|AUTO|MIN|MAX|DEF} [,|MIN|MAX|DEF}],] (@) CONFigure? [(@)] [SENSe:] PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe {|MIN|MAX}[,(@)] PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe? [{(@)|MIN|MAX}] PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO {OFF|ON}[,(@)] PERiod:VOLTage:RANGe:AUTO? [(@)] [SENSe:] PERiod:APERture {0.01|0.1|1|MIN|MAX}[,(@)] PERiod:APERture? [{(@)|MIN|MAX}] This command redefines the scan list when executed. Default parameters are shown in bold. 9 Mx+B Scaling Commands (see page 244 in the User’s Guide) CALCulate :SCALe:GAIN [,(@)] :SCALe:GAIN? [(@)] :SCALe:OFFSet [,(@)] :SCALe:OFFSet? [(@)] :SCALe:UNIT [,(@)] :SCALe:UNIT? [(@)] CALCulate:SCALe:OFFSet:NULL [(@)] CALCulate :SCALe:STATe {OFF|ON}[,(@)] :SCALe:STATe? [(@)] Alarm Limit Commands (see page 247 in the User’s Guide) OUTPut :ALARm[1|2|3|4]:SOURce (@) :ALARm[1|2|3|4]:SOURce? CALCulate :LIMit:UPPer [,(@)] :LIMit:UPPer? [(@)] :LIMit:UPPer:STATe {OFF|ON}[,(@)] :LIMit:UPPer:STATe? [(@)] CALCulate :LIMit:LOWer [,(@)] :LIMit:LOWer? [(@)] :LIMit:LOWer:STATe {OFF|ON}[,(@)] :LIMit:LOWer:STATe? [(@)] SYSTem:ALARm? OUTPut :ALARm:MODE {LATCh|TRACk} :ALARm:MODE? :ALARm:SLOPe {NEGative|POSitive} :ALARm:SLOPe? OUTPut :ALARm{1|2|3|4}:CLEar :ALARm:CLEar:ALL STATus :ALARm:CONDition? :ALARm:ENABle :ALARm:ENABle? :ALARm[:EVENt]? Ch 01 DIO (LSB) Ch 02 DIO (MSB) Ch 03 Totalizer Ch 04 DAC Ch 05 DAC CALCulate :COMPare:TYPE {EQUal|NEQual}[,(@)] :COMPare:TYPE? [(@)] :COMPare:DATA [,(@)] :COMPare:DATA? [(@)] :COMPare:MASK [,(@)] :COMPare:MASK? [(@)] :COMPare:STATe {OFF|ON}[,(@)] :COMPare:STATe? [(@)] This command applies to all channels in the instrument (Global setting). Default parameters are shown in bold. 10 Digital Input Commands (see page 255 in the User’s Guide) Ch 01 DIO (LSB) Ch 02 DIO (MSB) Ch 03 Totalizer Ch 04 DAC Ch 05 DAC CONFigure:DIGital:BYTE (@) CONFigure? [(@)] [SENSe:]DIGital:DATA:{BYTE|WORD}? [(@)] Totalizer Commands (see page 256 in the User’s Guide) Ch 01 DIO (LSB) Ch 02 DIO (MSB) Ch 03 Totalizer Ch 04 DAC Ch 05 DAC CONFigure:TOTalize {READ|RRESet} ,(@) CONFigure? [(@)] [SENSe:] TOTalize:TYPE {READ|RRESet}[,(@)] TOTalize:TYPE? [(@)] [SENSe:] TOTalize:SLOPe {NEGative|POSitive}[,(@)] TOTalize:SLOPe? [(@)] [SENSe:]TOTalize:CLEar:IMMediate [(@)] [SENSe:]TOTalize:DATA? [(@)] Digital Output Commands (see page 258 in the User’s Guide) Ch 01 DIO (LSB) Ch 02 DIO (MSB) Ch 03 Totalizer Ch 04 DAC Ch 05 DAC SOURce :DIGital:DATA[:{BYTE|WORD}] ,(@) :DIGital:DATA[:{BYTE|WORD}]? (@) SOURce:DIGital:STATe? (@) DAC Output Commands (see page 258 in the User’s Guide) Ch 01 DIO (LSB) Ch 02 DIO (MSB) Ch 03 Totalizer Ch 04 DAC Ch 05 DAC SOURce :VOLTage ,(@) :VOLTage? (@) This command redefines the scan list when executed. Default parameters are shown in bold. 11 Switch Control Commands (see page 259 in the User’s Guide) ROUTe :CLOSe (@) :CLOSe:EXCLusive (@) :CLOSe? (@) ROUTe :OPEN (@) :OPEN? (@) ROUTe:DONE? SYSTem:CPON {100|200|300|ALL} Scan Triggering Commands (see page 228 in the User’s Guide) TRIGger :SOURce {BUS|IMMediate|EXTernal|ALARm1|ALARm2|ALARm3|ALARm4|TIMer} :SOURce? TRIGger :TIMer {|MIN|MAX} :TIMer? TRIGger :COUNt {|MIN|MAX|INFinity} :COUNt? *TRG INITiate READ? State Storage Commands (see page 261 in the User’s Guide) *SAV {0|1|2|3|4|5} *RCL {0|1|2|3|4|5} MEMory:STATe :NAME {1|2|3|4|5} [,] :NAME? {1|2|3|4|5} MEMory:STATe:DELete {0|1|2|3|4|5} MEMory:STATe :RECall:AUTO {OFF|ON} :RECall:AUTO? MEMory:STATe:VALid? {0|1|2|3|4|5} MEMory:NSTates? This command applies to all channels in the instrument (Global setting). Default parameters are shown in bold. 12 System-Related Commands (see page 264 in the User’s Guide) SYSTem :DATE ,, :DATE? :TIME ,, :TIME? FORMat :READing:TIME:TYPE {A... Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli : Apparecchiature di rete - 34970A (289.83 kb)
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