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Istruzioni per l'uso ADC, Modello Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect ASX

Produttore : ADC
File Size : 71.28 kb
File Nome : 44800b7c-ed78-418d-a624-34839734f990.pdf
Lingua di insegnamento: en
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The product allows easy migration of 2 Mbit equipment to next generation equipment, as well as enabling additional capacity and transition to fibre optic backhaul to support increasing data rates. The ASX is compatible with existing DSX installations and supports standard DSX functionalities and advantages: Modular construction, featuring either wire-wrap or LSA-PLUS • ® punchdown cable termination methods Easy circuit identification through the integrated LEDs • Four-port jack cards with dual monitoring ports enable individual circuit monitoring in • both directions Cross-connection and patching of circuits • Superior, intuitive cable management • The extremely compact STM-1 level SDH multiplexer supports 1+1 MSP on the link side and management features are accessed via GIU interface. By fully integrating an SDH multiplexer into the digital distribution frame, the ASX provides space savings, as well as reducing cabling and maintenance costs. ASX Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect Part of ADC KRONE’s innovative family of active digital signal cross-connect products, the ASX fully integrates an SDH multiplexer with a FlexDSX® cross-connect chassis. The product allows easy migration of 2 Mbit equipment to next generation equipment, as well as enabling additional capacity and transition to fibre optic backhaul to support increasing data rates. The ASX is compatible with existing DSX installations and supports standard DSX functionalities and advantages: Modular construction, featuring either wire-wrap or LSA-PLUS • ® punchdown cable termination methods Easy circuit identification through the integrated LEDs • Four-port jack cards with dual monitoring ports enable individual circuit monitoring in • both directions Cross-connection and patching of circuits • Superior, intuitive cable management • The extremely compact STM-1 level SDH multiplexer supports 1+1 MSP on the link side and management features are accessed via GIU interface. By fully integrating an SDH multiplexer into the digital distribution frame, the ASX provides space savings, as well as reducing cabling and maintenance costs. ASX Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect 11/07 • 105350AE ASX Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect Features • Allfrontaccess• 64E1terminations• Fourfibreopticconnectors(FC,SC,LCorE2000connectors are available) for access to two STM-11310or1550nmshort-hauloptics• RS232consoleport• RJ45connectoraccesstolocalandremotemanagement • Powerterminalsforredundant48VDCfeed• SupportedbyandcompliantwithITU-TG.841/ Clause7.1andETS300417-3-1• Visualindicators,aswellasdrycontactalarmsformajor and minor alarms Benefits • Saverackandfloorspace– Requires less space than separate DSX and MUX equipment, making it ideal for installation in remote sites where space is limited • Reduceinstallationtimeandcosts– Fibre optic cable replaces large bundle of copper cabling between the DDF and networkelements(MUX,ADM,switch, channel bank, DSLAM) –Pre-configuredsystem,witheasyserviceturn-up, limits requirement for special, highly-trained staff • Lowerequipmentcosts– Carrier can dedicate MUX functionality to specificapplications• Increaseoperationalresponsetime– Pre-provision alternative cross-connects, which can be automatically switched without craft dispatch for manual re-routing • Increasequalityofservice(QoS) – Local or remote testing/monitoring for all relevant test parameters Description Catalogue Number ASX with wire-wrap cross-connects, singlemode LC duplex fibre optic connectors, 155 Mbps 1310wavelength;distance:20kmASX-100001-LC 1310wavelength;distance:50kmASX-110001-LC 1550wavelength;distance:80kmASX-120001-LC 1550wavelength;distance:120kmASX-130001-LC1550wavelength;distance:160kmASX-140001-LCASX with wire-wrap cross-connects, singlemode SC fibre optic connectors, 155 Mbps, bidirectional Tx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:20kmASX-100001-SC Tx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:20kmASX-110001-SC Tx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:40kmASX-120001-SC Tx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:40kmASX-130001-SCTx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:80kmASX-140001-SCTx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:80kmASX-150001-SCOrdering Information 2w w w . a d c . c o m • + 1 9 5 2 9 3 8 8 0 8 0 • 1 8 0 0 3 6 6 3 8 9 1 ASX Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect 11/07 • 105350AE ASX Active Digital Signal Cross-Connect Description Catalog Number ASX with LSA-PLUS® cross-connects, singlemode LC duplex fibre optic connectors, 155 Mbps 1310wavelength;distance:20kmASX-100008-LC1310wavelength;distance:50kmASX-110008-LC1550wavelength;distance:80kmASX-120008-LC1550wavelength;distance:120kmASX-130008-LC1550wavelength;distance:160kmASX-140008-LCASX with LSA-PLUS® cross-connects, singlemode SC fibre optic connectors, 155 Mbps, bidirectional Tx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:20kmASX-100008-SCTx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:20kmASX-110008-SCTx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:40kmASX-120008-SCTx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:40kmASX-130008-SCTx:1310,Rx:1550;distance:80kmASX-140008-SCTx:1550,Rx:1310;distance:80kmASX-150008-SCASX with STM-1 connector type: 1.6/5.6, 45° angled Wire-wrap ASX...

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