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There are two green LEDs, Network and Power, that indicate the wireless link condition of the HA501 Wireless Adapter with another wireless node or the associated access point. Wireless Adapter Installation The HA501 802.11a Wireless Adapter is hot swappable, which means that you can insert it into a notebook PC that is either powered on or shut down. You may insert the HA501 Wireless Adapter into any available CardBus slot at any time. Some notebook computers have two CardBus slots; the HA501 Wireless Adapter can be inserted into either slot. Since the HA501 Wireless Adapter transmits and receives radio frequency signals through its antenna, there is no cable needed in the installation. 9 CHAPTER 4: DRIVER INSTALLATION Windows 98 Driver Software Installing Driver Software To install the NETGEAR HA501 Wireless Adapter driver for the first time in Windows 98: 1. Follow the procedure described in the hardware installation chapter to install the HA501 Wireless Adapter into your notebook system. Power up the system if the wireless adapter was inserted with the power off. 2. Upon power up, Windows 98 automatically detects the existence of the HA501 Wireless Adapter. An Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box opens. Click “Next” to continue. 3. In the next Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box, select “Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended).” Click “Next”. 4. The next Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box opens prompting for the location of the driver. Insert the HA501 Wireless Adapter Resource CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Click “Browse”. 5. Double-click the CD-ROM drive letter to look into the content of the CD-ROM. 6. Click “OK”. 7. After returning to the original Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box, make sure that the “Specify a location:” entry field shows “D:\” assuming that D: is the driver letter for the CD-ROM drive. Click “Next”. 8. The dialog box indicates that a Windows driver file is found. Windows is ready to install the best driver for this device. Click “Next”. 9. Click “Finish” when informed that the driver installation is complete. 10. Click “Yes” when asked if you want to reboot the system. The HA501 Wireless Adapter driver is now installed into your Windows 98 system. Verifying Driver Installation 1. From the Windows 98 desktop, double-click the My Computer icon. 2. Double-click the Control Panel icon, and then double-click the System icon. 3. Click on the Device Manager folder tab. 4. Double-click Network Adapters. There should be no yellow exclamation mark or red cross-sign on the HA501 Wireless Adapter selection. 5. Double-click HA501 Wireless Adapter. The Device Status dialog box should indicate that the PC card is working properly. The installation of the HA501 Wireless Adapter driver in Windows 98 is now completed. Proceed to install the HA501 802.11a Configuration Utility. 10 Windows Millennium Driver Software Installing Driver Software To install the NETGEAR HA501 Wireless Adapter driver for the first time in Windows Millennium: 1. Follow the procedure described in the hardware installation chapter to install the HA501 Wireless Adapter into your notebook system. Power up the system if the Wireless Adapter was inserted with the power off. 2. Upon power up, Windows Millennium automatically detects the existence of the HA501 Wireless Adapter. An Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box opens and indicates that new hardware has been found. Insert the HA501 Wireless Adapter Resource CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Make sure that “Automatic search for a better driver (Recommended)” is selected. Click “Next” to continue. 3. Windows Millennium looks into the floppy disk drive and the CD-ROM drive for the appropriate driver. Windows Millennium automatically installs the appropriate driver from the CD-ROM for the HA501 Wireless Adapter. Click “Finish”. 4. Click “Yes” when asked if you want to reboot the system. The HA501 Wireless Adapter driver is now installed into your Windows Millennium system. Verifying Driver Installation 1. From the Windows Millennium desktop, double-click the My Computer icon. 2. Double-click the Control Panel icon, then double-click the System icon. 3. Click on the Device Manager folder tab. 4. Double-click Network Adapters. There should be no yellow exclamation mark or red cross-sign on the NETGEAR HA501 Wireless Adapter selection. 5. Double-click the HA501 Wireless Adapter. The Device Status dialog box should indicate that the Wireless Adapter is working properly. The installation of the HA501 Wireless Adapter driver in Windows Millennium is now completed. Proceed to install the HA501 802.11a Configuration Utility. 11 Windows NT 4.0 Driver Software Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 is not a plug-and-play operating system and does not automatically detect and prompt you for installation of the Wireless Adapter driver. The driver installation has to be initiated manually. Installing Driver Software To install the NETGEAR HA501 Wireless Adapter driver for the first time in Windows NT...