Facilità d'uso
1. t.NVW YUUH MALHIN 1. PRINCIPALES PARTES DE LA MAQUINA IDENTIFICATION CHART NOMENCLATURA DE IDENTIFICACION 15 1 Foot pressure regulator 2 Sewing ght 3. Presser foot lever 4 Needle pate 5. Presser foot 6 Overedge cutting width dial 7. Work rtg tab e 8. Thread guide pole 9 Left needle thread tension control ID. Right rreeaie tnead tension contro It Lower l000er thread tensioi control t2 Upper looper thread tension contrOi 3 Need e thread gu des 14 Theadirio coed 2 15 Foot control 16. Release lever 17. Foot release lever 18. Spooldsc 19 Stitch length dial 20. Differential feed control lever 21 Hand wheel 22. Plug contractor socket 23. Light and power nwitcn 24 Front cover 25. Moving oilIer 26 Upper iooper 27 LOwer iccoer 28. Core guioe • [cjIc WORKING TABLE OPENED. •*1L[e14 TAPA FRONTAL ABIERTA 1 Regolador de presion de pie 2. Luz 3. Palarica e evadora del prenaatelan 4 Place de a agula 5 Prennatelas 6 Dial da anchura de costura 7. Mesa dv trabalo 8 Barra dv porte carretes 9. Control dv Ia tension del 1-i o on ia agulazquieea ID Control de Ia tension del 5 10 de In agufa derecfla it. Coritrc dv Ia tension del hilo eel ancora infeno 12. Centre de Ia tension del hilo eel ancora vupenor 13 Guia del Silo be Ia aguia 14. lristrucciones de enhebrado 15. Reoatato 16. Pa anca de noftar Ia tapa t 7. Palarica de desprend miento prennafelan t8. Placa pare oroiongacion 19. Dial de longitud pantada 20. Palarica de control del avance diferericial 21 Volarite manual 22. Cavva eel enchufe 23 ltrerrcoto de energia ft uz 24 aDa frontal 25. Cuchilla cortadora rnovil 26 Anccra suoerior 27. Ancora inferior 28 Gum del cordbn Ad (B) 1. 2. 3. 4. Ia 3 4 5 6. S 8 9 10. 12. 11 12 3. 4 ‘-I I I I I 4ItL’1ai. SPOOL CAPS FOR DOMESTIC TYPE TAPAS PARA CARRETES DE HILO SPOOLS DOMESTICO I 1 Place spool cap on top of spool so thread doesnt get caught on edge of spooL SPOOL DISC AND SPOOL HOLDERS FOR PLACAS DE PROLONGACION Y PORTA CONE SPOOLS CARRETES PARA CONO DE HILO INDUSTRIAL For lame cone spoors use the rubber spool holders witn toe wde end at toe too, usc for small ones. use the same rubber Sara carretes conicos grarces user os oorta-car’etes be soool holders out with toe narrow end at the top. goma con el oorde ancho err Ia pace suoerror y oars los pepuenos usar los rnismos por-ta-carretes Oe goma parc con e borne estrecho en Ia pace superior ‘I, *iv * V SPOOL NETS MALLAS DE CARRETES Polyeste or buky cylon threads become loose while Los carretes de hilo de poliester (hlatresfo, 0 hi’o be ny on *. unwinding. To keep consistent feeding of Ouch threads, utilize trabafan mayormente fuera del pssador del carrefe durante el spoo net sleeving over the spool. cosido, provocando enredos o on avance irregu ar de hilo. Pars presenir esto, usar Ia ma Ia del carrete suminmstrada pars . *Vll mnantenem el carrete en so ugar como se seen Ia ilustracidn. I ustration * I Spoo cap * II Domestic cotton reel * fit. Cone type thread fustracion * t Tapa del carrete * tV Spool holder * II Currete de hilo dornestico * V. Spool disc * ifi Cono de hilo industrial * VI: Thread comes off the top * IV: Porta-carrefe *\Itt: Net * V : Placa *ifl Tom up VI El kilo provoca enreclos o on advance * tX: Spool itregular pal kilo * VI Malla * flit: Colocacidn oe Ia rnalla IX Carrete 6 CHANGING PRESSER FEET Be sure needle is in the as pos:tlon Raise presser foot lever. 1. Push toot re ease lever to remove the foot 2. Place tne oesireo toot on the needle plate aligning neesie holes. Lower the presser foot lever and pusn foot release ever so tnat the foot holder snaps on the foot CHANGING NEEDLES Raise needle bar to its highest point by turning hand wheel towards you. but leave oresser foot down Loosen needle clamp screw to remove the needle, and place new needle with Flat Side Away Fmm You, into the needle bares tar an it will go. ace tighten scmw. Needle screee are labeled for left and for right need e II ustration * I Foot release lever * ft Needle clamp screw * Ill Flats de away from you. CAMBIO DEL PIE PRENSATELAS Aseourarse de Due Ia aguia este en a Dosicton superior. Alzar Ia palanca del Die prensatelas. I Ercsuar a palanca oc oesprendirniento sensateias sara sacst el prensatelas 2 Co scar el prensatelas deseado sobre Ia placa Ce aguas alinesndo los agiJleros e Ia agula. 3 Baar Ia palsnca del pie prensatelas, y emouiar Ia Ca anna dv despreridimienfo prensatelas de manera guy el sutetador srensatelas so metre de golpe en vi prensatelas. MONTAR LA(S) AGUJA(S) Levantar Ia barra de as agujas haste so punto roan alto girando vI volente manual hacia usted, pero dele vi pie orensatelas abajo Destomillar el tornillo do Ia aguja con el destornillador oeooeco pare guitar Ian agujan vielas Colocar as riuesas agulas con el LADO PLANO. LADO POSTERIOR en Ia ranuta de a bana subiendoia a tooo io quo puede. Acretar I rmerrrenre e torniiio clv nuiecion oe Ia agufa. I untraclon * Direr haste srriba * Ii Tornillo do filacion de Ia aguls * Ii El lads piano, ado Dosterior. *11 *ffl I 1 o YOUR...
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