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The filter “CTRL” parameter (page 68) must be set to “LFO” in order to vary the cutoff frequency continuously. PtBs (Pitch bias depth) Range: -12 … +12 Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial Sets the maximum pitch variation range achievable via after-touch control. Each increment represents a semitone. A setting of “0” produces no pitch variation. A setting of “+12” allows a maximum pitch variation of one octave up, while a setting of “-12” allows a maximum pitch variation of one octave down corresponding to aftertouch key pressure. 88 VOICE EDIT MODE / 6:Controller 5:5:T [VOICE] > [EDIT] > [MENU] > 6:Controller > [ENTER/YES] > [ENTER/YES] > > [MENU] > 5:CS3 Parameter > [ENTER/YES] The [CS3] and [CS4] sliders can be assigned to control a wide range of voice parameters in real time while playing the SY85. These parameters assign a voice parameter to the [CS3] slider, and set the maximum and minimum limits of the control range. CTRL`CS3`Param(CTRL#=18)``Min.``````Max. ```0:No»Assign``````````````0%``````100% F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 CS7 CS8 CS3 Param (CS3 parameter) Range: 0 … 75 Controls: [CS1], [-1] [+1], Dial Assigns any of 75 different voice parameters to be controlled via the [CS3] slider. The numbers and abbreviations associated with each voice parameter are listed below: CS3 PARAMETER LIST (0 … 39) 0: “No_Assign ” 1: “CT_MW_Pmod” 2: “CT_MW_Amod” 3: “CT_MW_Fmod” 4: “CT_MW_Coff” 5: “CT_MW_EGBs” 6: “CT_FC_Pmod” 7: “CT_FC_Amod” 8: “CT_FC_Fmod” 9: “CT_FC_Coff” 10: “CT_FC_EGBs” 11: “CT_AT_Pmod” 12: “CT_AT_Amod” 13: “CT_AT_Fmod” 14: “CT_AT_Coff” 15: “CT_AT_EGBs” 16: “CT_AT_PtBs” 17: “CT_PBRange” 18: “CT_VLLoLim” 19: “TotalLevel” 20: “EF_SendLvl” 21: “OS_FrqFine” 22: “OS_Random ” 23: “PEG_Rate1 ” 24: “PEG_Rate2 ” 25: “PEG_Rate3 ” 26: “PEG_RlsRt ” 27: “PEG_Level0” 28: “PEG_Level1” 29: “PEG_Level2” 30: “PEG_Level3” 31: “PEG_RlsLvl” 32: “PEG_Range ” 33: “PEG_LvlVel” 34: “PEG_RtVel ” 35: “LFO_Speed ” 36: “LFO_Delay ” 37: “LFO_Pmod ” 38: “LFO_Amod ” 39: “LFO_Fmod ” VOICE EDIT MODE / 6:Controller 89 CS3 PARAMETER LIST (40 … 75) 40: “LFO_Wave ” 41: “LFO_Phase” 42: “LFO_SpdVel” 43: “LFO_SpdRnd” 44: “AEG_Rate1 ” 45: “AEG_Rate2 ” 46: “AEG_Rate3 ” 47: “AEG_Rate4 ” 48: “AEG_RlsRt ” 49: “AEG_Level2” 50: “AEG_Level3” 51: “AEG_LvlVel” 52: “AEG_RtVel ” 53: “FLT_Reso ” 54: “FLT_CofVel” 55: “FLT_ARVel ” 56: “FLT_Band ” 57: “FLT_CofFrq” 58: “FLT_Rate1 ” 59: “FLT_Rate2 ” 60: “FLT_Rate3 ” 61: “FLT_Rate4 ” 62: “FLT_RlsRt1” 63: “FLT_RlsRt2” 64: “FLT_Level0” 65: “FLT_Level1” 66: “FLT_Level2” 67: “FLT_Level3” 68: “FLT_Level4” 69: “FLT_RlsLv1” 70: “FLT_RlsLv2” 71: “OS_NoteSft” 72: “FLT_BPLvl1” 73: “FLT_BPLvl2” 74: “FLT_BPLvl3” 75: “FLT_BPLvl4” The parameter assigned to [CS3] can also be controlled from an external MIDI controller via MIDI control number 18. Operation of the [CS3] slider in the VOICE or PERFORMANCE mode also transmits corresponding MIDI control change data using control number 18. Min. Range: 0 … 100 Controls: [CS6], [-1] [+1], Dial Sets the lower limit of the [CS3] control range. A setting of “0”, for exam ple, means that when the [CS3] slider is set to its lowest position the assigned parameter will also be set to its lowest value. A setting of “50” means that the lowest [CS3] position will set the assigned parameter to about 50% of its range (a parameter with a range of 0 to 127, for example, would be set to about 63). Max. Range: 0 … 100 Controls: [CS8], [-1] [+1], Dial Sets the upper limit of the [CS3] control range. A setting of “100”, for example, means that when the [CS3] slider is set to its highest position the assigned parameter will also be set to its highest value. A setting of “80” means that the highest [CS3] position will set the assigned parameter to about 80% of its range (a parameter with a range of 0 to 127, for example, would be set to about 102). 90 VOICE EDIT MODE / 6:Controller 6:6:T [VOICE] > [EDIT] > [MENU] > 6:Controller > [ENTER/YES] > [ENTER/YES] > > [MENU] > 6:CS4 Parameter > [ENTER/YES] The [CS3] and [CS4] sliders can be assigned to control a wide range of voice parameters in real time while playing the SY85. These parameters assign a voice parameter to the [CS4] slider, and set the maximum and minimum limits of the control range. CTRL`CS4`Param(CTRL#=19)``Min.``````Max. ```0:No»Assign``````````````0%``````100% F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 CS7 CS8 CS4 Param (CS4 parameter) Range: 0 … 75 Controls: [CS1], [-1] [+1], Dial Assigns any of 75 different voice parameters to be controlled via the [CS4] slider. The numbers and abbreviations associated with each voice parameter are listed below: CS4 PARAMETER LIST (0 … 39) 0: “No_Assign ” 1: “CT_MW_Pmod” 2: “CT_MW_Amod” 3: “CT_MW_Fmod” 4: “CT_MW_Coff” 5: “CT_MW_EGBs” 6: “CT_FC_Pmod” 7: “CT_FC_Amod” 8: “CT_FC_Fmod” 9: “CT_FC_Coff” 10: “CT_FC_EGBs” 11: “CT_AT_Pmod” 12: “CT_AT_Amod” 13: “CT_AT_Fmod” 14: “CT_AT_Coff” 15: “CT_AT_EGBs” 16: “CT_AT_PtBs” 17: “CT_PBRange” 18: “CT_VLLoLim” 19: “TotalLevel” 20: “EF_SendLvl” 2...