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Facilità d'uso
Important! The plug-in SIM card and its contacts can be easily damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting or removing the card. Keep all SIM cards out of the reach of small children. Illustrations Always switch the device off and disconnect the charger before removing the battery. 1 Remove the back cover. 2 Lift battery away. 3 Insert the SIM card. 4 Insert the battery pack. 5 Attach the back cover. 6 Charge the battery. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Phone Components Earpiece Call key Dials aphone number andanswers incomingcalls. Back key Gobackto aprevious screen. End key Volume keys •When the screen is at the Home screen: Ringtone andtouchtone volume. •During a call: Earpiece volume. •Down volume key: Press andholdto activate/deactivate Silentmode. Power/Lock key •Shortpresstoturn on/offthe screen. •Longpressforpower on/off. Handsfree or Stereo earphone connector Using your touch screen Touch screen tips •To selectanitem,touchthe centre oftheicon. •Do notpresstoohard.The touchscreenis sensitive enoughtopickup alight,firm touch. •Usethetipofyourfingerto touchthe optionyou require. Be carefulnottotouchany otherkeys. •WheneveryourLG-T505is notin use,itwill returntothe lockscreen. Control the touch screen The controls ontheLG-T505 touchscreen change dynamicallydependingonthe taskyou are carryingout. Opening Applications To open anyapplication,simply touchitsicon. Scrolling Dragfrom sideto sideto scroll. On some screens,suchasthe callhistorylist,you can also scroll upordown. Camera Taking a quick photo 1 TouchCamera menu. 2 Whenthe camerahasfocusedonyour subject,touchthe onthe right-center ofthe screentotake aphoto. TIP: To switchto the camera mode or video mode,slide up/down the camera orvideo icon on the centre-rightofthe viewfinder. After taking a photo Your capturedphoto willappear onthe screen. Thefollowingoptions are available. Touch . Upload -Touchto uploadthephoto. Send via -Touchto sendthephoto as a Message, E-mail or via Bluetooth. Set as -Touchto setas Homescreen wallpaper,Lockscreen wallpaper,Contactsimage. Edit -Touchto editthephoto. Touchtodeletetheimage. Touchtotake anotherphotoimmediately. Touchto view agalleryofyour savedphotos. Video camera Making a quick video To switchtothe camera mode or video mode,slide up/downthe camera or videoicon onthe rightcentre ofthe viewfinder. 1 Holdingthephonehorizontally,pointthelenstowardsthesubject ofthevideo. 2 Pressthe reddot . 3 REC willappear atthebottom ofthe viewfinder withatimer atthebottom showingthelength ofthe video. 4 Topausethe video,touch andresumebyselecting . 5 Touch on screen. ...