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Istruzioni per l'uso LG, Modello KE850ASV

Produttore : LG
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Lingua di insegnamento: enskcs

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da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :

Facilità d'uso

° A number of features included in this guide are called Network Services. These are special services that you arrange through your wireless service provider. Before you can take advantage of any of these Network Services, you must subscribe to them through your service provider and obtain instructions for their use from your service provider. Network Troubleshooting When you want to change a security code you have to confirm the new Codes do not code by entering it again. The two Contact your Service Provider. match codes that you have entered do not match. Function Not supported by Service Provider or Contact your Service Provider. cannot be set registration required TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter lists some problems that you might encounter while using your phone. Some problems require that you call your service provider, but most of problems you encounter are easy to correct yourself. MESSAGE POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE CORRECTIVE MEASURES There is no SIM card in the phone or Make sure that the SIM card is correctly SIM error you may have inserted it incorrectly. inserted. No connection Signal weak Move higher to a window or open space. to the network Outside GSM network Check service provider coverage map. Dialling error New network not authorised. Check for new Calls not New SIM card inserted Charge limit restrictions. Contact Service Provider or available reached reset limit with PIN 2. Press On/Off key for at least two seconds. On/Off key pressed too briefly Phone cannot Charge battery. Check charging indicator in Battery empty be switched on the display. Battery contacts dirty Clean contacts. MESSAGE POSSIBLE CAUSES POSSIBLE CORRECTIVE MEASURES Charging error Battery totally empty Temperature out of range Contact problem No mains voltage Charger defective Wrong charger Battery defective Charge battery. Make sure the ambient temperature is right, wait for a while, and then charge again. Check power supply and connection to the phone. Check the battery contacts, clean them if necessary. Plug in to a different socket or check voltage. If the charger does not warm up, replace it. Only use original LG accessories. Replace battery. Troubleshooting Phone loses Reconnection to another service provider Signal too weak network is automatic. Number not The Fixed dial number function is on. Check settings. permitted Technical Data TECHNICAL DATA General Product name : KE850 System : GSM 900 / DCS 1800 / PCS 1900 Ambient Temperatures Max. : +55°C (discharging) +45°C (charging) Min : -10°C 70 LG Electronics CZ, s.r.o. Zlat. Andul-NadraIni 23/344 151 34 Praha-Smichov Zaruani list Mobilni telefony aislo ZL: Model V.robni aislo Datum prodeje Den, music, rok Razitko a podpis prodejce Z ZZaruani podminky: V.robek byl pfied odeslanim odzkou‰en a v.robce je odpovudn. za jeho vlastnosti. Za pfiedpokladu, Ie v.robek bude zapojen a pouIivan v souladu s pokyny uveden.mi v navodu pro obsluhu, poskytuje se spotfiebiteli zaruka dle §620 Obaanskeho zakoniku. Zaruani oprava bude realizovana prostfiednictvim sburn.ch mist situ autorizovan.ch servisnich stfiedisek firmy LG Electronics. Platn.m Zaruanim listem se rozumi vyplnun. Zaruani list opatfien. razitkem autorizovaneho prodejce vaetnu podpisu s datem prodeje. Neupln. nebo neopravnunu zmunun. Zaruani list je neplatn.. Narok na zaruani opravu zanika v pfiipadu: • Nefunkanosti zpUsobene chybnou instalaci • PouIivani pfiistroje v rozporu s navodem k obsluze • Neodborneho nebo neopravnuneho zasahu • Zavady zpUsobene poIivanim v nevhodnem prostfiedi ai vniknutim tekutiny do pfiistroje • Po‰kozeni zakaznikem • Zavady vznikle napajenim jin.m neI v navodu pfiedepsanem • Zavady zpUsobene pouIivanim jineho neI doporuaeneho pfiislu‰enstvi • Manipulace s v.robnim aislem pfiistroje • Po‰kozeni vniklem uIivanim pfiistroje ai jeho opotfiebenim V pfiipadu, Ie buhem opravy bude zji‰tuno, Ie pfiedmutna zavada nespada do zaruani opravy, majitel uhradi naklady na takovou opravu. CZ Autorizovane servisni stfiedisko pro mobilni telefony GSM firmy LG Electronics – firma BRITEX, s.r.o. .. Kladno Britex CZ,s.r.o., J.Hory 1521, 272 01 Kladno tel. ustfiedna: +420 312242416–9 fax: +420 312242322 Help Line: +420 732500100 odd. expedice: +420 777717010 e-mail: servis-mobil@britex.cz oteviraci doba: Po–Pa 8.00–17.00 hodin, So 9.00 –12.00 hodin Tabor Britex CZ, s.r.o., VoIicka 2582, 390 02 Tabor tel.: +420 381482409, fax: +420 381782410 e-mail: tabor@britex.cz oteviraci doba: Po–Pa 8.00–16.30 hodin Ostrava Britex CZ, s.r.o., NadraIni 3,702 30 Ostrava tel.: +420 595136416, fax: +420 595136417 e-mail: ostrava@britex.cz oteviraci doba: Po–Pa 9.00–17.00 hodin Autorizovane servisni stfiedisko pro mobilni telefony GSM firmy LG Electronics – firma Mobil Ask Czec cch Republic, s.r.o. Praha Brno Mobil Ask Czech Republic, s.r.o. Mobil Ask Czech Republic, s.r.o. modra linka: 810 800 010 Ha‰kova 17, Brno–Lesna V Mezihofii 2, Praha e-mail: servis.brno@mobilask.cz e-...

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