Istruzioni per l'uso Alliance Laundry Systems, Modello WD1034
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This booklet not only tells you how to operate your new Electrolux automatic washing machine, but also contains a number of helpful tips on how to get the best results. SO PLEASE READ IT THROUGH CAREFULLY BEFORE YOUR FIRST WASH. IT ALSO INCLUDES AN IMPORTANT CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO DO SHOULD A FAULT OCCUR, PLUS A LIST OF ELECTROLUX SERVICE OFFICES WHERE SERVICE CAN BE OBTAINED IF NEEDED. Before requesting service please check whether your problem is covered on page 20 under 'Servicing' and that you are operating the machine according to the instructions. If our engineer finds that the problem is due to misuse or incorrect installation you may be charged for his visit even though your machine is under guarantee. CONTENTS Page 3 Specifications. 4.5 About your Washer Dryer. 6 Electrical Information. 7-8 The Controls ¡Hid how lo use Iliom. 9-12 The Programmes. 13-15 Using your machine. 16 Drying. 17 1 nnking aftor your Machine. 18-19 Helpful tips. 20-21 Servicing. 22 Guarantee. Specifications Dimensions Motor rating Height 850mm Wash 33.5" Spin Width GOOmm VoII.iko 23.0" Frequency Depth 600mm W;iter load 23 6" Normal Weight 90kg 1981b High Capacity for wash 4.5kg 101b I'r imuro P'J Capacity (or drying 2.25kg Maximum 51b Minimum (hot) Revolutions por minute 500/1000 Minimum (cold) Total power 2500W Healer rating (wash) 2300W Healer rating (drying) 1350W 200W 400/550W ??o/?m 1)0» 1/ 13 litres ?0 litres 4.4 gallons 110 4 7 About Your Washer Dryer Your new Electrolux washer dryer has a selection of programmes lo suit all your washing & drying needs. This booklet not only tells you how lo operate your new washer dryer, but also contains a number oI helpful tips on how to get the best results. SO PLEASE READ IT THROUGH CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE MACHINE. II also includes an important checklist oi what to do should a Inult occur, plus a list oi the Electrolux service ollices where service can be obtained il it is needed. Bclorc requesting service please check whether your problem is covered on pa^e 20 under •Servicing* and that you are operating the machine according to the instructions. II the engineer finds that the problem is due to misuse or mcorrpd insinuation you may ho charjjwl lor his Visit, ovni thoui'.h yum m.uhinr is umliw I’uataniiM' (T) Programme Selector Olal and ON/OFF control © Drying Time Control © Door Rolease Button © Delicate Dry Button (?) ON/OFF Indicator (?) Detergent Dispenser (7) Programme Guide (?) I lull Loüü/Aulodry Facility Qulton © Economy Wash Button (lo) Low Spin Button © Pump Filter (behind lower panel) Modol WDX034 Electrical information Connecting to the mains Before you use you/ washer dryer check Ihot the voltage shown on the data plate conforms with your mains supply. The mams lead of (he; washer dryer is fitted wiih a noiwcwircoble mouldcd-on 13 amp plug containing !\ 13 amp fur.e, In iho event of the fuse requiring replacement, the fuse cover/carner Should be removed, using a vnuill scrow driver to lover il nut. Tin» old fuse* should ho rephced hy n 13 amp ASIA approved USI30'^ luseand the fuse cover/corner must he refitted bofore the plug is used attain. II the (use cover/Qfruji iv lu^t, ¿I lepl.’jcemenl Can he obtained from the Ueclmlux Service Shops and offices listed on page 21. The fuse COver/Ujrriei muM bool the inline colour ;im: ol the pin}». In no circumstances must the plug bo usod without a corroct (uso covor/carrler flttod. If the plug supplied on the mams lead is not Suitable lor the soeket outlet in your home il Should he cul off and disposed of safety or destroyed, to avoid any possible shock hazard resulting from the plug being inserted into a 13 amp socket elsewhere in the house. A suitable replacemenl plug should be lilted (as in Fig. 1). il a 13 amp plug and socket are not used, the circuit supplying the washing machine should contain a 15 amp fuse. WARNING - THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED. IMPORTANT The wires in the mains lead of this appliance are coloured in accordance with the following code:- GREEN-and-YELLOW: EARTH BLUE :NEUTRAL BROWN J LIVE As the colours of the wires In the mains lead may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals In your plug, procecd as luliows:- Connect the CREEN-ond’YElLOW coloured wire to the plug terminal marked letter E or earth symbol^ or colotirod groon or yroon-ond-yollow. Conned the DROWN coloured wire to the plug terminal marked tailor L or colourod red, Conned lliu GlUC coloured wlro to tlio plug imninnl marked letter N or coloured black, Fig. 1 *. ' m I The controls and how to use them 1, Programme selector dial and on/off control The selector dial is marked with loiters corresponding to those on the programme guide, To set the machine lo the corrocl programme (seo programme guide and table on pages 9 to 12) press In the central grip to engage iho dioi and turn clockwise ...
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