Facilità d'uso
18.Do not operate the dryer if any parts are missing or broken. 19.Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of the appliance. 20.Keep surrounding areas free from the accumulation of lint, dust and dirt. 21.Avoid fire hazard or electrical shock. Do not use an adaptor plug or extension cord or remove grounding prong from electrical power cord. Failure to follow this warning can cause serious injury, fire or death. 22.The appliance must not be installed behind a lockable door ,a sliding door or a door with a hinge on the opposite side to that of the tumble dryer. .... Installation Installation Dimensions a = 855 mm b = 620 mm c = 595 mm Weight = 38 Kg abc Packing accessories Checklistoftheaccessoriesand materialsprovidedwiththe machine: Name Owner's manual Certificate of Conformity Drainpipe Quantity To ensure the dryer operating normally, attention must be paid to the following in placement: . The dryer must be horizontally installed. Its bottom is equipped with adjustable base angles. Adjust these 4 angles to level before operation; . Check whether there is any damage to the dryer during transportation. Any damaged dryer must not be electrified. In case of any damage, contact your dryer supplier; . Thedryermustbekeptawayfromflammableordetonablesubstances. . The surrounding environment must be dry and ventilated; ....Do not install the dryer on any hairy carpet because the normal ventilation of the vent hole may be blocked. ....Toallowthedryer to performbetter,theambienttemperatureshall not be lower than 10c nor higher than 35.. .. .... ColumnInstallationTosavespace,thedryermaybeinstalledonaprepositioneddrumwashingmachineusingafoldingframe.ThisdryercanbeplacedwiththeHBFserieswashersbyafoldingframe.Forspecificinstallation,refertotheinstructionsfortheinstallationofthefoldingframe. Changethedoor-openingdirectionIfthedirectionofopeningthedryer'sdoorisnotsuitabletothelocation,itsopeningdirectionmaybechanged.Thedetailedoperatingproceduresareasfollows: ..Screwoffthe4screws(1)fixingthedoor'shingetoremovethedoor(5); ..Removethehinge(3)fromthedoorandtakeoffthehingecover(4)attheothersideandfixthehingeback; ..Screwoffthescrewsfixingthedoorswitch(6)toremovethedoorswitch.Takeoffthedoorswitchcover(7)attheothersideandfixthedoorswitchback; ..Puttheremovedhingecove(4)randdoorswitchcover(7)intothesideoppositetothedoor; ..Removethe4corksandthedoorlockcoverfromthefrontpanelandputthemontheothersideofthefrontpanel; ..Fixthedoorontheothersideofthemachine. DrainswitchoverDuringthedryingofthelaundry,thecondensatewaterisautomaticallycollectedintheboxinsidethemachine,sothatthewaterneedsto ................ Preparation Installation .. beremovedfromtheboxaftereverydryingofthelaundry.Ifyourdryerisinthevicinityofadrainage,youmayallowthecondensatewaterbeingdischargeddirectlyintothedrainagethroughthedrainpipeprovidedasaccessorysothattoavoidemptyingtheboxforeverytime. Themethodtoconnectthedrainpipeisasfollows: 1.Loosenthehoseclipwiththedrains...
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