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Istruzioni per l'uso LG, Modello 22LU4000

Produttore : LG
File Size : 13.63 mb
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da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
TV - 22LU4000 (13.62 mb)es
TV - 22LU4000 (13.44 mb)de
TV - 22LU4000 (13.4 mb)et
TV - 22LU4000 (13.56 mb)lv

Facilità d'uso

(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only) L LLC CCD DD T TTV VV/ //L LLE EED DD L LLC CCD DD T TTV VV o oon nnl lly yy P PPl lla aas ssm mma aa T TTV VV o oon nnl lly yy OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Picture Mode : Standard • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTURE E Energy Saving : Off Auto Minimum Medium Maximum Screen Off Off OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Picture Mode : Vivid • Contrast 100 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 • Colour 70 PICTURE E Energy Saving : Intelligent SensorIntelligent Sensor Off Minimum Medium Maximum FF Low GG 1MENU Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. 1MENU Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. PICTURE CONTROL 3 2 OK OK E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg. Select Select A AAu uut tto oo(except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***), ,, O OOf fff ff, ,, M MMi iin nni iim mmu uum mm , ,, M MMe eed ddi iiu uum mm, ,, M MMa aax xxi iim mmu uum mm or S SSc ccr rre eee een nn O OOf fff ff. 3 2 OK OK E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg. Select Select I IIn nnt tte eel lll lli iig gge een nnt tt S SSe een nns sso oor rr, ,, O OOf fff ff, ,, M MMi iin nni iim mmu uum mm, ,, M MMe eed ddi iiu uum mm or M MMa aax xxi iim mmu uum mm. • IInntteelllliiggeenntt SSeennssoorr Select LL ooww, MMiiddddllee or HHiigghh.. • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. • When selecting Screen off, TV turned off after 3 seconds. • If you adjust “E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg - --A AAu uut tto oo(except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***), M MMi iin nni iim mmu uum mm, M MMe eed ddi iiu uum mm, M MMa aax xxi iim mmu uum mm”, B BBa aac cck kkl lli iig ggh hht tt feature will not work.(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only). • You can also adjust this feature by selecting E EEn nne eer rrg ggy yy S SSa aav vvi iin nng gg button on the remote control. • When selecting Auto, Backlight is automatically adjusted through intelligent sensor according to the surrounding condition when intelligent sensor is in the TV. PRESET PICTURE SETTINGS Picture Mode-Preset V VVi iiv vvi iid ddStrengthen the contrast, brightness, colour and sharpness for vivid picture. S SS t tt a aa n nn d dd a aa r rr d dd N NN a aa t tt u uu r rr a aa l ll C CC i ii n nn e ee m mm a aa S SS p pp o oo r rr t tt G GG a aa m mm e ee The most general screen display status. The most natural screen display status. Optimizes video for watching movies. Optimizes video for watching sports events. Optimizes video for playing games. L LL C CC D DD T TT V VV / // L LL E EE D DD L LL C CC D DD T TT V VV o oo n nn l ll y yy P PP l ll a aa s ss m mm a aa T TT V VV o oo n nn l ll y yy OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTURE E Select PPIICCTTUURREE. MENU Picture Mode : Standar Intelligent Sensor Vivid Natural Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Standard OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Intelligent Sensor • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness • Colour PICTURE E Picture Mode : Vivid Standard Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Vivid Standard Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Vivid ((Only 50/60PS80**)) ((Except for 50/60PS80**)) 1 1 MENU Select P PPI IIC CCT TTU UUR RRE EE. 2 OK OK Select P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. 3 Select I IIn nnt tte eel lll lli iig gge een nnt tt S SSe een nns sso oor rr(except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***), V VVi iiv vvi iid dd, S SSt tta aan nnd dda aar rrd dd, N NNa aat ttu uur rra aal ll, C CCi iin nne eem mma aa, S SSp ppo oor rrt tt or G GGa aam mme ee. 3 2 OK OK Select P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. Select V VVi iiv vvi iid dd, S SSt tta aan nnd dda aar rrd dd, C CCi iin nne eem mma aa( ((o oor rr C CCi iin nne eem mma aa) )), S SSp ppo oor rrt tt or G GGa aam mme ee. PICTURE • P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee adjusts the TV for the best picture appearance. Select the preset value in the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee menu based on the programme category. • When the Intelligent sensor function is on, the most suitable picture is automatically adjusted according to the surrounding conditions. (except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***) • You can also adjust P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee in the Q QQ. .. M MMe een nnu uu. • I IIn nnt tte eel lll lli iig gge een nnt tt S SSe een nns sso oor rr Adjusts picture according to the ...

Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :
TV - 19LD320 (13.63 mb)
TV - 37LH5020 (13.63 mb)

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