-View the list of the backed up recorded programme by using the ‘Copy to USB HDD’ from the ‘Recorded TV'. -It moves to the external HDD list for backup connected by USB. OK MENU VOL PR EXIT TIME SHIFT TIME SHIFT LIST LIVE TVDVR FAV/ MARK MUTE SETUPO TimeShift Mode Record Quality Recorded TV Schedule List Manual Record HDD Format DivX Reg. Code USB HDD Format Subtitle USB Backup G GG To set PICTURE O AUDIOO TIMEO OPTIONO DVRG Prev.Menu DVR (DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER) 1 Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button and then use D DD / E EE button to select the D DDV VVR RR menu. 2 Press the G GG button and then use D DD / E EE button to select USB Backup. 1 2 3 3 4 Press the G GG button to start USB Backup . R RRe eec cco oor rrd dde eed dd T TTV VV screen is displayed as shown. Use the P PPR RR + ++/ //- --button to navigation in the recorded programme. Free Space Page 2/3 No MarkedUSB BackupUSB Backup Menu Navigation Popup Menu Move Page Mark Ex t Input : TV60 Date : Thu. Jun14 2007 Duration : 20 min Quality : High Music Bank TV60 Thu.Jun14 10 : 07 Music Bank TV60 Thu.Jun14 09 : 20 HIGH NORMAL 11h 24m 22h 46m 4 Use M MMA AAR RRK KK button to mark or unmark a recorded programme. Use D DD / // E EE button to navigation the appropriate recorded programme, then press the O OOK KK button to show up the popup menu. G GG M MMa aar rrk kk A AAl lll ll : mark all recorded programmes on the screen. G GG U UUn nnm mma aar rrk kk A AAl lll ll : Change marked recorded programmes to unmarked recorded programmes. G GG D DDe eel lle eet tte ee : Delete the selected recorded programmes. Free Space Page 2/3 No MarkedUSB BackupUSB Backup Menu Navigation Popup Menu Move Input : TV60 Date : Thu. Jun14 2007 Duration : 20 min Quality : High Music Bank TV60 Thu.Jun14 10 : 07 Music Bank TV60 HIGH NORMAL 11h 24m 22h 46m TV 60 10:20~10:40 Mark All Delete Copy to Recorded List Cancel 4 DVR (DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER) GG CCooppyy ttoo RReeccoorrddeedd LLiisstt :Restores the Recorded Programme to the internal HDD. if you press the AA button, this message is displayed. When 'Yes’ is selected, the backup is cancelled and is converted back to input mode. If more than two files are transferred, the transferred file is stored, and the backup operations on the files in progress of transfer- ring and scheduled for backup are cancelled. When ‘No’ is selected, returns to the backup process screen. GG CCaanncceell : Close the pop-up menu. While backup is being performed in the back- ground, the status of the copy progress can be checked by pressing the ‘OK’ button.Copying 0%( 1/1 ) Do you really want to cancel the backup? Yes No USB backup is started. Copying to Recorded List (1/1) Close Stop 75% DVR (DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER) 5 Repeatedly, press E EEX XXI IIT TT button to return to TV viewing or press the D DDV VVR RR button to return to the H HHo oom mme ee menu. CAUTION GG If you turn the power off on Copying or recording, this message is dis- played as shown below. GG If you selects No, Copying stops and then power is off. GG If you selects Yes, Copying continues and the power is turned off. GG If you press the EXIT button to disap- pear this message. Powering off during HDD backup. Continue HDD backup? Yes No Powering off while recording and HDD backup. Continue recording and HDD backup? Yes No NOTE! GG When even a single back up file exists in the initialised USB HDD (from the USB HDD Format menu) through ‘Copy to USB HDD’ from the ‘Recorded TV’, the access to the USB Backup is allowed. GG If Manual or Instant Record operates while a recorded programme is transferring from USB HDD to Recorded TV, Copying will pause. Then, press the OK button, and ‘--%’ will be displayed in Record message, and after recording is completed, Copying will continue again. GG Playback is not available while recording along with USB Backup. 1 2 3 4 PLAPLAYINGYING 1 2 3 4 PLAPLAYINGYING Playing recorded programmes -Youcanplaytheselectedprogrammeintherecordedprogrammelist. 1 T TTh hhe ee ‘ ‘‘P PPr rro oog ggr rre ees sss ss B BBa aar rr’ ’’? ?? This function indicates a possible DVR Play a recorded programme. reshowing section ,a current on-screen 2 and real on-broadcasting position, a sec- While playing, You will see a playback screen as shown below. tion of section-recording. 1 Indicates movement of recorded pro To stop displaying the recorded programmes icon, press the E EEX XXI IIT TT button. gramme. 2 Indicates status of recorded programme. 3 Indicates elasped playback time. 4 Indicates total playback time. 6 Indicates a quarter of programme runtime. 5 5 6 Indicates current playback position. Using the remote control You can shift playback to any point within playing the recorded programme. When playing, repeatedly, press the R RRE EEW WW( ((F FFF FF) )) button to speed up F FFF FF -> F FFF FFF FF -> F FFF FFF FFF FF -> F FFF FFF FFF FFF FF ->F FFF FFF FFF FFF FFF FF . repeatedly, press the F FF F FF( ((G GGG GG) )) ...
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