da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
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•• I f you did use an antenna to receive Analog TV, it should also work for DTV reception. Outdoor or attic antennas will be more effective than a set-top box or inside antenna. •• To Turn On your reception source easily between antenna and cable, install an antenna selector. •• I f you are not receiving a signal from your cable service, contact the Cable provider. •• Only the left loudspeaker reproduces sound for mono equipment. Use a mono to stereo adapter (not supplied) for sound reproduction via all internal loudspeakers. Plugging in the AC power cord Make sure that the AC power cord must be plugged to an AC outlet after all the necessary connections are made. Caution •• Do not connect the AC power cord to a power supply outside the indicated voltage of this unit (AC 120V). •• Connecting the AC power cord to a power supply outside of this range may result in fire or electrical shocks. Note •• Each time you plug in the AC power cord, no operations will be performed for a few seconds. This is not a malfunction. 12 English These operations are accessible by remote control. Some may also be accessible by control panel on the main unit. Initial setup This section will guide you through the unit’s initial setting which includes selecting a language for your on-screen menu and autoprogram, which automatically scans and memorizes viewable channels. Before you begin: Make sure the unit is connected to antenna or cable. 1 After making all the necessar y connections, press to Turn On the unit. • It may take a few moments to Turn On the unit for the first time. • Initial setup menu appears automatically after the unit is Turned On. 2 Use ^Ў to select the on-screen language from the choices (English / Espanol / Francais) on the right side of the TV screen, then press OK. 3 Use ^Ў to select Antenna for TV channels or Cable for CATV channels, then press OK. InitialsetupPleasewaitwhilethesystemisscanningforchannels. Autoprogrammingmaytakemorethan20minutestocomplete. 0% Digitalchannels0chAnalogchannels0chSkip 4 Use ^Ў to select the desired location setting, then press OK. Home is ENERGY STAR® qualified setting. InitialsetupLocationHomeisrecommendedfornormalhomeuseandisENERGYSTARqualified. IntheRetailStoremode,allsettingsarefixed. RetailHomeSelectOK • Select Retail, the unit will be set up with predefined setting for retail displays. In this setting, the power consumption may possibly exceed the limited requirement of the ENERGY STAR® qualification. • Select Home, the unit is set to maximize the energy efficiency for home setting and it can be adjusted through a choice of picture and sound quality according to your preference. Use this setting to remove the E-sticker if visible from the display. . p.27 5 When you select Home, press OK to begin Settings assistant. LeftsideRightside1/3Selectthepicturesettingthatyouprefer. SelectNextBackExit 7 Press OK to finish Settings assistant. SettingsassistantYouhavesetupyourviewingpreferences. StoreBackExit • When the initial setup is completed, the lowest memorized channel with the confirmation message of the location setting will be displayed on the TV screen. • You must set Home in step 4. Otherwise, Picture and Sound settings you adjusted will not be memorized after the unit goes into Standby mode. Continued on next page. InitialsetupMakesuretheantennaisconnectedtoANTENNAINjack. Selectyoursignalsource. AntennaCableAntennaCableOrANTENNAINSkipSelectOKBackSkip –When Antenna is selected, the TV detects antenna signals. It searches for DTV and Analog TV channels available in your area. –When Cable is selected, the TV detects signals supplied by cable. It searches for DTV, Analog TV and Cable channels available in your area. • Autoprogram will begin. SettingsassistantSettingsassistanthelpsyoucustomizepicturesettings. Youwillseeaseriesoftestpictureswheretherightsideandleftsidediffer.SelectthesidethatismostpleasingtoyouwiththeLeft/Rightkeys. NextBackExit 6 Press I or . 3 times to select the side of the pictures that is the most pleasing to you, then press OK. 13 English Note • If you are not receiving a signal from your cable service, contact the Cable provider. •If you press or MENU/EXIT during autoprogram, this setup of TV channels will be canceled. •The initial autoprogram function can be executed for either Antenna or Cable only once. When you change the connection (Antenna / Cable), set Autoprogram again. . p.20 •If there is no signal Input from the antenna terminal and no operation for several seconds after you Turn On the unit, helpful hints appears. Follow the instructions listed on the TV screen. InitialsetupNochannelisregistered. TryAutoprogramagain? VerifythatyouhaveacableconnectedtotheANTENNAINjackonthebackoftheTV,thechannelinstallationprocesssearchesthisconnection.Ifyouareusingacableorsatellitebox,pleaseconfirmtheinputwhichyouhaveconnectedtotheboxandpressSOURCEkeyontheremotecontroltoselecttheappropriatesourceinput. RetryLaterSelectOKSkip After an initial setup is completed....