Istruzioni per l'uso Philips, Modello SDV5122P/12
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EN 5 Frequently asked questions Can this antenna work with Analogue transmissions? Yes, this antenna can receive analogue television broadcasts in the UHF bandwidths. Can this antenna receive digital or work with ATSC broadcasts? Yes, this antenna is designed to receive ATSC and HDTV broadcasts in the UHF bandwidths. Can the antenna be powered by a DC power supply in a boat, RV or camper? Yes, there is a DC power socket located at the back of the antenna. Plug your cable/adapter into the antenna and then into your power source. Where should I place the antenna in order to get the best reception possible? Choose a location near a window which gives the antenna a clear view of the transmitter. Note ••For best reception, place the antenna away from the metal surface to avoid interference. How do I know how much gain (amplification) is required to receive a clear picture? Turn on the amplifier. Turn the amplifier up to the max position and then reduce as needed. In some case, you need to turn the amplifier down to receive a clearer picture. Can I set up this antenna with a digital tuner? Yes, this antenna can be set up with a digital tuner. (see ‘Set up a digital tuner with this antenna’ on page 6) 6 Warranty and Service Warranty information can also be found at: For technical support, send us an email with the model number of the product and a detailed description of your problem to:accessorysupport@philips.com 7 Glossary A Amplifier A device, either a single stage or a large scale circuit with multiple stages for creating gain, i.e. it makes small signals larger. Antenna A device, such as a rod or wire, which picks up a received radio frequency signal or radiates a transmitted RF signal. C Coaxial A single copper conductor, surrounded with a layer of insulation, covered by a surrounding copper shield and finally, an insulating jacket. An unbalanced transmission line with constant impedance. In audio, this type is commonly used for low level, line signals terminated in RCA connectors. EN F Female connector A female connector is a connector attached to a wire, cable, or piece of hardware, having one or more recessed holes with electrical terminals inside, and constructed in such a way that a plug with exposed conductors (male connector ) can be inserted snugly into it to ensure a reliable physical and electrical connection. FM (Frequency Modulation) In radio broadcasting: a method of modulation in which the frequency of the carrier voltage is varied with the frequency of the modulation voltage. H HDTV (High-Definition Television) It is a digital television broadcasting system with higher resolution than traditional television systems (standard-definition TV, or SDTV). HDTV is digitally broadcast; the earliest implementations used analog broadcasting, but today digital television (DTV) signals are used, requiring less bandwidth due to digital video compression. M Male connector A male connector is a connector attached to a wire, cable, or piece of hardware, having one or more exposed, unshielded electrical terminals, and constructed in such a way that it can be inserted snugly into a receptacle (female connector) to ensure a reliable physical and electrical connection . U UHF (Ultra high frequency) In radio or TV broadcasting: it is the frequency range of electromagnetic waves which lies between 300 MHz and 3 GHz (3000 MHz). EN Cestina 9 Obsah 1 Dulezite informace 10 Bezpecnost 10 Recyklace 10 2 Vase zarizeni SDV5122P 10 Prehled 11 3 Zaciname 11 Instalace 11 4 Nastaveni SDV5122P 12 Pro prijem UHF 12 Nastaveni digitalniho tuneru s touto antenou 12 5 Nejcastejsi dotazy 13 6 Zaruka a servis 13 7 Vysvetlivky 13 CS 1 Dulezite informace Bezpecnost Tato prirucka obsahuje dulezite informace o televizni antene pro vnitrni pouziti Philips. Pred instalaci a nastavenim si ji pozorne si ji prectete. • Vyrobek nesmi byt vystaven kapajici nebo strikajici tekutine a nesmeji na nem byt umisteny objekty obsahujici tekutinu, napriklad vazy. • Pro uplne odpojeni zdroje napajeni by mela byt sitova zastrcka vyrobku odpojena ze sitove zasuvky. • Pokud je jako odpojovaci zarizeni pouzita sitova zastrcka, mela by byt pripravena k pouziti. • Na vyrobek nepokladejte zadne zdroje otevreneho ohne, napr. zapalene svicky. Recyklace Vyrobek je navrzen a vyroben z vysoce kvalitniho materialu a soucasti, ktere je mozne recyklovat. Je-li vyrobek oznacen timto symbolem preskrtnute popelnice, znamena to, ze se na nej vztahuje smernice EU 2002/96/EC: Nevyhazujte toto zarizeni do bezneho domaciho odpadu. Informujte se o mistnich predpisech tykajicich se oddeleneho sberu elektrickych a elektronickych vyrobku. Spravnou likvidaci stareho vyrobku pomuzete predejit moznym negativnim dopadum na zivotni prostredi a zdravi lidi. Jestlize je k vyrobku prilozeno toto logo, znamena to, ze byl zaplacen prispevek narodnimu sdruzeni pro obnovu a recyklaci. © 2010 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Vsechna prava vyhrazena. Kopirovani cele ...
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