Istruzioni per l'uso Radio Shack, Modello PS200
Produttore : Radio Shack File Size : 111.57 kb File Nome : 55032316_PM_EN.pdf
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Please road tiids m anual carefully to enpy this product. lyou aie unsuie abouthow to unpack, how to startusing and how to caie fira digital scale please consul our web pages form ore inlbimatbn and solutions in case you encounterany problem . Operating Instructions SCALE SPECFEATDNS Range : 0 ~ 22!bs M echanialoverbad piotectbn Unlin ted up to the totalcapaciy of the sca!fe ± 0.1 % ofleadiig ± 1 d:g±: Fourpoiits of Au tom ate C albiatbn ibrgisater accuracy 0 J. oz 0 J. oz 0 J. oz AC AdaptorUL Isted: 9 V, 100m A Suppled) Batteiy: 6x15V AA Alcalhe batterfes flST otsuppled) 1 m iiute or!fess 7 segm entLC D w ith 5 d:gis Auto off after 5 m iiutES of non-use (orify il batte iy operatbn) G ood perfoim ance w ihii 20 degrees to 110 degrees F File textuiedABS püastb Optin alpüaced straii gages w ±h tem peratms com pensatbn e!bm ents Load C eUB ody : H :gh Tensife S tiength Alim iium A3by W dJHl “Up LJ.ll e D ispüay Auto O fE Tem perature Case & Platfbm Load CeUTechnoDoav A ccuracy Calibration Resolution M jiin um W eight M ii .Add -on W t. Power Unpacking and assembling the scale Unpack the scat. Gently pfece the weighing pktfbrm to the body of the scale via the location points. Make suie that the sloped side of the pktferm feces the front (keyboard) of the scat. Do notpiess too hand or use fbice in pfecing the platfbim . U sing the scale w ith a battery Remove the battery com partm ent cover underneath the scale, insert six AA size batteries in the correct orientation as indicated in the scale. R eplace the battery com partm entcover. Using the scale with the power adapter Connect the suppled poweradapterto the input socket found atthe rear of the scale and plug it into the power supply, it is advisable to remove the batteries before using the poweradapter. Scale startup Press the key. win. appear briefly in the LCD w indow as the scat performs a self-che ck/feeroing routine, after which nn| _wiELappearin the LCD window . w ait60 seconds fertile scale to warm up. Y our scat is now ready to weigh. Using the TARE key You can tare (set to zero) any article used as a container for smaEitem s in the felbwing way. _ IE the_scale is switched off, press the WiliB key and wat fer to dispfey. Pfece the container onto the pfetform , and [ ON Egj M 1 TARE By key. The dJspfey w dlshow © then press the Place the item to be weighed into the container, on the pktfbrm . The scat wiELnow show the weightofthe item, excluding the weight of the container. Be sure tii at tii e scale is operated on a flat surface n order to operate correctly, the scat must be installed on a firm , fht surface. itis advisable to turn the scale on one to two m iiutes prbrto its use. ErrorM essages EE The weight capacity of the scat has been exceeded. w hen the iiputvolage is less than 7V, LO appears in the upper left LCD at the scat's startup. Lim ited w arranty This US PS scat is warranted to be flee of defects in parts and workmanshp fcra period of one year from the tine of purchase by the original owner. IE this product is found to be defective, M otbn M arkethg willrepairorrepkce defective parts atno charge, sublet to the following conditbns: 1.) Owner must request a return authorization from M otbn Marketing - please fin. up the web form located at www jnotbnmarkethqjnc.com 2.) 0 wner m ust include verification of the date of purchase when requesting Lin ited Warranty Service. (Dated Safes Receipt Required) www m otbnm aiketiiqiic.com em alb seivr:e@ m otbnm aikethqiic .com Phone Num ber: 913-631^1402...
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