Facilità d'uso
T hese instructions are wri tten to protec t the uni t and ensure the s a fety of those using the treadmil. • B efore begining any fitnes prog r a m, make sure al users see a phys ician for a complete phys ical ex amination. Il est conseile de subir un examen medical complet avant d’ent r eprendre tout programme d’exercise. Si vous avez des etourdisements ou des faible sses, aretez les exercices immediatement. T o r e duce the risk of electric al shoc k always unplug the tr eadmill fr om its power sour ce befor e cleaning the unit. T o reduce the risk of burn s, fire, electric shoc k, or injury , t a ke the folowing precautions: • D o not alow c h ildren or those unfam iliar wit h its op er at io n on or near the treadmil. Do n ot leave c h ildren unsupervised around the unit. • N ever leave the treadmil unat ended when it is plugged in. Unplug the treadmil from the powe r source when it is not in use, before cleaning it, an d before pu tting on or t a king off parts. • A ssemble and oper ate the treadmi ll on a s o lid, level surface. Locate the treadmil a few f eet from w a ls or furniture. • M ain t ain the treadmil in good wo rkin g co nditio n. Refer to the Maintenance section. Make sure that al fasteners are secure and the running belt is cl ean and running smoothly . • U se the treadmil only for its in ten d ed purpose as desc ribed in this manual. Do not use aceso ry att a c hments that are not recommended by the manufacture r , as suc h att a c h ments may cause injuries. • N ever oper ate the unit if it is damaged, not workin g properly , when it has ben dropped, or ha s been dropped in w a ter . Return the treadmil to a service center for ex amination and repair . • K e e p the power c o rd and plug aw ay from heated surfaces. • D o not oper a te the treadmill w here aerosol (spr ay) products are being used or where o x yg en is being administered. • D o not use outdoors. DA N G ER WA R N I N G Pro d uct Ow ner’s Manual: Impor t a nt Sa fe ty In st ruc t ions IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2 • N ever bloc k the air ven t s while op er ating the treadmil. K e ep the air vents clean and fre of lint, hair , or anything that might impede the free flow of air . • D o not atempt to service the tr eadmil yourself except to folow the maintenance instructions found in this manual. • N ever drop or insert objects in to any opening. K e ep hands aw ay from moving parts. • K eep al electrical co mponents, suc h as the power cord and I / O switc h aw ay from liquids to pr even t shoc k. Do not set an ything on the handr a ils, display consol e, or covers. Place liquids, magazines, and boks in the apropriate recept acles. T r eadmill W e ight Limit Y o u should not alow runners over 35 0 lb (16 0 kg) or w a lkers heavier than 5 0 0 lb (225 kg) on the treadmil. T r eadmil Location It is i m po rt ant t o k e ep t h e ar ea around the treadmil open and fre from encumbr a nces suc h as other equipment. T he minimum space requirement needed for user s a fety and proper maintenance is thre fet by six fet (one meter by two meters) square, directly behind the running belt. Safety A pproval W h en identified with the ETL - c l ogo, the unit has ben tested and conforms to the requirements of C A N / C S A-E-335-1/3-9 4 , Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Apliances . T h e treadmil is a Class S/ B certified mac h ine acco rd in g to E N 95 7 - 1,6 st and a rds. Radio F r equency Interference (R FI) F e deral Communications Commision, P a rt 15 T he treadmil has been tested and found to comply with • t he I E C E M C Directive (inter national electromagnetic compat ib ilit y c e rt ification) • t he limits for a Class A digit a l de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FC C Ru les. T h ese limits are de signed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a resi dential inst allation. T he treadmil gener a te s, uses, and can r a diate r a dio frequency energy and, if not inst alled and used in accord ance with the owner’s manual instructions, ma y cause harmful interference to r a dio communications. P e r FC C rules, c h ange s or modifications not expressly approved by Pr ecor could void the user’s authority to oper ate the equipment. WA R N I N G Pro d uct Ow ner’s Manual: Impor t a nt Sa fe ty In st ruc t ions IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 3 Canadian Department of Communications T h is digit a l appar a tus does not e xceed the Class A li mits for r a dio noise emissions from digit a l a ppar a tu s set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. L e pre s ent appare il numeriq ue n’e m et pas de bruits radioelectriques depasant les li mites aplicables aux apareils numeriques de la clas A pre s cri tes dans le Reglement sur le brouilage radioelectrique ed ic te pa r le ministere des C o mmunicat ions du Canada. A TTE NTI O N: Haute T e nsion Debranc h ez avant de reparer European A pplications T h is product conforms to the requirements of the Europe...
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