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Istruzioni per l'uso Precor, Modello EFX576i

Produttore : Precor
File Size : 3.49 mb
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Lingua di insegnamento: en

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Facilità d'uso

If you are interested in maintaining workout statistic inform ation, ask the manager to create a user acount and a user ID for you . A user ID entry is required to store your statistics. Note: If the display is blank, make su re that the equipment i s turned On. If the P r ecor baner apears, thequipment is not conected to a computer. Refer to Selecting a Program or Choosing QUICKST A RT . If the equipment is conected to a computer, the folowing appears: CHO OSE QUI CKS T A RT, EN TE R, OR A P ROG RA M TO BE GIN To save the statistics generated during your exercise sesion, take the f o lowing steps: Pr ess ENT ER. Us e the number keypa d to specify your 5-digit user ID. If you make a mistake, pres the CLEAR key and renter the cor r ect number. Wh en your user ID is shown, pres s ENTER. A mesage apears and indicates when the user ID is acepted by the computer. To begin your exercise sesion, select a progr am. Refer to Selecting a Program . Note: To bypass the us er ID entry, pres ENTER while al five zeros appear in the us er ID fiel d. The sta t istics generated during your exercis e session wil no t be added to your file. SeEtxinegrc Disisnpgl ay Preferences Before While the Precor baner scrols, you have the opportunity to set display pref erences and program goals. Once you s e t your pref erences, you have a 5-second window to select a program. If you do n o t sele ct a program from t he PROGRAMS menu or press QUI CKSTART within the 5-second window, the preferences return to the fitnes facility setings. As the Precor banner s c rols, press OPTION S. Continue to press the k e y to view the menu options. Us e the navigational arow keys to display each menu option or preference. Pres OK to select it. Fo low the prompts on the disp lay and return to the Precor banner. Men u Optio n Preferen ce s Effe ct GOA L TIM E , CA L ORI ES , or DIS T AN CE Sets t he pr o g ram goal. LA NG U AGE ENGLIS H , DEU T SC H , ESPANOL , FRAN CAI S , NED ERL A NDS , PORTUG U E S , RUC CKI JJ , and ITA L I ANO . Causes t he display mepsrsoamgeps and t s to appear in th e ch osen l a nguage. UNI TS U.S. or ME TRI C Dete rmi nes whi ch uni ts oafp mpeeaars uorne the display. Note: The selections that you make prior to a workout reset to the fitnes facility setings once your program or the pause time limit ends. Cooling Down After a Workout Incorporate a cooldow n period int o your workout to help lower your heart r ate and min i mize mu scle stifness or soreness. When you complete a program with a time limit or specified goal, you au toma ticaly enter a cooldow n period. Th e settings c h ange to help reduce the intens it y of your w o rkout. Note: You cannot switch to a difer ent progra m , goal, or workout time during the c ool-down pe riod. Any pressur e on the PROGRAMS keys is ignored. A workout s u mmary appears at t h e end of t he cool-down period. Refer t o Ending a Wor k out . A cool-dow n period wil not be app ended to your exercise sesion if the f o lowing occurs: T he fitnes facility alows an un limited time goal. A user must enter a time goal of NO LIM IT to a ccess this option. Refer to Selecting a Program . T he fitness facility sets a c ool-down time of zero, which eliminates the col-down phase. Y ou exit a program bef o re completing it. If you specify an unlimited time or the fitnes facility removed the cool-down phase, rem e mber t o in corporate a cooldown period at the end of your exercise sesion. PaCuosionlg-D Douwrin gP ear iWodo rkout or the Pres the red STOP buton or t he PAUSE/RESET key to pause anytime during a workout or during a coldow n period. Th e pause mode is limited to two minutes or l e ss. If you do not resum e exercising during that time, the display returns to the banner. To pa use, press the red STOP bu tt on or t he P A USE/RESET key. To resume exercising from paus e mode, pres QUICKSTART or the SPEED up key. If needed, enter the pas s word by pressing: 1, 2, 3, 4. An asterisk appears on t he display with each entry. Note: When you paus e, you can chang e your program selection or display options. Refer t o Cha nging Programs i n Mid-session and Changi ng Y our Workout Display Options . Ending a Workout CAUTIO N: Ho ld on to a handrail wh en you near the end of your exercise se ss ion. The incline automaticaly recalibrates t o a default gra d e. If the lift is moving, wait until it stops before stepping off the t r ead m ill. The running belt stops when you complete the automa tic cool-down period. Af ter the running belt stops , time stops accruing. The workou t summary appears an d shows your cumulative workout statistics including warm-up a n d c ool-down periods. You can review your statistics for tw o minut es before th e display automa ticaly resets to the Precor baner. If you hold onto the touch-sensit ive grips or wear a chest strap while exercising, a heart rate analys is appears during the workout summary. Refer to H e art Rate Analysis . If you chose to exercise with no set time lim...

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