da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
1.3 Modifications to the Management Console
The following items have been addressed in this release.
Bug ID
RAID 6 to be the default RAID type for NL RAID 6 is set as the default RAID type when the selected device type
is NL.
Step size does not reset to default value if When the user changes RAID type, the step size now automatically
raid type is changed.
changes to the default value base on RAID type.
Unexport single virtual volume that is
In previous versions of the HP 3PAR Management Console, when a
exported via a virtual volume set
user unexports a virtual volume that is exported via a virtual volume
set, the Management Console will unexport the virtual volume set
instead of the virtual volume, which includes removing all active
VLUNs and VLUN templates. Now, only active VLUNs of an exported
virtual volume will be removed if the virtual volume is exported via
a virtual volume set, and the virtual volume also will be removed
from virtual volume set.
Minimally Disruptive Migration with Hosts Previously, when using minimally disruptive migration with a host
with Maximum Length Names Does Not
that has a name at the maximum supported length (31 characters),
Peer Motion would fail to export the volumes at the destination. This
has been corrected so that the migration will be successful for host
names of 31 characters.
AO Schedules Are Not Editable or
After scheduling an Adaptive Optimization (AO) configuration, the
HP 3PAR Management Console previously functioned as if this AO
schedule were a System Task schedule and therefore did not enable
you to edit or remove it. The Management Console now correctly
displays Start AO schedules as Start AO instead of System.
Remove Unexport Sets option from
To prevent mistakenly removing the VLUNs of an entire virtual volume
Unexport Virtual Volume warning dialog
set when the intention is to unexport just one volume that was
exported via a virtual volume set, the Unexport Set option of the
Unexport Virtual Volume warning dialog has been replaced with the
"Unexport+Remove from Volume Set" option.
The sorting algorithm in Java 7 has
Java 7 changed the implementation of its sorting algorithm, throwing
an IllegalArgumentException if it detects a Comparable that violates
the Comparable contract. The previous implementation silently
ignored such a situation. This has been corrected by setting the
system property to use the previous sorting algorithm.
Screen does not auto refresh after
When unexporting/removing a virtual volume from a virtual volume
removing one VLUN from a virtual volume set, the HP 3PAR Management Console will now refresh the screen
automatically to reflect changes.
Internal error detected when trying to
Only RCFC or RCIP link pairs are allowed in Remote Copy 1–to-1
create a Remote Copy group with
mapping. Validation is added to ensure user create a correct before
additional targets of mismatched type
moving to next step in the configuration wizard.
HP 3PAR Management Console does not The HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 is shipped with a temporary license
set the permanent license on a new
for 8 disks. Attempting to use the previous release of HP 3PAR
StoreServ 7000 storage system
Management Console to set the permanent license, which included
the correct number of disks, the process did not succeed. This release
corrects the issue so that applying the license is successful.
Create CPG should set default step size
The previous version of the HP 3PAR Management Console did not
value if device type is changed
change the step size to the default value when the device type was
changed. Now, if the device type is changed, the step size will
change to the default step size value base on the selected device
and raid type.
Tune System no longer displays the option In HP 3PAR Management Console 4.3, clicking OK on the Tune
to take the user to the task details screen
System dialog displays a dialog with the task id for the operation
directly after starting a Tune System task
and provides an option to be taken to the task details panel. This
1.3 Modifications to the Management Console
... Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 2-node Storage Base for Storage Centric Rack (100.23 kb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 8Gb H-series Base System SAN Kit (100.23 kb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 16Gb Virtualization Base System SAN Kit (100.23 kb)
dati dispositivi di elaborazione - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 Storage System Flash Starter Kit (100.23 kb)