da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
23. Click Start to initiate data collection for a specific component group, or for all the component
groups depending on the requirement. Click Stop if you want to stop the data collection process.
A message is displayed in the message area on completion of the data collection.
24. Click Default Mail Client to launch your default email client on completion of the data collection.
This button is enabled only if you have chosen not to automatically send the collected raw data
to HP for processing. For more information on how to automatically send raw data collection to
HP for processing, see the HP StorageWorks SAN Visibility 5.1 User Guide.
25. Attach the
26. Email this raw data file to: SAN_Visibility@hp.com with the following subject line: HP Storage-
Works SAN Visibility 5.1 Report Request.
An automated email response is mailed back to you confirming the receipt of the raw data file.
On completion of the SAN analysis, you receive a detailed SAN Visibility report containing SAN
topology map, device inventory, high level SAN summary, and recommendations for each fabric,
such as recommended firmware versions on the switches, hanging zone. It normally takes up to
1 business day to send back the processed report.
27. Select File > Save As..., and provide a name for your configuration in the File Name box if you
want to save the SAN configuration for future references.
28. Click Save.
By default, the SAN configuration file is saved at the following location:
29. Select File > Exit to exit from HP StorageWorks SAN Visibility.
Comparing SAN
SAN Visibility provides an option to compare SANs and generate reports.
To use this feature, you must have the SVReport.comp file. The SVReport.comp file is bundled
with the processed report.
To compare SANs, complete the following steps:
Select SAN Comparison > Compare SAN.
The SAN Comparison window is displayed.