Scaricare : 7   File Size : 32 kb   Produttore : Atek electronic  
Categoria : Dispositivi di Input

Please also try other Atek laptop accessories, including Tote-Remote® remote controls for laptop presentations and replacement PCMCIA dongles and cables for PC cards. If you have difficulty installing or using your Super Mini™ Optical Mouse, please first contact your dealer or computer system manufacturer for assistance. If they are unable to help you, please call Atek for further help. Please read this User’s Manual thoroughly. It contains important information about your Atek Super Mini™ Optic

Scaricare : 2   File Size : 514 kb   Produttore : Atek electronic  
Categoria : Dispositivi di Input

If you still cannot resolve the problem after reading the user’s manual, please check our website for possible additional information and updates. If you are still unable to find a solution, please contact your computer manufacturer or consultant or our technical support department for assistance. You can reach Atek’s technical support department Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time at 1-888-889-9990 or 714-258-0100, or you can email us at support@atek.com OnBoard User’s Manu
