Facilità d'uso
Put the iron on its heel and wait until the temperature light goes out before you start ironing. Flakes and impurities come out of the soleplate during ironing. You have used hard water, which has caused scale flakes to develop inside the soleplate. Use the Calc-Clean function one or more times (see chapter ‘Cleaning and maintenance’). Water leaks from the soleplate while the iron cools down or after it has been stored. You have put the iron in horizontal position while there is still water in the water tank. Empty the water tank and set the steam control to the ‘no steam’ position before you store the iron (see chapter ‘Storage’). Store the iron on its heel. 4239.000.7060.2 3/6 philips.com/welcome A S^nSi B in^affl - 1= »Ain - 2 = iAin - t= fein - u= C SS^T® d mm E ?Affi F G SSiiSJSS WifflASnnn^'MAff;®raiIAftffl¥ffl felt - M^BK4;t>№A^» W^ - Wiffl^'MA^sittAfiT^mi®®®: gM№msitmi-s- umi'i^fffl" tt^stfei- - giisitamge'^itAi*“ - ASnanAS^tA?'JA± (MSAK) ftffl:* '&'^TSnan^ftffl^>i'^ftffl- - i^isiBiiags»“ WS - £nmSnnn^igMsI'B№«A^^igM ffiSA- - smsmssggift- - K4№S^t^Si#®M'£nmfiS'Mt^ Mffi- A'^f&gffi^K4ft:MBin&afflS £S'JrfeinJftfe«'BK4S£££®^ A'ifiBmSffisI^ffiM^- - MBK4^miAi«^7XAffi±ftffl- - ASn°niIt*ffl- (EMF) (Electromagnetic fields’ EMF) 2"®ss^tofiEBStae^fis-3 &ffi4A&«&” 2 &&7KnteMiiTM” (■ 3) 3 ^g*Aa;SSJAffift^]t” (■ 4) ®^&ASMrMAXJte*ftffi^” a№fti»§aA*i^°- a»:»m£&M£*Etee**K®£fc»-K° 3lii*l" %£;sa_ 3&M4i£° 3 &a£ffiSI&£«Slfiateft«*&£ffi*teS sat” (a 5) i^sg^KMSS'i^s^a^Titt: • -^s,*» («P'i£*it»-A^m-Msis- MIh,*») • m 2 ^4 3* s^^feK^^^MM'ttMasg^Ksss- P^ASAiffiEPtE- M№SI»ffiSft&feHMKM'«n-£Sit»K ^S4- 3 &i»aiiiAffi*ij®.« , (a 6) S” .teffltfkssi I &MH^$!lffl&£Iir&MHJteft§” (■ 2) I srn#siiteffi»as (ii#ram#^fflJte r^sasj^^^)” »” , Mmn;S*#№S>f^-7№ ($n*#te^) &MHJteft§” 3 &fi4sffisiis£s»#£» 3 a£ffi*:BftRi$-»«l$fi4teii» 3 &»4««*£fflate^fl±J*»-W&S»± 3 I «TSn°nii-&&£^ffiSlffl&fcr&£^J tefe«” I ^Affil*HteA§№” (■ 9) I &i»««ft£ffi4««£«±” (■ 10) I »s4iaK3±»fi4#ai-^$±fie« te±*£” 2 ffiS£*ffi.#£8te*» 3 a®wsa»«»ffls (ii#ram#^fflJ№ r^sasj^^^)” (■ 7) SSSS 2 3\ • •• 'StiAin 1- SSSS • • • S'J MAX'StiAin 2-S'M&£SS^'K4®#£fiPHMi£in° t^iti*s-iaA*- (■ 11) £&SIffii№$^*E'^®£ii№1ffi'iIl R^iiJ/illiAI№Si Ti &i»iiffiij®±«i$&affi4&$» 3 ffl;i^fl#mttte (««) »*M»£S»± W^EWMMMM^WZMWWHWZS &*$£” _ i! №№KMMfI^AiiAi№SS£)'UJA' ®£SS±«iffl^e^- 3 &MH^$!lffl&£Iir&MHJteft§” (■ 2) 3 ^assa^sarMAxJ” 3 &*ffilA*ffillft»teSI£» jJ^iiiiiAilii” 3£&¥W±S£«4-&&£^ffiSI&£SII$ffi »atefe«” 4-«aKffi.^#teKS^#” (■ 8) A*tIMftfflAK4»t#SS№Pmm-i¥1fM# iffiif®z*i-»*raisasa'i®£f pmm sh »>*A>i K4sgffi m'mafi sto®;t №- m^iit mm- ^smss'ffis Wffis- SS^a MIN- BSS^asss ^fS^SS- K4A#i tin- m^S- ^ASAffi (M# iriffffljf ^)- in^affl nj^fe M- in^affls^i nss (i#ir ffflftm^jm ^)- KMM^^ ^A№fi* S№- K4^ M- BSS^ass S'M^inKM ^SS (№ 2 a max)-BK41 iS^SS^T KM- ftKMMfl ^W!tS№ SA'ftt ffMA^- (M #iri*ffl» i*J)- K4;t«P af'^M #SA- K4«^A AfeMi' Affito^* A- £^K4ft (M #Hrtus ij'iBAffii i'tiSinS affls'jrfeinj ftfe«-BK4S &^a- 4239.000.7060.2 4/6 I Ш!ШЙЖё1.ЙЙ^1|^Ш!*7^1Ш^ ^Шй«й£#.г*амйлппп.№* (Ш A äAn^ в ШЯёЯ - 1= йФШЯйЩж - 2=й^ШЯйЩж - t= ^ШЯ - u= Р£А^Й!ь C SSfeff D £>Ш E Affi F ЙЙ G /т®^® ^Дгп°п£М,Ш?ШШ»^Д %о - ^йМ^МЛ?^ ШИ - ШВ^®4М1£^Ш±в1 йШ£Шемш^йш± о ^тъ (EMF)_ ЗЖ^Й/ЙЛп^^^^ТВДЙ^ (EMF) Жсшмй^и.ппжшшйд^шяад Я¥ЙФЙгЯВДШтШ^.АЛп°^£^Йс 2 M®4E*±lXTfrH^^*}Pffic ^ üffi4iní%se^sftc 3 £-Ш1^±®'Л^#.%£1%Е*±ЙМ а*: tÄ^ДЙ,®4WШSfflой-è^ê 2} Й#ЙЖ'Й)£(Ж Й ixÆ/™ft ~p)c -*ф £Afë&A ^Ж#тЙМ^±№жМ ^;'#m.ii^s^^L $пж^ж$мш^.м&^ ё^пй^ж^жш.^я#^ 5гпппТ^ТШШ*ТЧШ^Й 9^П£Р1ЯЙЛ(^ЙАШ)^ Я.&Ф#ЙЙМ££ЙЛЙ Mlfè№rnnnÂ№*^fê в йкш?лш.шм№лщ fec аЖ й^йМ^^ЙЙ^ ^®4ЙЕШ^ШФГ'.£п йАША^М^ШИЖ ^®4в^:йШЯ£ШШ^ г“^ШЯ’й1.®4йМ, ^ММ^жйШФШТЙ^ ^®4^Ш£*й^ЙШШ±^Д MIc ^й^ЖЛ?^ 2 ша^т^Й^-жй^ ^ йшяежшёгэкжшя’г» (и 2) 2 ляаАпЙ^ (и 3) ^ йй^А^/аиА^Й*^^ (и 4) м^мшййжаф#^ а*: £пт®Ж£йЕЙё*А®йт*.шпш &®йё*А^жЙШ«А®-&^д^д.^ SffllS*c 'Л- п±? ев Ф= ^xÆ/rnS j мйвФтт^жй^.г!^^;^ 2 Д;\1^П#т414(Ш*);Ш^'Ш£Е*±Й A^K.'fi-HS'S^iPA fflÄc J ^®4S^c 3 Ш5гЖШЖ'й]£.г1йй]£$1Й$1ЭШШз: I (И 5) fêêS®teSW7BMSS^«®: ££) • 2 • • • H.ŒB ППЖ^Й^ЙЙЯФШШЖ.К-Й^Й# Т'йййгй.айй^тнёй. ШШДп^^&^ШТ^МЯЙЙШШтЯ Ш.ЙЙ^й. мжмшшштйй^^йжш.пп^шт^ ш^с 5 йЙ^ЙЛ^ЙЙ^жй^ , Sft^Tff*^ (И 6) _41 ®*SftfêTff*#.Ê^-èS^^®Mc йяш^й.т®^г4т#ййй^с ^&ИШЙД-/Лё^йЙввсПпШ^№±№ ^шшмврйяйшмфейщшкйш^ а^.^шдёЖ^й^й^йс 3 йшяежшёгэкжшячт (и 2) ¿\йЙ]£$1Ш^** (MAX)c ^ йАшайгл^Аг (MAX)c гШ^й^^шшаЛ?^ 2й^жй^ЛЙ^ ^ ^sft^T:tTM^.ítT®4É^№^c Ti йА)Ш±й¥й®4.^й»яея®а®га &A±êtëIc 1\й»яежшй£1%А±^21#ешшй 4.S^Affi^№A±^^^c (И 8) , SЯШ#AèME*)ФЖоA±ê(íп*ftЙiï) 5 &Д71%А±ёйШ£^.г1Й*яеЖШ5Ж a‘í*Я”йIо 3йт®4Ф)ФЖЙА{И*А±Ше.Я'ШНЖ Э Й^^ЙЙ^.^Е*^ ^ ^sft^T:tTM^.ítT®4É^№^c 2\ Й®4ЙЙ-^ДЙЙ^±ЙЙЙМ^^Й.У 5 i±®4;tiP.^#È№c -#й. j] шт^йЙ^-жй^^йшяеяшаш» ЭК^^Я’^» ^ ®ША^ (И 9) ^ й^жШЙЙ#^*»^ (И 10) —ТО - ЯЖЛтЙ.Я^МЙЙ^-^^^ЙШ^ЙЙ t^ïi'fic (В 11) ппшйтмш^шшж.^^шям.гшы ^...
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