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Istruzioni per l'uso Philips, Modello GC6320/03

Produttore : Philips
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shor t while. The steam tank and/or the iron may not be switched on. There is not enough water in the water Fill the water tank (see chapter tank. ‘Preparing for use’). The steam tank has not heated up sufficiently. Make sure the steam tank switch is set to ‘on’. Make sure the iron switch is set to ‘on’. Set both the iron switch and the steam tank switch to ‘on’. Wait for 6 to 8 minutes for the steam tank to heat up. 1 EnGlish Problem Cause Solution Water droplets come out of the soleplate. Flakes and impurities come out of the soleplate. The iron produces steam continuously. The soleplate is dir ty. Dir ty water comes out of the soleplate. The selected ironing temperature is too low for steam ironing. When the iron has been set to a ver y high temperature, the steam produced is dr y and hardly visible. It will be even less visible when the ambient temperature is relatively high and it will be entirely invisible when the temperature has been set to MAX. The temperature dial may be set to a temperature that is too low for steam ironing. You may not have switched on the iron. You may have placed the steam tank on an unstable and/or uneven surface. When you star t steam ironing and when you have stopped steam ironing for a while, the steam that was still present in the supply hose will have cooled down and condensed into water, which causes water droplets to come out of the soleplate. The iron is new. You may have ironed at a temperature that is too high. Impurities or chemicals present in the water have deposited in the steam vents and/or on the soleplate. Too much scale and minerals have accumulated inside the steam tank. You have slid the steam activator to the locking position. Select a temperature of 2 or higher. Release the steam lock if you only want to obtain steam when pressing the steam activator. Set the iron to a lower temperature, e.g. 2, to check if the iron is actually producing steam. Select an ironing temperature that is suitable for steam ironing (temperature settings 2 to MAX). Set the iron switch to ‘on’ and wait until the iron is hot. Place the steam tank on a stable and even surface. This is perfectly normal. Hold the iron over an old cloth and press the steam activator.The cloth absorbs the drops. After a few seconds, the steam production normalises. This is normal. The par ticles are harmless ans stop coming out of the soleplate when you have used the iron a few times. Clean the soleplate with a damp cloth. Select the recommended ironing temperature. Clean the soleplate with a damp cloth. Rinse the steam tank. See chapter ‘Cleaning and maintenance’. EnGlish 1 Problem Cause Solution Steam escapes from the filling hole area during ironing. You may not have tightened the steam tank cap properly or you have spilled some water round the filling hole. Switch off the appliance and let it cool down. Remove the steam tank cap, wipe away the water round the filling hole and tighten the steam tank cap again.Then switch the appliance back on. Wet spots appear on the garment during ironing. The wet spots that appear on your garment after you have steam ironed for some time may be caused by steam that has condensed onto the ironing board. Iron the wet spots without steam for some time to dr y them. If the underside of the ironing board is wet, wipe it with a piece of dr y cloth. To prevent steam from condensing onto the ironing board, use an ironing board with a wire mesh top. 1 Generel beskrivelse (fig. 1) Dansk 1 Generel beskrivelse (fig. 1) Dansk A Dampslange B Temperaturindikator med lys C Temperatur v.lger D Dampaktiveringsknap med las -D1 Las -D2 Aktiveringsknap E Lag til damptank F Str ygesal G Holder til str ygejernet H Damptank I Netledning J Kontakt til damptank (lyser nar t.ndt) K Dampkontrol (kun GC6320) L Kontakt til str ygejern (lyser nar t.ndt) vigtigt L.s denne brugsvejledning omhyggeligt igennem, inden apparatet tages i brug, og gem den til eventuelt senere brug. Kontroller, om sp.ndingsangivelsen pa typeskiltet svarer til den lokale netsp.nding, for du , ,, ,, ,, , , , ,, , , , , tilslutter apparatet. Apparatet ma kun sluttes til en stikkontakt med jordforbindelse. Brug ikke apparatet, hvis stik, ledning, dampslange eller selve apparatet viser tegn pa beskadigelse, eller hvis apparatet er blevet tabt, eller det er ut.t. Kontroller med j.vne mellemrum, at ledningen og dampslangen er hel og ubeskadiget. Hvis ledningen eller dampslangen beskadiges, ma de kun udskiftes af Philips, et autoriseret Philips-servicev.rksted eller af en kvalificeret fagmand for at undga enhver risiko ved efterfolgende brug. Hold altid apparatet under opsyn, nar det er sluttet til lysnettet. Hverken strygejern eller damptank ma kommes ned i vand. Dette apparat er ikke beregnet til at blive brugt af personer (herunder born) med nedsatte fysiske og mentale evner, nedsat folesans eller manglende erfaring og viden, medmindre de er blevet vejledt eller instrueret i apparatets anvendelse af en person, der er ansvarl...

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