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Istruzioni per l'uso Canon, Modello EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro

Produttore : Canon
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Foto e specifiche   Canon  EF 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro
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With TTL metering, AE (autoexposure) is possible at all focusing distances. Just set the desired picture-taking mode, then check the shutter speed and aperture before taking the picture. When you use a handheld exposure meter to set the exposure, you must take into account the exposure factor shown in the following table. EF50mm f/2.5 Compact macro only Magnification 1:10 1:8 1:6 1:5 1:4 1:3 1:2.5 1:2 Effective f/No. 1.21 1.27 1.36 1.44 1.56 1.78 1.96 2.25 Exposure Factor (stops) in . stops 0 +. +1.0 in .. stops 0 +.. +1.0 +1.. EF50mm f/2.5 with Life Size Converter EF Magnification 1:4 1:2 1:1.5 1:1.2 1:1 Effective f/No. 1.64 1.87 2.16 2.49 2.86 Exposure Factor (stops) in . stops +. +1.0 +1. in .. stops +.. +1.0 +1.. +1.. EF100mm f/2.8 Macro Magnification 1:4 1:3 1:2.5 1:2 1:1.5 1:1 Effective f/No. 1.44 1.61 1.76 1.99 2.41 3.38 Exposure Factor (stops) in . stops +. +1.0 +1. +2.0 in .. stops +.. +.. +1.0 +1.. +1.. • The correct exposure for a close-up shot largely depends on the subject. Therefore, it is recommended to take several shots of the same subject at different exposures. • When taking close-up shots, it is recommended to use aperture-priority AE (Av) or Manual (M) picture-taking modes, because depth of field and exposure are easy to adjust in those modes. 6. Depth-of-Field The depth of field is the distance in front of and behind the plane of focus on the subject that appears sharp. The depth of field is indicated by the area between the depth-of-field scale lines below the distance scale. Numbers in the scale are in F values, and for example, if the shooting distance is 1.5 m and the aperture is f/16, the sharp area will extend from about 1.2 m to 2 m (with the EF50mm f/2.5 Compact macro .. ). • The depth-of-field scale is an approximate indicator. 7. Infrared Index The infrared index corrects the focus setting when using monochrome infrared film. Focus on the subject manually, then adjust the distance setting by moving the focusing ring to the corresponding infrared index mark .. - .. , .. , .. , .. . • Some EOS cameras cannot use infrared film. See the instructions for your EOS camera. 8. Filters (sold separately) You can attach filters to the filter mounting thread on the front of the lens .. . • One filter can be attached. • If you need a polarizing filter, use Canon’s PL-C 52mm polarizing filter. • When the Canon’s PL-C 52mm polarizing filter is attached, the lens cap cannot be attached. 9. Specifications EF50mm f/2.5 EF100mm f/2.8 Focal Length/Aperture 50mm, f/2.5 100mm, f/2.8 Lens Construction 8 groups, 9 elements 9 groups, 10 elements Angle of View Diagonal–46° Vertical–27° Horizontal–40° Diagonal–24° Vertical–14° Horizontal–20° Focusing Distance Ranges 0.58 to ....inch 0.23 to ....m 0.79 to ....inch 0.31 to ....m full 0.8 to 0.14 inch 0.31 to 0.57 m with limit 1.45 to ....inch 0.57 to ....m with limit Max. Magnification 0.5./1. (with Life Size Converter EF attached) 1. Filter Diameter 52 mm Max. Diameter and Length 67.6 . 63 mm (2.7 . 2.5 inch) 75 . 105.3 mm (3 . 4.1 inch) Weight 280 g (9.8 oz) 650 g (1.42 lb) The lens length is measured from the mount surface to the front end of the lens. Add 21.5mm when including the lens cap and dust cap. The size and weight listed are for the lens only, except as indicated. Product specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi cet objectif Canon. L’objectif EF50mm f/2,5 Compact macro est un objectif macro utilisable pour les prises de vue normales et pour les prises de vue en gros plan jusqu’a 1/2. (0,5.). Cet objectif est un objectif macro standard pour les appareils EOS. Un agrandissement a l’echelle (1.) est egalement possible par l’installation d’un Convertisseur 0,25-1/1 EF disponible en option. L’objectif Macro EF100mm f/2,8 de Canon est un teleobjectif macro moyen permettant des prises de vue de la taille a l’echelle aux gros plans. Consignes de securite 1. Ne regardez jamais le soleil ou une source de lumiere vive a travers l’objectif ou l’appareil. Vous pourriez endommager votre vue. Viser directement le soleil dans l’ objectif est particulierement dangereux. 2. Que l’objectif soit monte ou non sur l’appareil, ne le laissez pas expose au soleil sans le munir de son bouchon. C’est pour eviter l’effet de loupe qui pourrait declencher un incendie. Precautions d’utilisation Si l’objectif est amene d’un environnement froid a un environnement chaud, de la condensation risque de se deposer sur la surface de l’objectif et sur les pieces internes. Pour eviter toute formation de condensation, commencez par mettre l’objectif dans une poche en plastique etanche avant de le sortir dans un environnement chaud. Puis sortez l’objectif quand il s’est peu a peu rechauffe. Faites de meme quand vous amenez l’objectif d’un environnement chaud a un environnement froid. 1. Montage et retrait de l’objectif Re...

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