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Istruzioni per l'uso Panasonic, Modello HDCHS700

Produttore : Panasonic
File Size : 6.01 mb
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Lingua di insegnamento: en

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HDC-SD700&TM700&HS700EP-VQT2M88_mst.book 3 ページ 2010年2月12日 金曜日 午前10時55分
EMC Electric and magnetic
please contact your local municipality,
your waste disposal service or the point of
sale where you purchased the items.
This symbol (CE) is located on the rating
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect
disposal of this waste, in accordance with
Use only the recommended accessories.
national legislation.
≥ Do not use any other AV multi cables and
USB cables except the supplied one.
For business users in the
≥ When you use the cable which are sold
European Union
separately, please make sure to use the
If you wish to discard
one whose length is less than 3 metres.
electrical and electronic
equipment, please contact
≥ Keep the Memory Card out of reach of
your dealer or supplier for
children to prevent swallowing.
further information.
Concerning the AC adaptor
[Information on Disposal in other
Countries outside the European Union]

Product Identification Marking is
These symbols are only valid in the
located on the bottom of unit.
European Union. If you wish to discard
these items, please contact your local
Information for Users on
authorities or dealer and ask for the
Collection and Disposal of Old
correct method of disposal.
Equipment and used Batteries
Note for the battery
These symbols on the
symbol (bottom two
products, packaging, and/
symbol examples):
or accompanying
This symbol might be used
documents mean that used
in combination with a
electrical and electronic
chemical symbol. In this
products and batteries
case it complies with the
should not be mixed with
requirement set by the
general household waste.
Directive for the chemical
For proper treatment, recovery and
recycling of old products and used
batteries, please take them to applicable
Cautions for use
collection points, in accordance with your
Keep the High Definition Video Camera as
national legislation and the Directives
far away as possible from electromagnetic
2002/96/EC and 2006/66/EC.
equipment (such as microwave ovens,
By disposing of these products and
TVs, video games etc.).
batteries correctly, you will help to save
≥ If you use the High Definition Video
Camera on top of or near a TV, the
valuable resources and prevent any
pictures and sound on the High Definition
potential negative effects on human
Video Camera may be disrupted by
health and the environment which could
electromagnetic wave radiation.
otherwise arise from inappropriate waste
≥ Do not use the High Definition Video
Camera near cel phones because doing
For more information about collection and
so may result in noise adversely affecting
recycling of old products and batteries,
the pictures and sound.


Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :
Videocamere - HDCSD700 (6.01 mb)
Videocamere - HDCTM700 (6.01 mb)

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