da questo dispositivo ha anche altre istruzioni :
Facilità d'uso
With a
Operating environment
A computer with the specifications below is required to use this software.
Operating environment required for VideoCam Suite
● When 2 or more USB devices are connected to a PC, or when devices are connected through USB hubs or
by using extension cables, proper operation is not guaranteed.
IBM® PC/AT compatible personal computer with an Intel® Pentium® 1.0 GHz or higher
● Operation on an upgraded OS is not guaranteed.
CPU (including compatible CPU)
● Operation on an OS other than the one pre-installed is not guaranteed.
(When using Playback function and the MPEG2 conversion function, Intel® Pentium® 4 )
● This software does not support the multi-boot environments.
1.8 GHz or higher is recommended.
● Windows Vista®: Log on with an administrator account or a standard user account before using this
software. The software will not function with a Guest account.
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Basic or Service Pack 1
Windows® XP/2000: Log on with an administrator account before using this software. (Installation and
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium or Service Pack 1
uninstallation of the software requires an administrator account.)
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Ultimate or Service Pack 1
● This software does not support the multi-monitor environments.
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business or Service Pack 1
● For fonts and screen settings, use the standard Windows® settings. Characters may not display properly
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition Service Pack 2/Service Pack 3
depending on the settings.
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Pack 2/Service Pack 3
● This software cannot be used simultaneously with other time-shifting image editing software or video
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional Service Pack 4
capture products. Note that other software running background processes, timer recording in particular, may
512 MB or more (1 GB or more recommended)
cause this software to malfunction.
● This software operates only when the built-in clock on the PC is set to a value within the following range.
High Colour (16 bit) or more (32 bit or more recommended)
From 0:00 on January 1, 1970, to 23:59 on December 31, 2037.
Desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or more
If the built-in clock is set to a value outside this range, this software may not be activated or operated
(1280 x 1024 pixels or more recommended)
Video card complying with DirectX® 9.0c
● This software can only handle images recorded with this software or a Panasonic video camera that this
DirectDraw® overlay support
software accompanied. Images created with other video cameras, DVD recorders, software and commercial
PCI Express™ x 16 is recommended
DVD videos are not supported.
Hard disk
Ultra DMA-33 or higher
450 MB or more free space for installing software
● Recording to optical discs or SD cards requires twice the amount of free space as the
Operating environment for the card reader function (EB/EP only),
size of the disc or SD card to be created.
the card reader/writer function (GC/GN only) (Mass storage)
● If the compression setting is enabled, errors will occur during recording. Clear the
check for [Compress this drive to save disk space] in [Properties] for the hard disk
IBM PC/AT or compatible preinstalled with the OS below
Windows Vista®: Microsoft® DirectX® 10
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional SP4
(preinstalled in Windows Vista®)
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition/Professional
Microsoft® DirectX® 10.1 (preinstalled in Windows Vista® SP1)
Microsoft® Windows® Vista® Home Basic/Home Premium/Ultimate/Business
Windows® XP/2000: Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c
Windows 2000 / XP : Intel® Pentium® III 450 MHz or higher or Intel® Celeron® 400 MHz
(preinstalled in Windows® XP SP2)
or higher
● Installing the software on a computer that is not compatible with these versions
Windows Vista : Including compatible CPUs. Intel® Pentium® 4 1.6 GHz or higher
DirectX® may cause the computer to stop operating normally. If you are unsure if your
PC is compatible, contact the manufacturer.
Windows 2000 / XP : 128 MB or more (256MB or more recommended)
DirectSound® support
Windows Vista Home Basic : 512 MB or more
CD-ROM drive (for installation)
Windows Vista Ultimate, Business, Home Premium : 1 GB or more
(When writing to DVD, a compatible drive and media are necessary.)
USB port
USB port (Hi-Speed USB (USB2.0))
Mouse or equivalent pointing device
Video cameras
Panasonic digital video cameras this software is provided with (SD card/Hard disk)
connected via
● USB connection: Data can be written to a computer.
Content captured using Panasonic digital video cameras this software is provided with
(SD card/Hard disk)
Mouse or equivalent pointing device, SD card reader/writer (required for reading and
writing to SD cards; performing these operations with SD cards 4 GB or larger requires
an SDHC-compatible SD card reader/writer), and an environment with Internet access
(required for online functions “YouTube Uploader”)
● Even if the system requirements mentioned in these operating instructions are fulfilled, some personal
● Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Vista®, Windows Media®, DirectX®, DirectDraw® and DirectSound® are either
computers cannot be used.
registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
● Supplied CD-ROM is available for Windows only.
● IBM® and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation of the U.S.
● This software is not compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 3.1, Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 98
● Intel® and Pentium® and Celeron® are registered trademarks or trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United
SE, Windows® Me, and Windows NT®.
States and other countries.
● Operation is not guaranteed on Microsoft® Windows Vista® Enterprise, Windows® XP Media Center Edition,
● Other names of systems and products mentioned in these instructions are usually the registered trademarks or
Tablet PC Edition and not compatible with 64 bit operation systems.
trademarks of the manufacturers who developed the system or product concerned.