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Min V-Tuner Display & Adjust Close V-Tuner Core Clock Display Core Clock lock ay & Adjust lock Li Display Memory Cnk to the Websit of Gigabyte Help Description Close V-Tuner To system Tray DisplMemory C English -17 -Softwa re Installation EnglishEnglish 3.1.5. Taskbar icon After installat ion of the display d rivers, y ou will find a GBT icon on t he taskb ar's stat us are a. Rig ht-clicking this icon ope ns the GBT c ontrol panel, show ing a menu composed of shortcut of the graphics card's enhanced and other functions. You may click the "Display Properties" item, and then click Settings. Click "Advanced" after clickng Settings. Click the appropriate tab to change your display settings. Right click the icon. Yo u can lin k to GBT w eb site for u pd ate d infor ma tio n abo ut the grap hics acc elerato r, late st drive rs, and other information. Click "VG A Information" item into the "VGA Info" and "Color Adjust"ta bs. GV-N57 Series Graphics Accelerator -18 VGAInformation VGA Info lists the relevant information about your card. ColorAdjust Color Adjust allows you to make color adjustments, such as brightness, contrast and gamma values for each or all of RGB colors. English -19 -Softwa re Installation EnglishEnglish After installation of the display drivers, you will find a NVIDIA icon on the taskbar's status area. Clicking this icon open the control panel. Right click the icon. You ca n a d jus t th e p ro p er ties of th e graphics accelertaor fr om here. You ca n enable th e nView fun ction. GV-N57 Series Graphics Accelerator -20 3.1.6. Display properties pages The screen shows the information of display adapter, color, the range of display area and the refresh rate. Settings (Resolutions andColor depth for windows) The Setting properties page allows you to adjust the screen resolution and color quality settings. Yo u c an click th e item to c han ge the color de pth. You can move the slider to change the resolution. Click "Advance d" icon for adapte r and setting. nThiDri You c an select other pr operties from the pop-out menu. Clic k "Advanced", into details settings: s page shows the Ada pter, System and ver ve rsion s information. English -21 -Softwa re Installation ScreenAdjustmentproperties • Click th e icons on the desktop image to adjust English the screen to the desire d position. Note: On certain monitors, the screen m ay go blank momentar ily during adjustment. Display Timingproperties • Select the proper timing mode for your display. • Auto-Detect (Windows determines the proper mode.) • General Timing Formula (GTF) • Disc rete Mo nitor Timings ( DMT) • Coordinated Video Timings (CVT) Standard • Fixe d aspe ct ratio timings • Enable/Disable dou blescan for lower resolution modes Color Correction properties • The Color Correction Properties is used to adjus t the color setting s. It als o allows gamma control fo r video playin g of the Vide o Over lay. Th e co lo r se ttin gs a ffec t all disp la y de vice s m ap p ed to th e vie w. Yo u c an ch a ng e r ed , gr een, an d blue disp lay colors . Se t D esktop and Video O verlay brightness (ga mma) levels can also be changed. GV-N57 Series Graphics Accelerator -22 EnglishEnglish Performance and Quality Settings properties • Th e s lid e r s le ts to d e c id e w h e th e r yo u r a p p lic a tio n s h o u ld u s e q u lit y o r h ig h perfo rmance tex ture. • Imag e Settings: Moving the slider to the left will maximize application performance, while m ovin g th e slid er to the r ig ht w ill pr ovid e exce llent 3D imag e quality. • Antialiasing settings: Improves image quality by removing jagged edges from 3D images. • Anisotr opic Filtering : Us e a textu re filter ing te c h n iq u e th a t b le nd s m u ltiple te x tu r e samples together. It will result in high quality te xtu res, with a ne gligible r edu ction in the application's performance. Direct3DSettingsproperties • Performanc e and Compatibility options. • Mipm ap detail le vel • Maximum system me mory fo r PCI mode textures • Enab le fog table emula tion • Cus tom Direct3D settings OpenGL Settingsproperties • Performanc e and Compatibility options. • Disable support for enha nced CPU ins truc tion sets. • Enable conformant O penGL textur e clamp behavior. • Multi-Display Hard ware Accelera tion • Default Colo r Dep th (for textur es) • Buffe r-Flipping Mode • Vertical Sync • Custom OpenGL se ttings -23 -Softwa re Installation EnglishEnglish OverlayControls properties • The Overlay Controls Properties is used to a d ju s t th e Br ig h tn e s s / C o n tr a s t / H u e / Saturatio n settings. Overlay pr operties allows for th e viewing of full-motion video on yo ur PC. However, there is only one video overlay, which is only available on th e Primary disp lay. Th e vid e o o ve r la y c o n tr o ls a r e a u to m a tic a lly activate d during playbac k of any video file type that suppo rts ove rlay ad justme nts. Trobleshootingproperties NVRotate properties • The N V ID IA se tting s ta...