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Istruzioni per l'uso Gigabyte, Modello GV-R96S128D

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Technology Tr ading GMbH Ausschlager Weg 41,1F, 20537 Hambur g, Germany declare that the product ( description of the apparatus, system, installation to which it refers) 3D G raphics Acceler ator GV-R96S128D is in conformity with (reference to the specification under which conformity is declared) in accordance with 89/336 EEC-EMC Directive • EN 55011 Limit s and met hods of measurement of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of indust rial, scient ific and medical (I SM high f requency equipment • EN 61000-3-2* • EN 60555-2 Dist urbances in supply systems cause by household appliances and similar elect rical equipment “Harmonics” • EN 55013 Limit s and met hods of measurement of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of broadcast receivers and associat ed equipment • EN 61000-3-3* • EN 60555-3 Dist urbances in supply systems cause by household appliances and similar elect rical equipment “Volt age f luctuat ions” • EN 55014 Limit s and met hods of measurement of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of household elect rical appliances, port able t ools and similar elect rical apparat us • EN 50081-1 • EN 50082-1 Generic emission st andard Part 1: Residual commercialand light indust ry Genericimmunit y st andard Part 1: Residual commercialand light indust ry • EN 55015 Limit s and met hods of measurement of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of fluorescent lamps and luminaries • EN 55081-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: I ndust rialenvironment • EN 55020 I mmunit y f rom radio int erf erence of broadcast receivers and associat ed equipment • EN 55082-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: I ndust rialenvironment • EN 55022 Limit s and met hods of measurement of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of inf ormat ion t echnology equipment • ENV 55104 lmmunit y requirement s f or household appliances t ools and similar apparat us • DI N VDE 0855 • p art 10 • p art 12 Cabled dist ribut ion syst ems; Equipment f or receiving and/ or d i stri b u tio n f rom sound and t elevision signals • EN50091-2 EMC requirement s for unint errupt ible powersyst ems(UPS) • CEmarki n g (EC conf ormit y marking) T h eman u factu rer al so d ecl aresth e co n fo rmi ty of ab ove menti o n ed p ro du ct wi th th e actu al req u i red safety stan dard s i n acco rd an ce wi th L VD 73/ 23EEC • EN 60065 Saf et yrequirement s f or mains operat ed elect ronic and relat ed apparat us f or household and similar general use • EN 60950 Saf et yf or inf ormat ion t echnology equipment including elect ricalbussiness equipment • EN 60335 Saf et y of household and similar elect rical appliances • EN 50091-1 General and Saf ety requirement s f or unint errupt ible power syst ems(UPS) Manufacturer/Importer (S ta mp ) Dat e : Oct ober 31, 2003 Signat ure: Name: T im m y H uang Timm y Huang DECLARATION OF CONF OR MITY Pe r FCC P art 2 S ect ion 2.1077( a) Re s pon s ibl e P arty Name: G. B. T. IN C. (U.S .A .) Addres s : 17358 Railroad S treet Cit y of Indus tr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/Fax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 hereby declares that the product Pr oduct N ame: 3D Graphics Acceler ator Mode l Nu mber : GV-R96S 128D Conforms to the follo wing s pecifications : FCC Par t 15, Sub part B, S ectio n 15. 107( a) an d Se ction 15. 109 (a), Clas s B Digital De vice S u pplemen tar y Inf or mat ion: This device co mplies with part 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is s ubject to t he follo wing two conditions : (1) This de vice may not cause harmful and (2) this device mus t accept any inference received, including that may caus e undes ired operation. Repres entative Pers on’s Name: ERIC LU Signature: Eric Lu Dat e: October 31, 2003 English English Chapter 1 User's Manual Copyright Copyright by GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGYCO., LTD. ("GBT") No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any from without the expressed, written permission of GBT. Trademarks Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Notice Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might be out of date before publication of this booklet. The author assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions which may appear in this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. Please do not remove any labels on VGA card, this may void the warranty of this VGA card. This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certainU.S. patentsand otherintellectualproperty rights owned byMacrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless othe rwis e aut horized by Ma crov isio n Co rpora tion . Re verse eng inee ring or disassemblyis prohibited. October 21, 2003 Taipei, Taiwan GV -R96 S128 D Gr aphics A ccelerator -2 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................

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