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Istruzioni per l'uso Panasonic, Modello AWCH600

Produttore : Panasonic
File Size : 873.26 kb
File Nome : AWCH600.PDF

Lingua di insegnamento: en

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Facilità d'uso

. _ - \ 620 (24 7/16) L . ki— JJ t- \ -i i f— -Si" 50 (2) -14- SPECIFICATIONS Power Applicable lenses Heater Wiper Defroster Fan Maximum payload Working temperature range Ambient humidity Dimensions Weight Finish Supplied from pan/tilt head AW-LZ14MD55, AW-LZ17MD9 AW-LZ10MDE, A36x14 5BERD-E2B, J33ax15B4 1ASSx12 ON/OFF controllable, ON at about 5°C or below □N/OFF controllable ON/OFF controllable, OFF at about 40DC or over ON/OFF controllable, ON at aboul 30DC or over 10 kg (Camera and lens) -20°C to +BD°C 30% to 90% 227 (W) x 253 (H) x 720 (D) mm [B-15/16' (W) x 9-15/1 S' (H) x 20-11/32 1 (D)] 10 kg (22 05 lbs) AV ivory paint (Munsell 7 9Y6 H/D B or approximate) Weight and dimensions indicated are approximate Specifications are subjecl lo change without notice STANDARD ACCESSORIES Key 1 pc Spacer (8 mm thick forAW-E300) 1 pc Camera mounting screw (17 mm for AW-E300) 1 pc Spacer (4 mm thick fcrAW-E60D) 1 pc Camera mounting screw (12 mm for AW-EGQQ) Spacer screw (M4) Camera mounting screw (9 mm far AW-ES00) 1 pc 4 pcs 1 pc -15- Panasonic PANASONIC BROADCAST & DIGITAL SYSTEMS COMPANY DIVISION OF MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA Executive Office 3330 Cahuenga Blvd W , Lds Angeles, CA 90060 (323) 436-3500 EASTERN ZONE One Panasonic Way4E-7, Secaucus NJ 07034 (201) 34B-7621 Mid-AtlanIrc/New England One Panasonic Way 4E-7, Secaucus, NJ 07094 (201) 340-7621 Southeast Region 1225 Northbrook Parkway, 5te 1-16D, Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) ЗЭВ-6ВЭ5 Central Region 1707 N Randall Road El-C-1, Elgrn, IL 60123 (B47) 4БН-5200 WESTERN ZONE 3330 Cahuenga Blvd W Los Angeles, CA 9ООБ0 (323) 436-3500 Dallas Region Б226 Abington Way, Houston, TX 7700B (713) 0О2-272Б Na CA/Norlhwesl Region 507D StcneridgB, #3, PlBasanton, CA 945SB (925) 41Б-51О0 Government Marketing Department 52 West Gude Drive, Rockville MD 20350 (301 ) 73B'3S40 Panasonic Canada Inc 577D Ambler Drive, Mississauga Ontario L4W 2T3 (905) 624-5010 Panasonic Sales Company Division cif Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico Inc San Gabnel Industrial Parlf 65th Infantry Ave , Km 9 5 Carolina, Puerto Rico 00530 (707) 750-4300 Printed in Japan 7J1A427B F0200Y1Ü90 ¡jQ P...

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