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Please leave these instructions with the user for safe keeping. Commissioning, Maintenance & Servicing Guide Potterton Solar -Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System © Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2007. IndexIndex 2 Index 3 Commissioning of system General information Flushing and filling the system 5 Commissioning of hydraulic station Checking/setting pressure Checking/adjusting flow rate Installation of thermal insulation 7 Commissioning of solar controller Overview of display Button function Operating menu Menu structure "Info" "Programming" "Manual operation" "Basic adjustment" Controller functions 21 Commissioning record 22 Servicing and maintenance record 24 Maintenance Check heat transfer fluid Maintenance of the collector 25 Fault finding Failures with error message Resistance table Flow charts 28 Spares 30 Warranty © BAXI Heating UK Ltd 2007.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature (including in any database), in each case whether electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for permitted fair dealing under Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Applications for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce or make other use of any part of this publication should be made, giving any details of the proposed use to the following address: The Company Secretary,BAXI Heating UK Ltd,TheWyvern Business Park,StanierWay,Derby DE21 6BF. Full acknowledgement of author and source must be given. WARNING: Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Potterton Solar -Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System 1.0Commissioningofsystem1.0Commissioningofsystem 1.1 Commissioning -General The Potterton Solar system uses a sealed system indirect solar primary circuit which must be filled with the solar heat transfer fluid provided. This is pre-diluted to the appropriate strength (40% glycol/60%water) and should not be diluted further. Use only the fluid supplied. Additional canisters of solar fluid are available in 10 litre (5119550) and 20 litre (5119549) bottles. DO NOT mix the fluid with other types. The system should be filled when there is no direct radiation from the sun. If direct radiation occurs the collector panels should be shaded by covering them during filling and flushing. Although the solar heat transfer fluid is non corrosive and biodegradable appropriate precautions should be taken when handling. -Wear protective gloves and goggles. -Wash with soap and water if the fluid comes into contact with skin. -If fluid gets into eyes, immediately rinse with large quantities of clear running water. -A full safety and specification sheet can be obtained by request. The solar heat transfer fluid must be pumped into the system.The pump can be electric or manual but must be capable of producing a pressure of at least 2 bar. The system should be thoroughly flushed to remove any contaminants in the solar primary circuit prior to filling with the heat transfer fluid Potterton Solar -Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System 1.0Commissioningofsystem1.2Flushingthepipework1.0Commissioningofsystem1.2Flushingthepipework Fig. 1 536712 4 Fig. 2 SolarfluidSolarfluidFillingpumpFilter Fig. 3 132 Before the system is commissioned the pipework must be flushed to remove any contaminants. It is recommended that this is done using the solar heat transfer fluid as it will be impossible to fully drain all parts of the system. Connect the flushing pipes to the fill & drain valve on the safety group (Fig. 1 Item 1) and to the fill & drain valve on the flow meter (Fig. 1 Item 2). Open the fill & drain valves. Turn the slot of the adjusting screw (Fig. 1 Item 3) in the return so the slot is vertical to open the non-return valve. Turn the left hand isolating valve with integral thermometer in the flow (Fig. 1 Item 4) in the direction indicated by the arrow (to a 45° position) to open the non-return valve. Ensure that the right hand isolating valve with integral thermometer in the return (Fig. 1 Item 5) is open indicated by the dot on the thermometer bezel being at the top. Turn the slot of the adjusting screw of the flow meter (Fig. 1 Item 6) in the return vertically to open the flow limiter (Fig. 1 Item 7). Flush the solar primary pump by pumping the fluid into the system via the fill and drain valve on the safety group. Close right hand isolating valve (dot on thermometer bezel at 9 o’clock position). Flush solar primary pipework and panels via the fill and drain valve on the safety group. If reusing flushed fluid ensure this is filtered before re- introducinginto the system(seeFig.2). 1.3 Filling the pipework Close the fill and drain valve (Fig. 3 Item 2) on the flow meter. Open the righthand isolating valve (Fig. 3. Item 1) with integral thermometer by turning so that the ...