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Such material shall be considered combustible even though flame-proofed, fire-retardant treated or plastered. To front To top To side To floor/ground To combustibles To noncombustibles Top of heater 12 inches (305 mm) 2 inches (51 mm) Back of heater 0 (zero) 0 (zero) Front of heater 24 inches (610 mm) 24 inches (610 mm) Sides of heater 6 inches (152 mm) 1/8 inch (3 mm) Floor/ground 12 inches (305 mm) 2 inches (51 mm) MOUNTING THE WATER HEATER (cont.) Identify the installation location and confirm that the installation will meet all required clearances. Use mounting template to locate screw or anchor locations. Securely attach the water heater to the wall using the brackets located at the top and bottom of the water heater. Ensure that the attachment strength is sufficient to support the weight. Refer to the weight of the water heater in the Specification Guidelines. Four mounting screws with 200 lb tensile load capacity are required at a minimum. ON WOOD OR SIDING: When attaching the unit to wood or siding, mount 2 boards suitable for anchoring to wall studs, between the studs. You can do this before the wall has been finished. NOTE: Do not hang the unit on wood or siding only. The unit must be secured to studs. NOTE: Screws provided must fasten securely and directly into wood. If screws go through siding or insulation and do not fully engage, installer must supply correct screws. 4 3 2 1 Wall installation brackets 243.4. CORROSIVE ATMOSPHERES NOTICE: The water heater or intake air supply should not be installed near an air supply containing halogenated hydrocarbons or near swimming pool chemicals. MOUNTING THE WATER HEATER CAUTION: Reinforcement of the wall is required in case the wall is not strong enough to hold the water heater. Do not mount to drywall unless mounting screws are secured in wall studs. Make sure the location of the water heater allows for easy access and operation. Wall studs should be utilized when mounting the water heater to the wall. On masonry or concrete wall, use concrete anchors or lag bolts. MOUNTING THEWATER HEATER (cont.) ON MASONRY OR CEMENT WALL: Mount 4 wall anchors (not supplied) suitable to carry 200 lbs minimum tensile load each. Level the unit during installation. IMPORTANT: Anchors suitable for masonry or concrete are to be supplied by the installer. Installation Instructions 9 Installation Instructions CONNECTING THE WATER HEATER TO GAS AND WATER 1 GAS PIPING GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS • Make sure gas supply is off prior to making any connections to the water heater. A manual gas control valve, provided with this water heater, must be placed in the gas supply line to the water heater. A union can be used on the connection above the shut-off valve for the future servicing or disconnection of the unit. • Check the type of gas and the gas inlet pressure before connecting the water heater. If the water heater is not of the gas type that the building is supplied with, DO NOT connect the water heater. Contact the dealer for the proper unit to match the gas type. • Check the gas supply pressure immediately upstream at a location provided by the gas company. Supplied gas pressure must be within the limits shown in the Specifications section. • Before placing the appliance in operation, all joints, including the heater, must be checked for gas tightness by means of leak detector solution, soap and water or an equivalent nonflammable solution, as applicable. (Since some leak test solutions, including soap and water, may cause corrosion or stress cracking, the piping shall be rinsed with water after testing, unless it has been determined that the leak test solution is noncorrosive.) • Always use approved connectors to connect the unit to the gas line. Always purge the gas line of any debris before connection to the water heater. • The gas supply line shall be gas tight, sized and so installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum demand of the heater and all other gas-consuming appliances at the location without loss of pressure. • Any compound used on the threaded joint of the gas piping shall be a type which resists the action of liquefied petroleum gas (propane/LPG). • Refer to an approved pipe sizing chart if in doubt about the size of the gas line. GASPIPING(cont.) PIPESIZINGPROCEDUREThegassupplytothehomemustbecapableofhandlingtheentiregasloadofthehome, calculatedbyaddingtheBTUratingofeachgasapplianceinthehome.Stateandlocalcodesmustbemet,aswellasutilityrequirements,toensuregassupplytotheunitisadequatetomeettherateddemand.Usethechartsbelowasaguidetosizethepipefromtheutilitymetertothetanklesswaterheater.Gaslinesizingisbasedongastype, thepressuredropinthesystem,thegaspressuresuppliedandthegaslinetype.RefertotheNationalFuelGasCode,NFPA54,and/oryourlocalgasprovider,forpropergaslinesizing. 1PIPESIZINGTABLE–NATURALGAScubicfeetperhourSchedule40MetallicPipeInletPressure:lessthan2psi(55inchesW.C.) PressureDrop:0.3inchesW.C. SpecificGravity:0.60PIPESIZE(INCHES) Length...
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