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Categoria : scaldabagno

Make certain that the "top" of the regulator is at the top -and that the short pipe section which holds the vane is horizontal. Even though locating the draft regulator close to the chimney reduces noise, install the draft regulator as close as practicable to the boiler. To install the chimney connector, start at the boiler with a vertical pipe and then elbow -then install the draft regulator making it horizontal. When the regulator is in place, start at the chimney and work back to the regulato

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Categoria : scaldabagno

The Riello oil burner has a dela. solenoid valve. The delay solenoid valve provides the same shut down action as the standard solenoid valve, plus on burner start up the delay solenoid valve remains closed for an additional 15 seconds. This allows the burner fan motor to pre-purge the combustion chamber and the oil pump to bring the supply oil pressure up to its set point helping to provide a clean light off. AQUASTAT RELAY CONTROL (provided) The water temperature limit control in the aquastat r

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When the boiler is operated with return water temperatures less than 120°F, condensation may form in the boiler and venting. This condensation is corrosive and can eventually cause severe damage to the boiler and venting system. RETURN FROM SYSTEM I I MAINTAINAT LEAST12O'F IN THE BOILERRETURN.THE THROTTLINGVALVES i/_ADJUST THE TWOTHROTTLINGVALVESTO ARE USED FOR BYPASSPIPING,IF REQUIRED. DRAINVALVE MAIN SHUTOFF FOR POWER VALVE CIRCULATOR PURGING THROTTLINGVALVE l PUMP l AUTOMATIC OffUNG VALVE FIL

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Categoria : scaldabagno

EXPANSION OIL RLTER TANK FRESH AIR FOR COMBUSTION Be sure to provide enough fresh air for combustion. Enough air ensures proper WARNING combustion and assures that no hazard will develop due to the lack of oxygen. If you use a fireplace or a kitchen or a bathroom exhaust fan, you should install an I NOTE [ outside air intake. These devices will rob the boiler and water heater of combustion air. You must provide enough flesh air to assure proper combustion. The fire in the boiler uses oxygen. It

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Categoria : scaldabagno

Do not start the burner unless all cleanout doors are secured in place. I unit is full of vapor, or when the combustion chamber is very hot. Do not attempt to start the burner when excess oil has accumulated, when the I I 24 MAINTENANCE ANUALLY: To assure trouble-free operation, it is recommended that the flue passages, combustion chamber area (target wall, fire door insulation, durablanket), burner adjustment, operation of the controls, and boiler seals (fire door gasket or silicone seal, cast

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Categoria : scaldabagno

overfire draft of -0.02 inches w,c. The burner settings provided are intended for initial start up only. Final adjustment must be made I NOTE: All burners use an inserti°n depth °f 2-1/4'' and fired at a using combustion test instruments. 38 I STATIC PLATE 3-5/8 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-3/8 3-3/8 2-3/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 OIL BURNER AFG F-HEAD AFG F-HEAD AFG F-HEAD AFG F-HEAD AFG F-HEAD AFG F-HEAC AFG 50 MD AFG 50 MD AFG 50 MD NOZZLES AND ELECTRODES: Use the proper size, spray angle, and spray pattern nozzle

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Categoria : scaldabagno

Each boiler rating plate shows three possible model nutnbcrs for a given boiler configuration. The actual model tmnaber is determined by the firing rate of the oil burner. Boilers that are factory packaged include two nozzles for two firing rates. These boilers operate on #2 Heating Oil. RULES FOR SAFE INSTALLATION AND OPEIL_TION 1. Read the Owner's Manual for Safe Operation carefidly. Failure to tbllow tile rules tbr sale operation and the instructions can cause a malflmction of the boiler and

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Categoria : scaldabagno

75 3EWI';O0 4EW.90 4EWl ;25 4EW1.50 5EWl.20 5EW1.75 5EW2.00 CAUTION Read aft instructions carefully before starting the installation. Save this manual for reference. Off-Fired HotWater Boiler • Installation • Operation • Repair Parts KENNMORE CAST IRON BOILERS FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON HOT WATERAND GAS STEAM CAST IRON BOILERS For one (1) year from the date of installation,when this boiler is installed and maintained in accordance with our instructions. Sears will repair defects in material or wo

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Categoria : scaldabagno

Ourablanket is sold as one oversized piece to be cut to fk the appropriate boiler--6"x12" (3EW), 9"x20" (4EW). 12"x20" (SEW). Black silicone sealant is sold in 103 ounce cartridges. 34 REPAIR PARTS I I I I [_ ___1 BALLOON SYMBOL KEY NO. I &NTITY ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DESCRIPTION Empire Water Front Section (EW-1 3/8"-16 x 2-1/4" stud 3/8" Whizlock Nut Swing Door Insulation Swing Door Hinge 1/4" x 2" Round Head Rivet 3/8" x 1" Hex Head Serrated Flange Bolt 3/8" x 48" Fiberfrax Round Brai

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Categoria : scaldabagno

At this point the RB contacts break stopping the burner and the RW contacts make. With no call for space heating, operating in this way keeps the circulator off and allows the boiler to give preference to the domestic water heating requirements. Example: Consider the boiler water temperature drops to 15OAF with the low limit set at 16OAF and the differential is set at 15°F. The burner will begin to fire. When the aquastat probe senses a boiler water temperature of l 65aF (15°F -lOaF = 5°F, then
