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Categoria : Depuratori d

Table 9-2 in Chapter 9, shows the average flow rates for different size tubing. Normalized flow rates (mL per revolution) vary significantly, based on motor speed, tubing materials, viscosity, and mechanical tolerances in pump dimensions. Table 9-3 outlines the variances resulting from differences in motor speed, tubing materials, and mechanical tolerances. Table 9-6 outlines the variances due to differences in viscosity. To determine the chemical compatibility of a particular tubing material, i

Scaricare : 16   File Size : 1 mb   Produttore : Omega Speaker Systems  
Categoria : Depuratori d

6.2.1 Pumping in the FLOW RATE Mode To pump fluid in the FLOW RATE Mode, do the following: 1. Set up the pump motor for pumping, according to Chapter 3. 2. Toggle the ON/OFF switch to turn on the unit’s power. The display is in the STOPPED Display Mode. Refer to Figure 6-3. 3. Either set the TUBE ID for the tube you are using (following Section 5.3) or calibrate the tube (following Section 5.5), before continuing. 4. Press the FLOW RATE key. FLOW RATE Display shows xxx mL/min ACTION Displays cur
