Produttore : Associated Equipment
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SAFETY.WARNINGS& CAUTIONS CAUTION: 1. FAILURETO OBSERVETHEFOLIOW. (ArRFLOWBLOCKAGE) ING PRECAUTIONS COULDBESULTIN SE- Sinca €xhaust air loav€s $e end of this unil, RIOUS INJURY. INCLUDING DEATH IN EX. cautionshould be obs€rvod not to positionunit TREMECASES. SAVE THESE INSTRUC. in sucfi a way as to block the oxhausl TtoNs. WARNING: (EXPLOSTONHAZARD) Tils unll contalns parts whlctr can arc or sparl( durinq normal op€ration. Do not uss In areas conta;nlnatedb'i votatile or flamible materials as these spark-r may ignite tho contaminates and causo a dangerous €xplosion. WARNING: (HARMFULFUMES) The filters used in this unit will remwe solid particrJlate ONLY and do not €liminato fum€s and gasas that may bo a health hazard. Failure to obsorye the oresence of such fumes could caus€ serious illneis or deaft. CAUTION: (sHocK HAZARD) To Insure continued protodion against shock hazard, connec{ A.C. cord onty to propervgroundedoutlets. Roplaca det€ctivo cords immadiatety. Dont expose to moisture or liquid as this could defeat the elocticat insulatioil thus causlng elec,trical shock CAUTION: (STRONGVACUUM) Care musl be tak€n to avoid p€rsona,Injury by not allowing hose Inlet to contact any body ar€asuch as €yes, €ars, mouth, otc. CAUTION: (LtFTtNG) CAUTIONS: MTSCELLANEOUS 1. Uso of anv attachmentnot tscomm€nded or sold bv the -at'rcloanermanufaclur€rmay rssuhin risk of firs. elecfic shod( or iniury lo Dersons, 2. To reduco the risk ol damageto the eloctdc ptugor cord, disconnectby pullingplug ratherthan cord when removing pow€rformthe air deaner. 3. Make sure cord and hoso arc klcatad so it will not bs stepped on, tripped over, or oth' onwiso subioct€d to damago or stBss. 4. Anextensioncordshould not b€ us€d unlsss absolutely necessary.Us€ of improper extension co(d could result in risk of fi€ 8nd electric shod( lf extsnsion cord must be us€d, us€ only a groundiedcord and follov.these recommsnda' Itons: 25 ft. #l2 AWG. 50 fr #10 AwG. 100 tr #8 AwG. 5. Oo not disass€mbla the air doansr. Tak€ it to a oualifiod servicaman vyhen s€wica or repair is requirad. Inconsct rsass€mblymay result in risk of elearic shoc,kor fire. lmproperlifting or handling of this unit could causoback Injury. Follow the recomm€ndedmethod for lifting. PaOo 2 Ol I THEORYOF OPERATION OPERATION Thlsunft ls I podabloalr doanor ompby'ng or|€ th€tm8ly p.o locted, hlgh porformancsmoto.p.odudngveryhht velodtyair fort/ through th€ unll Flno so{d par{culalomatodalond smoko may b€ romovod lrom t|o al ry th€f[er m€dh. An hrual spark Lap collods larlo pa.ddosMo.o llrcy roadt th€ Drofih€r.Thlstrap furth€r holalss tt|o fift€.s frorn soarks Inths caso ol a w€ldlng op€Ellofi. Upofl l€aving lh€ trap, tl|s ai. is passodhaooghprs-filters. Th€se prefihols ar€ d€slgn€d to caLtr $l€ lsrlsr p6r d€s loavlng th€ trap. Th€se islatlv€ly Inoxponsfus preiners pr€vonts lh€ mo.o sxp€nslvg maln fihor trcm b€comlng qulddy doogod. Th€pro-fillsrsmay b€ drongod s€v€ta1 dm€s boforo t|€ maln filtet ne€ds to bo c*langad, AIL FACTORY FUniESHED FIL1EAS HAVE A UI- CLASS I RATr\G AM) USltlG ANY FILTER; OTHER TI{AN TI{OGESUPruED FONTHISIJNrl ls NOT FECOf,IIIENDED. Us€ ot any prod6i otrler t|an lhal rocofim€idgd by th€ manutaclurgfwlll yoldlho waranty. The m6ln (o.finar) ff[or msy bo Eoloded lrom 6€veral grad€s av8flable,d€pend|mupon the lgvol of portoam€ncadoCrod. All ol thgse 8r€ hlgh €tfrdoncy mnl$lbw flners whldt toannoonend€d surta6 araa for lo,ng tto In HOh volody ffrador| sFiom!. Soc lho Feplacomgf|t Parb & Flltcrs $cdoi trnardtho ond ot lhls rnarual tor D€d nrmboF ard ftor ofroordos. S€l€c1ion d lt|o flter bost suitod lo( the Jobshoold b€ d6dssod whh a deaba or a fadory rapros€ntatlvo. A dltlorentlal paossur€ gag€ ls an krtegral portol t|o unlt Whon lho flho.s boco.n€ dog€pd, th€ OaOowll Indlcalo an krcreas€ In dh.'torondal pr6ssur6. At thls polnl, lh6 ffhers should bo dr3n€sd. Dop€ndkE upontl|o applhadon, tho pr€flter can b€ cfiang@d s€veral dmes Hore tlle lnaln filter must bo .t|angod. Changlng tto pr8{ho.sreguhrty can extond tho us€tu| lilo ot tt|€ fi.ta, lih€r up io 5O%. UNPACKING Car€luly Inspgd lh6 ur t lor concaaled d€rnage ttlal may havo ocarrrod duriog sHpplr€ and t|€rdlk|g. It any darnago h lorrrd, knmodlatoty contact the kdghl company. Moko luro ttlal tho.o ar6 no dont! In tt. hoGtiog, at trtoy will pflvor{ t}|G flhors trom sllding Inlo lt|€ rnrhs Bntoothty. You. ACE Indu5tdol Produds macatno ls deC€n9d as a sourcocapluao dovlco,1.o., ll ls lntondsd to ollrnlnato gno*e andpor{crlateat lhslr polntol orlgln, Ks€plog this h mlnd, lho ma.filno should b6 oporatsd In lh€ lollowlngmannoc Re-aoadlho s€dlon on safoty Wamlngs & Cauuoos b€to.6 p.ocoodkBarryfurth€r. 1. Ptacs tho macfilno oal a 1lat. l€vel a,urlaca. Pla* 6 loca$on thst wlll allow uffoslrided now ol t|€ oxhausl 8lr to lh€ almospt|€ro. 2. For ttnhs with wheols or castgF, lock th€ wtt€€is or block t|€ wt|6ols. 3. Placoth€colodlon nozzl€ as dos€to tilo wotk as pracd_ cd, wt$lout lilorfgrino wfth tl|€ op€ralor. S€cumtt|€tlozz....