Facilità d'uso
° Place unit on a stable surface with plenty of air circulation. 1. Remove protective film from the control panel. 2. Remove the front panel by pullinggently on the silver labs locatedon each side of the unit, 3.Pull out the lilte_cassettebygraspingthe black tabs located on each side, 4. Remove the plastic wrap from the filter cassette, --tFANt CONT.OL o.oo I .... 5. Place the filter cassette back _,,,3m main unit. 6, Replace the front panel by hookingthe panel on the top pf the unit. Swing pane] in by pushinggently on the silver tabs located on each side of the unit and then lock it into place. 7. Plug in the power cord to a wall outlet. 8. Press POWER button until a short =beep" |s heard. POWER For the first4 minutes after Ihe unit is turnedon, theunitwiltcheck the air quality,and thedustandodor pollution level indicatorswillgash, ?2 "° ::: EZ L_ AUTOMATIC OPERATION The unit is set to defaulttoAutomaticoperationwhen itis first turned on. The air cleaner willautomaticallysense to the umounl of impuritiesin the air, and adjustthe fan speed accordingly. ), L! [] \ :;: D MANUAL OPERATION Aftaryou turn on the unit, you can switch to manual operation by pressing the FAN CONTROL buttons on the remote, or the PUNC1]ON buttonoNthe unit. • SLEEP The unit wil!won in uttra,-quletmode. • LOW, MEDIUM, AND HIGH These levels am recommended for standard,daytime use. HIGH will activate automaticallywhen sensors detect high levels of dust or odors. • TURBO The TURBO level, the highest fan speed, can be activated manuatly fo[ maximum air circulation. • PLASMADOCTOR TM Turn on the PlasmaDoctor by pressing the PLASMA CONTROL button on the Remote, or the FUNCTION button on the unit.The PtasmaDoctor generates positiveand negative ions. \ lL°W DUST AND ODOR SENSORS The dust and odor sensors show three levels of air cleanliness--green, orange, and red. The green light!rid{caresclean air, the orange light indicatesunclean air, and the red lightindicatesveryunclean air. If Ihe unit is set to Automaticoperation, it willchangefan speedstocompensate for different levels el alr pollution. _ii !ii LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Indoor Oust Volume Indoor Odor Volum_ • Odor Sensor The odor sensor responds to cigarette smoke and pet odors, as well as other air contaminantssuchas insecUcides, cosmetk.._,ak.'ohut,or aerosol sprays. • Dust Sen,=or The dustsensor detects particlesin theair suohas cigarette smoke, dust, and pollen. TIMER Set thetimer tot 1,4, or8 hou[s by press!n9the OFF TIMER button on the Remote or the unit.The unitwill stop operating when the set time is up. Cancel the timer by pressingth_ OFF TIMER button until the 1-, 4-, and 8-hour indicatorlight on the unit disappears. 1 hour .--b,4 hour---Ik8 hour --_ Cancel DUST POLLUTION CHANGE LEVEL FILTER 85500 INDICATOR tN(_ICATOR OFF CHANGE _ TIMER HLI t:l'l BUTTON INDICATOR FUNCT_ DUST OUST OFF TIMER $_N$OR POLLUTION INDICATOR LEVEL INDiC-ATOR CLEANING • Clean unit as necessary by wipingwitha dry, soft cloth;for stubborn stains, use a warm, damp cloth. • Do not use volatilefluidssuch as benzene, paintthinner,or scouring powder, as they may damage the unit surface, ODOR OFF TIMER SLEEP PQLLU'IION BUTTON MODE LEVEL /FUNCTION INDICATOR INDICATOR T_N REMOTE ODOR POWER CON'TROL S_N_,OR BUTTON RECEIVER INDICATOR MODE POWER INDICATOR BUTTON LASMADOCTOR TM S( FFP j OOOR _fSENSOR RI_M,'3TI_ ODOR CONTROL POLLUTION RECE IVER LEVEL iNDICATOR • Keep the unitdry. • Clean the wall behindthe air outlet periodically,as ]t may become dirty. Filter Cassette Replacement The CHANGE FILTER INDICATOR will b_ signal when to replace the filter cassette. The replacement period will vary depending on the hours of use, air quality, and location of the unit. How_wr, most filters in nom_a] use need to be replaced annually. Foryourconvenience, all three filters (ProFilter, Washable Nano-Silver/Carloon Filter, and True HEPA Filter) come in one prepackaged replacement cassette. For optimum unit efficiency,wash the Pre- Filter and Washable Nano-Silver/Carbon Filter as described below (Filter Cleaning) every three months. Do not wash and reuse the True HEPA Fitter_tt will not work effectively. WARNING: Before replacing or cleaning t any filters, make sure to remove the powerplug from the wa out et. Replacement Procedure 1,Remove the front panel by pullinggently on theslivertabs locatedon each side of the unit, 2. Pull out the filter cassette by grasp!rig tile black tabs located on each side. 3. Remove the plasticwrap from the new filter cassette. 4. Place the new filter cassette in the main unit, 5, Replace the front panel. 6. Plug in the power cord to a we1|outlet and turn on the unit, 7. To turn off the CHANGE FILTER INDICATOR, press the FUNCTION and OFF ]IMER buttons at the same time for five seconds;the CHANGE FILTER INDICATORwill flash fivetimes and turnoff. Filter Cleaning we recommend cleaning the Pro-Fitter(A) and tile Nano_Silver/CarbonFilter (C) every three monthswith normal use, The interval between cleanings will va...
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