valutazioni - 3, GPA: 3.7 ( )

Istruzioni per l'uso DeLonghi, Modello KD-LN60

Produttore : DeLonghi
File Size : 2.3 mb
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Lingua di insegnamento: rusvhrukentrbgetslhuskdafilvltro
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Facilità d'uso

• Filtering version Install the hood and the two flues as described in the paragraph for installation of the hood in ducting version. To assemble the filtering flue refer to the instructions contained in the kit. If the kit is not provided, order it from your dealer as accessory. The filters must be applied to the suction unit positioned inside the hood. They must be centred by turning them 90 degrees until the stop catch is tripped (fig. 7). USE AND MAINTENANCE • We recommend that the cooker hood is switched on before any food is cooked. We also recommend that the appliance is left running for 15 minutes after the food is cooked, in order to thoroughly eliminate all contaminated air. The effective performance of the cooker hood depends on constant maintenance; the anti-grease filter and the active carbon filter both require special attention. • The anti-grease filter is used to trap any grease particles suspended in the air, therefore is subject to saturation (the time it takes for the filter to become saturated depends on the way in which the appliance is used). - To prevent potential fire hazards, the anti-grease filters should be washed a minimum of every 2 months (it is possible to use the dishwasher for this task). - After a few washes, the colour of the filters may change. This does not mean they have to be replaced. If the replacement and washing instructions are not followed, the anti-grease filters may present a fire hazard. • The active carbon filters are used to purify the air which is released back into the room. The filters are not washable or re-usable and must be replaced at least once every four months. The active carbon filter saturation level depends on the frequency with which the appliance is used, the type of cooking performed and the regularity with which the anti- grease filters are cleaned. • Clean the cooker hood frequently, both inside and outside, using a cloth which has been dampened with denatured alcohol or neutral, non-abrasive liquid detergents. • The light on the cooker hood is designed for use during cooking and not for general room illumination. Extended use of the light reduces the average duration of the bulb. • Replacing halogen light bulbs (Fig. 8). To replace the halogen light bulbs B, remove the glass pane C using a lever action on the relevant cracks. Replace the bulbs with new ones of the same type. Caution: do not touch the light bulb with bare hands. • Commands: (fig.5) mechanical the key symbols are explained below: A = LIGHT B = OFF C = SPEED I D = SPEED II E = SPEED III THE MANUFACTURER DECLINES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR EVENTUAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY BREACHING THE ABOVE WARNINGS. CESKYCZ UVOD’ Prectete si pozorne obsah nivodu, protoze poskytuje dulezite informace tykajici se bezpecne instalace, pouzivini i udrzby zarizeni. Uchovejte si nivod pro jakoukoliv budouci potrebu. Pristroj je urcen k odsivini (odvideni vzduchu ven – obr.1B), filtrovini (recyklace vzduchu v mistnosti – obr.1A). BEZPECNOSTNI OPATRENI 1. Vyzaduje se opatrnost, jestlize jsou soucasne v cinnosti odsivac par a jiny horik nebo tepelne zarizeni zivisejici na vzduchu mistnosti a napijene jinou energii nez elektrickou, protoze odsivac par spotrebovivi vzduch z okoli, ktery horik nebo jine tepelne zarizeni potrebuji ke spalovini. Negativni tlak nesmi prekrocit 4Pa (4x10–5 bar). K bezpecnemu provozu je tedy nutni odpovidajici ventilace mistnosti. Pri odvideni vzduchu do vnejsiho prostredi je nutne se ridit platnymi predpisy Vasi zeme. Pred napojenim modelu na elektrickou sit: - Zkontrolujte tabulku s udaji umistenou uvnitr pristroje a overte si, ze napeti a vykon odpovidaji mistni siti a rovnez zisuvka je vhodni. V pripade jakekoliv pochyby se poradte s kvalifikovanym elektrikirem. - Je-li napijeci kabel poskozen, musi byt nahrazen speciilnim kabelem nebo sadou, ktere jsou k dispozici u vyrobce nebo v jeho servisnim stredisku. - Pripojte zarizeni k napijeni prostrednictvim zistrcky s pojistkou 3A nebo ke dvema vodicum dvou fizi, chrinenym pojistkou 3A. 2. Upozorneni! V nekterych situacich mohou byt elektricki zarizeni zdrojem nebezpeci. A) Nekontrolujte stav filtru, zatimco je odsavac v cinnosti. B) Nedotykejte se zirovek a prilehlych prostor behem dlouhodobeho pouziti osvetleni nebo bezprostredne po nem. C) Je zakizino pripravovat jidla na plameni pod odsavacem. D) Vyhnete se pouziti volnych plamenu, protoze poskozuji filtry a mohou zpusobit pozir. E) Udrzujte neustile pod kontrolou smazeni jidel, aby se zabrinilo vzniceni rozpileneho oleje. F) Pred zahijenim udrzby odpojte zistrcku ze zisuvky elektrickeho rozvodu. G) Zarizeni neni urceno pro pouziti detmi nebo nesveprivnymi osobami bez dozoru. H) Dohlizejte na deti, abyste si byli jisti, ze si nehraji se zarizenim. I) Kdyz je odsavac pouzivin soucasne se zarizenimi spalujicimi plyn nebo jini paliva, mistnost se musi vhodne vetrat. L) Kdyz nebudou ridne provedeny ukony udrzby, existuje riziko vzniku poziru. Toto zarizeni je oznaceno v souladu s Evrop...

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