Istruzioni per l'uso Samsung, Modello RA17FFNT
Rnwtefn £ «ПП тггатсп ЯЙИ* «Лапт Tit ntfttj FOOD KEEPING TIPS • Cool hoi dlsftos lo room temperature botóte pacing them ;n your refrigerator (it saves your electricity) Do not keep the door open tor a long time, particularly in hoi and humid weather (II reduces coldness and increases humidity) Cover jvwey foods with light lids. Wrap fresh meat, poultry and fish in p’-astic film in the freezer compartmont and chillod tor and cheese in their original packing room as they may freeze and burst. • Leave sufficient room between the food items to enable cool air to circulate treety Blocking of the air Row will cause an uneven temperature in the refrigerator compartment • This refrigerator« not suitable for storing scientific mátenos, medicines or volatile chemical. 9 • «ГМ iftúif ЧНЗ ft 4$á 4*4li "Й ifl4*IM ÍT¡P ÏRÎT O1’'? (?îfft ЗГЧ.Й fóotcft ft} • Títte yií’i 4574^ '1¡1 'Tiff ФУ '.й *ftü. RWvít aftí «itcT*1 ■/< Ч<1«Й *íír «слВст *п ЧЧП «Й^ёГ ft 3f«Æ пте c¡s ФУ «sréPR* ñra átft îàçwt.'.y. imitai ч1с^ íjfoift & tfart ¿t •I iiï. я ;яч ¡sv >*?, w.i a <яго 4W<1 iiilutic? *5 ч<м ft ч?й •Л SR 7JÎ3T о • ç? xpi 5$ *п $Рм«з >гагй à 3»¿1t>. *af чя çrtf ус lit vJT-S ft f?rç ач*М ‘tâ $ ô®5® ifrîP ÎT7Ç ft =?é1 >|W> 3ta tfcfiH И «1ЧЧЯ дапчгч #ПТ 10 HOWTO CLEAN Since the function ol your rofngerator is to preserve food, it must be kept dean at all times We recommend you to clean the refrigerator rogularty. Betore you start cleaning, smtch of! ihe refrigerator power supply and unplug the power cord. For the Exterior Clean the outside surface with a soft cloth soaked in quaMy soap'dotorgont solution. W*pc with a clean damp cloth and Iheo dry. To protect the door gasket The door gasket (especially the bottom portion) is tcrd to bo damaged due to spilled mu*, juices, otc. To protect the gaske! Irom damage it should bekcplctean at all lime. For the Interior Walls and Accessories Wipe the inside ot th© refrigerator and accessories wilh a soft cloth soaked in high quality soap/detorgont solution R-r-se and dry. After cleaning Insert all parts back in place Plug the refrigerator power cotd in and switch on. Set the contoi dial to desired sotting. Allow the refrigerator to cool for somo time betore placing food items in it. o ■* T OJf N V J 'Caution Do not wipe the door light switch with wet cloths. Too much water infiltrating into L the switch may cause an etectnc shock._ Caution The inside and outside ol your refrigerator Is finished with rust-proof treatment, so never ...