Facilità d'uso
30 Cal.sma sesleri .................. ................... 30 Basit hatalar. kendiniz giderebilirsiniz .................... ................... 31 Yetkili servis ....................... ................... 32 ru Coдepжaниe Укaзaния пo бeзoпacнocти ипpeдyпpeждeния .............................. 33 Укaзaния пo yтилизaции ................... 35 Oбъeм пocтaвки .................................. 36 Teмпepaтypa oкpyжaющeй cpeды ивeнтиляция ........................... 36 Подключение бытового прибора ... 37 Знакомство бытовым прибором .38 Включение бытового прибора ....... 39 Уcтaнoвкa тeмпepaтypы .................... 39 Пoлeзный oбъeм ................................. 40 Xoлoдильнoe oтдeлeниe ................... 40 Mopoзильнoe oтдeлeниe .................. 40 Maкc. пpoизвoдитeльнocть зaмopaживaния ................................... 41 Зaмopaживaниe и xpaнeниe пpoдyктoв .......................... ................... 41 Зaмopaживaниe cвeжиx пpoдyктoв питaния .......... ................... 41 Cyпepзaмopaживaниe .... ................... 43 Paзмopaживaниe пpoдyктoв ............ 43 Cпeциaльнoe ocнaщeниe ................. 44 Bыключeниe прибора ивывoд eгo из экcплyaтaции ....... ................... 45 Paзмopaживaниe ............. ................... 45 Чистка бытового прибора ................ 45 Ocвeщeниe ( нa cвeтoдиoдax) .......... 46 Kaк cэкoнoмить элeктpoэнepгию .. 46 Paбoчиe шyмы .................. ................... 47 Caмocтoятeльнoe ycтpaнeниe мeлкиx нeиcпpaвнocтeй ................... 48 Cлyжбa cepвиca .............. ................... 50 en Safety and warning information Before you switch ON the appliance Please read the operating and installation instructions carefully! They contain important information on how to install, use and maintain the appliance. The manufacturer is not liable if you fail to comply with the instructions and warnings. Retain all documents for subsequent use or for the next owner. Technical safety This appliance contains a small quantity of environmentally- friendly but flammable R600a refrigerant. Ensure that the tubing of the refrigerant circuit is not damaged during transportation and installation. Leaking refrigerant may cause eye injuries or ignite. If damage has occurred ¦ Keep naked flames and/ or ignition sources away from the appliance, ¦ thoroughly ventilate the room for several minutes, ¦ switch off the appliance and pull out the mains plug, ¦ inform customer service. The more refrigerant an appliance contains, the larger the room must be in which the appliance is situated. Leaking refrigerant can form a flammable gas- air mixture in rooms which are too small. The room must be at least 1 m . per 8 g of refrigerant. The amount of refrigerant in your appliance is indicated on the rating plate inside the appliance. If the power cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, customer service or a similarly qualified person. Improper installations and repairs may put the user at considerab...
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