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Istruzioni per l'uso Nikon, Modello Battery

Produttore : Nikon
File Size : 597.8 kb
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Lingua di insegnamento: svitenfrnl

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Precauciones de seguridad Para garantizar un correcto funcionamiento del producto, lea este manual atentamente antes de usarlo. Una vez lo haya leido, guardelo donde puedan verlo todas las personas que vayan a utilizar el producto. ADVERTENCIA Precauciones de utilizacion ¦ ....... .................. ................ ................. ....... .... .............. .................... ................. ................ ................. ................. ................. .... ............... .. .................. .................. ...... ................. ........... .................. .................. .................. .. .. .................. ................ ................. ............ .. .. ................. ..... ................. ...... .. • Legen Sie den Akku in den mitgelieferten Akkubehalter und lagern Sie ihn an einem kuhlen Ort. * Die Umgebungstemperatur bei der La ge rung soll te zwischen +15 °C und +25 °C liegen. * Setzen Sie den Akku keiner extremen Kal te oder Hit ze aus. • Bei Rauch- oder ungewohnter Ge ruchs ent - wick lung sollten Sie das Akkuladegerat sofort vom Stromnetz trennen, um einem moglichen Brand vorzubeugen. Bitte wen den Sie sich zur Beseitigung der Storungen an Ihren Fachhandler oder an den Nikon-Kundendienst. Technische Daten Typ: Wiederaufladbarer Lithium- Io nen-Akku Nennleistung: 7,4 V/1100 mAh Abmessungen: ca. 56 mm . 36 mm . 16 mm (Hohe . Breite . Tiefe) (ohne Positionierungsstift) Gewicht: Ca. 70 g (ohne Akkubehalter) Anderungen der technischen Daten und des Pro dukt de signs im Sinne des technis chen Fort schritts vorbehalten. • Do not connect the EN-EL7 to non-compatible devices. • See the camera Guide to Digital Photography for in for ma tion on re charg ing the prod uct, as well as for fur ther cau tions and warn ings that must be observed when re charg ing. • Before using the product for the fi rst time, or before using the product fol low ing an ex tend ed period of disuse, recharge the bat tery with the MH-56 Battery Charg er. • Do not use the battery at ambient temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) or above 40 °C (104 °F). Failure to observe this precaution could damage the battery or impair its performance. • When recharging, the ambient tem per ature should be in the vi cin i ty of 5–35.C (41–95.F). • Do not attempt to recharge a fully-charged bat tery. Failure to observe this precaution will re sult in reduced bat tery per for mance. • You may notice that the battery is hot direct ly af ter use or recharging; this does not indicate a mal func tion. • Even when fully charged, the battery will dis charge more rapidly in cold con di tions. It is rec om mend ed that you keep a fullycharged, spare bat tery on hand. • A marked drop in the time a fully-charged bat tery retains its charge, when used at room tem per a ture, in di cates that the battery needs to be re placed. Pur chase a new EN-EL7 bat tery. • If the battery will not be used for some time, run the battery fl at before stor ing it. • If the battery is kept in storage for a long pe ri od, charge the battery and then run it fl at again at least once a year. • Always remove the battery from the cam era or battery charger when it is not be ing used. Left installed, minute amounts of current fl ow even when un used, and the battery may be come ex ces sive ly drained and no longer func tion. • Place the battery in the supplied carrying case and store in a cool place. * The battery should be stored in a dry lo ca tion with an ambient temperature of 15–25°C (59–77°F). * Do not leave the battery in hot or extreme ly cold plac es. • Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell coming from the charger, unplug it, taking care to avoid burns. Take the charger to a Nikon representative for inspection. Specifi cations Type: Rechargeable lithium-ion bat tery Rated Capacity: 7.4 V/1100 mAh Dimensions (W . D . H): Approximately 36 mm . 16 mm . 56 mm (1.4 . 0.6 . 2.2.) (excluding projections) Weight: Approximately 70 g (2.5 oz), excluding carrying case Improvements to this product may result in un an nounced chang es to specifi cations and external ap pear ance. • Ne tentez pas de recharger un accumulateur plei ne ment charge, car ceci pourrait nuire a sa per for man ce. • Vous remarquerez que l’accumulateur est tres chaud apres avoir ete utilise ou recharge. Ceci n’in di que en aucun cas un mauvais fonc tion ne ment. • Meme s’il est totalement recharge, l’ac cu - mu la teur se decharge plus rapidement dans des con di tions froides. Nous vous conseillons donc de disposer systematiquement d’un accu mu la teur plei ne ment charge en reserve. • Une chute dans l‘autonomie d’un accumulateur com ple te ment recharge et utilise a tem pe ra tu re ambiante indique que ce dernier a besoin d’etre remplace par un nouvel accumulateur EN-EL7. • Si vous n’avez pas l’intention de l’utiliser pendant une certaine duree, dechargez com ple - te ment l’ac cu mu la teur avant de le stocker. • Lorsque l’accumulateur a ete stocke pendant une longu...

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