Facilità d'uso
Depth gauge 10. Correct angle on top plate (degree of angle depends on chain type) 11. Slightly protruding "hook" or point (curve on non-chisel chain) 12. Top of depth gauge at correct height below top plate 13. Front of depth gauge rounded off LOWERING DEPTH GAUGES WITH A FILE 1) If you sharpen your cutters with a file holder, check and lower the depth. 2) Check depth gauges every third sharpening. 3) Place depth gauge tool on cutter. If depth gauge projects, file it level with the top of the tool. Always file from the inside of the chain toward an outside cutter. (Fig. 4-3) 4) Round off front corner to maintain original shape of depth gauge after using depth gauge tool. Always follow the recommended depth gauge setting found in the maintenance or operator manual for your saw. (Fig. 4-4) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING CUTTERS File (1) cutter on one side of the chain from the inside out. File on forward stroke only. (Fig. 4-5) SHARPENING ANGLES FOR SHARPENING SAW CHAIN (Fig. 4-7B) 5) Keep all cutters the same length. (Fig. 4-6) 6) File enough to remove any damage to (~) 6 cutting edges (side plate (1) and top plate (2)) of cutter. (Fig. 4-7) 15 custsvc@tanaka-ism.com Owner.s ManualTCS-3401 Maintenance schedule Below you will find some general maintenance instructions. For further information please contact your service dealer. Daily maintenance • Clean the exterior of the unit. • Clean the chain oil filter port. • Clean the groove and oil filter port in the guide bar • Clean the side case of saw dust. • Check that the saw chain is sharp. • Check that the bar nuts are sufficiently tightened. • Make sure that the chain transport guard is undamaged and that it can be securely fitted. • Check that nuts and screws are sufficiently tightened. Weekly maintenance • Check the starter, especially cord and return spring. • Clean the exterior of the spark plug, • Remove the spark plug and check the electrode gap. Adjust it to 0.6 mm (.024.), or change the spark plug. • Clean the cooling fins on the cylinder and check that the air intake at the starter is not clogged. • Clean the air filter. Monthly maintenance • Rinse the fuel tank with gasoline, and clean fuel filter. • Clean chain oil filter. • Clean the exterior of the carburetor and the space around it. • Clean the muffler of carbon. 16 custsvc@tanaka-ism.com TCS-3401 Owner.s Manual 6. Specifications 17 custsvc@tanaka-ism.com TCS-3401 Owner.s Manual Declaration of conformity Declaration de conformit6 Dichiarazione di conformita Konformitiitserkliirung Declaraci6n de conformidad Konformitetsdeklaration We, Tanaka Kogyo Co., Ltd., 3-4-29 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba, Japan Nous,soussignds, Noi, Der unterzelchnete, Nosotros, vi, TCS-3401 Declare under our sole responsibility that the product, chain saw model D6clarons sous notre scule responsabilit6 que le-produit en question, tondeuse de gazon mod~le Dichiariamo sotto la nostra unica responsabilita che il prodotto, il bordatore modello Erklart unter, eigener Verantwortung, daB das Produkt, rasenmaher modellDeclaramos dajo nuestra 6nica responsabilidad que el producto, corta-cespedes modelo F6rklarar harmed pd eget ansvar att denna produkt, grsaklippare modell to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the essential safety requirements of directives. laquelle se rapporte la pr6sente ddclaration est conforme aux directives concernant les conditions de s6curit6 essentielles. al quale questa dichiarazione si riferisce, ~ conforme ai requisiti di sicurezza essenziali delle direttive. fijr das these Erklar-ung gilt, den wesentlichen Sicherheitsanforderungen der Directive entspricht. que corresponde a esta declaracl6n, satisface la (s) siguiente (s) exigencia (s) de seguridad esencial (es) de las directivas. till vilken denna deklaration tillh6r, uppfyller samtliga vasentilga sakerhetskrav f6reskrivna i ber6rda direktiv. 98/37/EC, 89/336/EEC The following standards have been taken into consideration EN 608,EN292-1,EN292-2 CISPR 12,EN ISO 11681-2 Les normes suivantes ont 6t6 prises en consid6ration. Sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti standard. Die nachfolgenden Standards wurden in Betracht gezogen. Se han tenido en consideraci6n las siguientes normas. Vi har tagit hansyn till f6ljande standards. Serial No. up from U001001 Manufactured at: Chiba, Japan No. de s6ric A partir de Fait A: Num. di serie da Luogo: Scrien-Nr. ab Erstellt in: No. de Serie de Fabricado en: en adelante Serienr fr.o.m. Tillverkad av: Signature: Signature: Firma: Unterschrift: Fimado: Signatur: Position: Vice presidentFunction: Vice-pr6sidentIncarico: VicepresidenteTitel: Stellvertretender Vorsitzender Cargo:VicepresidenteBefattning: Vice President 18 custsvc@tanaka-ism.com Owner.s ManualTCS-3401 TCS-3401 IMPORTANT NOTICE THIS INFORMATION IS FOR THE US AND CANADIAN MARKETS ONLY. Only use replacement bars and chains s...
Questo manuale è adatto anche per i modelli :Benzo e seghe - TCS-3401 (644.6 kb)
Benzo e seghe - TCS-3401 (644.6 kb)