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The corresponding x-value (two values, x1 and x2, in the case of quadratic regression) also can be calculated for a value of y in the regression formula. To determine the estimate value for y when x = 160 in the regression formula produced by logarithmic regression of the data in 3. Specify Fix 3 for the result. (Perform the following operation after completing the operations in 3.) A16011(STAT)5(Reg)5(n)= Result: 8106.898 Important: Regression coefficient, correlation coefficient, and estimated value calculations can take considerable time when there are a large number of data items. E-24 Creating a Number Table from Two Functions (TABLE) Creating a Number Table from Two Functions (TABLE) TABLE generates a number table based on one or two functions. You can use the function f(x) or the two functions f(x) and g(x). See “Configuring the Calculator Setup” for more information. Perform the following steps to generate a number table. 1. Press N3(TABLE) to enter the TABLE Mode. 2. Use the X variable to input two functions, one in the format f(x) and the other in the format g(x). • Be sure to input the X variable (S)(X)) when generating a number table. Any variable other than X is handled as a constant. • If you are using a single function, input a function in the format f(x) only. • Pol and Rec cannot be input in the function. 3. In response to the prompts that appear, input the values you want to use, pressing = after each one. For this prompt: Input this: Start? Input the lower limit of X (Default = 1). End? Input the upper limit of X (Default = 5). Note: Make sure that the End value is always greater than the Start value. Step? Input the increment step (Default = 1). Note: The Step specifies by how much the Start value should be sequentially incremented as the number table is generated. If you specify Start = 1 and Step = 1, X sequentially will be assigned the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on to generate the number table until the End value is reached. • Inputting the Step value and pressing = generates and displays the number table in accordance with the parameters you specified. • Pressing A while the number table screen is displayed will return to the function input screen in step 2. 1 To generate a number table for the functions f(x) = x2 + and 2 1 g(x) = x2 . for the range –1 x 1, incremented in steps of 0.5 2 B N3(TABLE) 1N(SETUP)c4(TABLE)2(f(x),g(x)) S)(X)x+1 '2 = • Pressing = without inputting anything for g(x) will generate a number table based on f(x) only. S)(X)x-1 '2 =-1=1=0.5 = Math E-25 Note: • The maximum number of rows in the generated number table depends on the setup menu table setting. Up to 30 rows are supported for the “f(x)” setting, while 20 rows are supported for the “f(x),g(x)” setting. • You can use the number table screen for viewing values only. Table contents cannot be edited. • The number table generation operation causes the contents of variable X to be changed. Important: The function you input for number table generation is deleted whenever you display the setup menu in the TABLE Mode and switch between Natural Display and Linear Display. Calculation Ranges, Number of Digits, and Precision The calculation range, number of digits used for internal calculation, and calculation precision depend on the type of calculation you are performing. Calculation Range and Precision Calculation Range ±1 . 10–99 to ±9.999999999 . 1099 or 0 Number of Digits for Internal Calculation 15 digits Precision In general, ±1 at the 10th digit for a single calculation. Precision for exponential display is ±1 at the least significant digit. Errors are cumulative in the case of consecutive calculations. Function Calculation Input Ranges and Precision Functions Input Range sinx/cosx DEG 0 |x| 9 . 109 RAD 0 |x| 157079632.7 GRA 0 |x| 1 . 1010 tanx DEG Same as sinx, except when |x| = (2n–1) . 90. RAD Same as sinx, except when |x| = (2n–1) . ./2. GRA Same as sinx, except when |x| = (2n–1) . 100. sin–1x/cos–1x 0 |x| 1 tan–1x 0 |x| 9.999999999 . 1099 sinhx 0 |x| 230.2585092coshx sinh–1x 0 |x| 4.999999999 . 1099 cosh–1x 1 x 4.999999999 . 1099 tanhx 0 |x| 9.999999999 . 1099 tanh–1x 0 |x| 9.999999999 . 10–1 logx/lnx 0 x 9.999999999 . 1099 10x –9.999999999 . 1099 x 99.99999999 ex –9.999999999 . 1099 x 230.2585092 'x 0 x 1 . 10100 E-26 x2 |x| 1 . 1050 x –1 |x| 1 . 10100 ; x G 0 3'x |x| 1 . 10100 x! 0 x 69 (x is an integer) nPr 0 n 1 . 1010, 0 r n (n, r are integers) 1 {n!/(n–r)!} 1 . 10100 nCr 0 n 1 . 1010, 0 r n (n, r are integers) 1 n!/r! 1 . 10100 or 1 n!/(n–r)! 1 . 10100 Pol(x, y) |x|, |y| 9.999999999 . 1099 x2 +y2 9.999999999 . 1099 Rec(r, ) 0 r 9.999999999 . 1099 , : Same as sinx °’ ” |a|, b, c 1 . 10100; 0 b, c The display seconds value is subject to an error of ±1 at the second decimal place. |x| 1 . 10100 Decimal - Sexagesimal Conversions 0°0.0. |x| 9999999°59.59. xy x 0: –1 . 10100 ylogx 100 x = 0: y 0 x 0: y = n, m 2n+1 (m, n are integers) However...